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 Feb 2016 Joyce
Jan Harak
 Feb 2016 Joyce
Jan Harak
This is no way for the story to end,
you were supposed to complete me,
but there are so many pieces missing, my friend,
I know that is not really your fault,
but where should I begin?

Your stories are so funny,
and you look cute as hell,
but the real inferno is raging on inside you,
and that is a thing that I can never change.

You went silent, you fell apart,
you  looked the other away,
now even if I see you,
I wonder if you are there.
I know I am the only one who can complete me now.
Cars skip pass the Mill Road this cloudy afternoon ,
screaming by like volunteer Firemen heading to a field afire ,
running like the Governor has come to town , like a farmer struck oil
with his tractor plow ... You folks are speeding in vain , for their will be no escaping the rain , regardless of what you may have under the hood ,
or what the talking head on Tv has told you ... A rainy , early afternoon in February in this part of the world means showers the remainder of the day , you can rest assured ....
Copyright February 19 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Feb 2016 Joyce
James M Vines
From the gold wings of an aircrew man to the silver wings of the green beret, to the aviators wings of the fearless pilots who touch heavens heights. To the seals and submariners who fight with stealth and precision. Freedom rest on wings earned through sacrifice and discipline. It flies in the face of danger and adversity, with a shield and sword, it is borne by our sons and daughters who rush in to harms way. Wings of freedom still fly because of the sacrifice they make.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
the was of us
 Feb 2016 Joyce
don't agonize
in desperation
about what could've been
   between us
don't dwell
on what you could've
   done different.
what is
   can't be changed
words spoken
   will not be forgotten
actions taken
   will continue to hurt


i chose the path
to recovery

and you ?

continue to labor
in the past.
 Feb 2016 Joyce
In my car
In a parking lot
Looking at some trees

This is the earth
And this is all
It will ever be
Haha, I was just sitting there and content I suppose
 Feb 2016 Joyce
I pull you out
Smoothing your creases
Lying you flat so I can
Fill you with
A sweet mixture of guilt
And poison
There's artistry in my fingers
As I roll you expertly
From years of practice
Along your length
Into the shape I desire
I lick your edges
Firmly sealing you with a feather like touch
I place you lovingly between
My lips
Flicking the flame
That will bring you to life
I draw you deep into my mouth
Relishing the burn as you travel down
My throat
Into my lungs
Where with each puff




(C) Pixievic 2016
I 'roll my own' - cigarettes! I know it's bad for me, like so many other pleasures in life
 Feb 2016 Joyce
 Feb 2016 Joyce
You & me
     are entwined,
       a vine wrapped
    around your
rib; my spine,
your death
   does not sever it,
       I feel the pull
          at night in my
       bed where I
hang off your
every word,
    so much I have
      learnt to dread
        the cursed
   dawn; the way
it silences your
tongue, but this
   light is not for
       long, I wait
          out the day
     to hear your
twilight song
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