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Blood is what she is being fed;
Decorated with needles is her bed,
As her sins clean by the fire burning red.

Her body lies in the heart of hell,
Where nothing is destined to go well.
Don't ask her anything, she won't tell.

She has forgotton how the stars look like;
She no more remembers what is light;
All she sees is the fire burning bright.

Pain occupies her body's every part.
Everyday she is reborn, then torn apart,
And all she can do is scream out her heart.

But nothing can now be fine.
She won't ever again see the stars shine,
Because she can't bring back the passed time.
I have always heard them say,
'Hope gradually makes its way.'

When, in reality, as time flies,
Hope doesn't come, it dies.

You, slowly, get fed up of waiting,
And everything around you - you start hating.

With the passage of time,
You realise your life will never be fine.

You watch your world fall apart,
And you try to fix your broken heart.

Then, you give up, not knowing how to cope,
Why? Because there is no hope.
if this was a poem
it would be total ****
because it doesn't rhyme
and there's no rhythm
and there are no answers
I love you more than life.

Hurricane Bertha is raging outside,
Tearing down branches and trees and houses,
And still I know that
I love you more than comfort.

Today I have been the quirky girl
In the tea room with a friend;
Drinking fancy coffee and nibbling on cake.
I love you more than companionship.

I write poetry as introspection,
Reflecting on my miserable soul.
The rain races down the window, and
I love you more than language.

My darling, life means nothing to me.
It is fleeting and meaningless;
A futile endeavour.
Yet you are the reason I am still here.

I love you more than life itself.
Walk I said
Without looking back
Walk till it's the end...

They will catch you
If you look back
Don't want you my love
To be there

Oh dear what have you done
Told you not to look back
I was happy that I saved you once
From that creepy dark place

But know I lost you for ever....
Because after everything you did
All the fights
And all the insults
All the broken promises
And all the lies
All the short retorts
And all the K's
I still love you
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