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 Dec 2012 Jon York
Anon C
Appearing sane, I lost my mind
at some point...
not due to love
not due to hate
but the pain I have seen
and the beauty I have only dreamed
that I will never touch
so if you care to ask...
the answer is no
driven quite mad
by this insane world
literally trapped within my dreams
I appear to be quite serene
reality stings too harshly
driven mad by sights and sounds
beautiful trees and dreams of dancing with them
lovely music that plays on end
teaching me of harmonious things that hide from me
my passion for love was stolen away
this may have tilted the scales some
for it now I have a vast aversion
trapped within this serenade
not writing a mere poem
this is a confession
that I am in fact mad, I swear
unable to be what is expected
thankfully, I am a **** good actor
or I may see white walls forever
but that is alright
I am still mad, trapped within a dream
so white wall me away friend, white wall me away...
I will be,
your foundation,
for when you feel as if the storm is too rough.

I will be,
your heart,
when yours feels as if it's had enough.

I will be,
your eyes,
for when yours are clouded with tears.

I will be,
your strength,
for when you are overwhelmed with fears.

— The End —