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  Apr 2016 john shai
I thought I knew
But I know nothing
I can feel you baby
Leading me astray
I repeat to myself:
“You are not small.
You are the universe
In ecstatic motion.”
But I feel  small
I feel the universe
Slowly draining
From my soul
Because I know nothing
But I feel everything
And I don’t want to feel anymore.
john shai Apr 2016
You know the answer before
You find the words to express
You can feel the more
You are the less

But the great wave is crashing
On your shore
You are the vessel smashing
Against the door

You are forced by the one
You are slave to none
But the universe's
Solution done

Yesterday you preached to the masses
Today you publish bursts of words
Tomorrow you are in the sanitorium
Untill the final freedom come

— The End —