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Mar 2015 · 660
better failure
Jo de Guzman Mar 2015
I always feel bad about myself,
I always mess things up,
I do ten things and fail eleven times,
and I end up blaming others
of all the **** that's happening to me.

I cry to myself at night,
I keep all the pain inside
until I physically feel the pain
stabbing right through my heart.

then lately I realized,
maybe it's all my fault.
no, not maybe,
it really is my fault,
and instead of complaining,
why not take another step
and move on.

if I'll fail,
I'll fail better this time,
I'll fail
           and fail
                        and fail
until I'll have that sweet success.

it may not be an easy road,
but so what?
I might fall hard,
                  with face first,
but that would only mean I'm walking forward.
Jun 2014 · 484
Letting Go
Jo de Guzman Jun 2014
I want you to stay, because you want to
     and not because you promise me to
say “I love you” because really do
     and not because you’re oblige to
I’d be your best friend if I need to
     wait until you say what are you up to
if you feel like you got nothing to hold unto
     it’ll be painful for me — *but I’ll let go of you
Jun 2014 · 454
Jo de Guzman Jun 2014
funny how someone
made you believe
that there is “forever”

then one wrong move
or anything that displease them,
it’s **“over”
May 2014 · 1.2k
Jo de Guzman May 2014
someday I can inspire others through my stories
someday I'll get a letter from a stranger, wishing me a good day
someday I'll be someone whom my parents would be proud of
someday I'll be someone whom others would look up to

it breaks my heart knowing that my future seems a bit gloomy and dull
I always feel hopeless. like everything I do makes no sense
do I deserve that life I dream of? I feel like I don't
I feel like I'm going nowhere. it's hopeless.
I'm hopeless. I'm always hopeless.
May 2014 · 682
I envy her
Jo de Guzman May 2014
she got all the things I have to live without
I don't get it why people look up to her
saying "she's so tough", inspired by what she've been through
the struggles she had were no more than half of mine
I'm five years younger. she's a mom, and so am I
I am a teenage mom, and my boyfriend left me
I only had myself for that nine months
while her on the other hand is a mistress who got pregnant
and people still look up to her. and no, I don't hate her
I like her, I sent her letters, and I always got no response
I'm not mad, I don't hate her
I'm just wondering, why is it so hard for me to gain love?
is there something wrong with me?
why am I always left unnoticed? and worse -- rejected?
why? am I that hard to be adored?
she's answering her messages now, and again mine got a no response. why? was my letter that useless? that nonesense? I can't say this to my blog, I can't I don't want other bloggers to know that I envy her, I don't want to say that I'm being immature and insecure.

and yes, I am insecure. she has everything I have to live without. she's beautiful, I'm not. she's famous, and I'm not. her business runs well, and mine can't even have a single costumer. she always get the love she want, from strangers, her family, she got a lot of good buddies who's willing to risk everything. she have everything! everything I don't have, everything I'll never have.
Jo de Guzman May 2014
not because I love you not.
               you never believed that I do,
I always fail to make you feel that I do.
sorry I can’t be someone you needed.
May 2014 · 341
Jo de Guzman May 2014
this story isn’t over yet.
it’s either we’ll continue it together.
or separate have a story on our own,
or just settle being alone,
regretting why we let it end.
perhaps our story might just having a little break
to prepare each one us
for that “right time” for our “right love”.

I don’t know.
I want it to end,
thinking the pain would end too.
hoping it would make me stop hurting you.
but not having you at all,
even if I’ll have all good days in exchange,
it would hurt.
twice as the pain that I’m feeling now.
I don’t want to let you go,
but I don’t know,
May 2014 · 432
Constantly Waiting
Jo de Guzman May 2014
a conversation that will never occur,
a message that no one will ever send,
a date nobody will ever plan,

*for something that will never happen
May 2014 · 816
Imperfect Bitch
Jo de Guzman May 2014
I’m not clingy. I’m a cold-hearted *****.
I often don’t care about everything.
if you won’t start the conversation, we’ll never ever talk.
if you need me, you have to look for me.
I won’t show you that I care, that I miss you or whatsoever.
I don’t want anyone to see my weak sides.

I don’t blame you for getting tired of me.
because I know all along it’s my fault.
and sorry, I don’t want to change.
May 2014 · 842
Jo de Guzman May 2014
I’m sorry I’m not that pretty. unlike the other girls you see.
I’m sorry I’m not smart. I can’t write you letter and songs.
I’m sorry I’m not as sweet as what should I be.
I’m sorry I’m such a mess. you deserve someone better than me.
I’m sorry I am just me. and I’m not trying to be someone you want me to be.
I’m sorry for the things I’ve done and I’ve failed to do.
I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry I exist.
May 2014 · 402
Jo de Guzman May 2014
if I could just turn back the hands of time, I’d go back to the time where you’re still mine. I’d hug you tighter, kiss you longer, listen to all your stories and endless whining, I’d be more patient whenever you’re having you’re mood swings. I’d try harder to give you all the things you want, and if I could just, I swear I’d love you better.

     unfortunately nobody can bring back what was gone. I should accept the fact that everything between us is already done. you’re fed up and sick with all my mishaps, faults and excuses. I know there is no one to blame aside from me. the reason behind all this madness is me. I’m crying, deeply in pain, and all the blame goes to me.

     I’m left. alone — reminiscing alone. I never thought it would end up this way. maybe I was just too confident that I’m going to have you and our love forever, not noticing all of it went slipped out of my hand. I tripped over, I woke up and everything is already over. you’re gone, it’s long gone, but I’m still not over it. I never thought it would be this hard. too dumb, too careless, now I’ve got nothing but regrets.
May 2014 · 338
Life's Best Bud
Jo de Guzman May 2014
someone to count on,
a hand to rely on,
a shoulder to cry on,
sometimes it’s not just one person.
not having a lover,
doesn’t mean you also don’t have these.
not having a lover,
doesn’t mean you are alone.
you have your friends, your family.
sometimes you’re to dumb
not having any heart to appreciate.
sometimes it’s not the world’s fault,
sometimes it’s all in your head.
an illusion — just an illusion.
don’t let a mad thought control you.
free yourself from yourself.
it’s not really a mad world.
May 2014 · 329
Who Cares?
Jo de Guzman May 2014
sometimes I don’t care,
because sometimes I must stop caring,
but I didn’t really stop,
just took a little break,
for them to realize that I used to care,
and never been appreciated.
that’s the thing about human,
they only know what’s happening
when it’s already done,
when everything is already gone.
stupid isn’t it? that’s us.
May 2014 · 2.8k
Distance doesn't matter
Jo de Guzman May 2014
but to be honest sometimes it does.
some days you’ll just get tired sending messages, chatting with her,
receiving hugs and kisses virtually, seeing her on the screen.
some nights you’ll feel **** cold and lonely without having her near.
sometimes you’ll just get tired loving someone miles away from you.
you can do nothing but to wait.
wishing her near and constantly missing her.

they say LDR is cute and sweet.
I don’t know, I feel like being in a LDR is torment.
yes it’s sweet, receiving letters, and talking almost 24/7,
constantly reminded that you are loved, that she love you no matter what.
but I guess it’s sweeter having her near,
you can just stop talking and just enjoy each others silence.
hearing the words of love and seeing her eyes do the talking too,
and a real kiss is better than millions of virtual of kisses.

it’s hard.
but I’ll endure it,
we’ll make this through. we can.
all the waiting will be worth it
because in the end I know I’ll have you.
May 2014 · 404
Green-eyed Monster
Jo de Guzman May 2014
everyone makes me envious.
     they’re pretty
          — and I’m not.
     they’re have tons of friends
          — I got few
     they’re have something everybody’s insecure about
          — I’m good for nothing
     they’re brilliant
          — I’m stupid and dumb
they are everything I am not
May 2014 · 311
Leave or Stay
Jo de Guzman May 2014
I don’t want to beg anyone to stay.
          who’ll stay — would stay.
                     who wont — would just run away.
why beg? they’re going to leave me anyway.
          they’re gonna be here today,
                     but eventually leave me someday.
May 2014 · 11.0k
Jo de Guzman May 2014
you said you can be my dandelion
               more than willing to make my wishes come true
          and just like what dandelions do
               making my wishes stay as wishes forever
         you fail me too, just like what dandelions do
May 2014 · 304
Jo de Guzman May 2014
nobody likes me, neither hate me.
nobody notices me, but I’m not ignored.
and this doesn’t make me sad, nor happy.
why am I always somewhere in between?
May 2014 · 1.1k
Jo de Guzman May 2014
I’ve been writing letters lately.
      of words that I can’t say,
feelings I can’t show.
      of sorrow and pain
that burdened me inside,
caused by someone
who treat me like a trash,
yet I can’t afford to loose.
      of love I never had.
      of romance and moments,
that stays as my illusion.
      I’ve been writing letters,
      having only one person in mind.
recipient of all the feelings I have.
       reason behind those smiles,
and even behind those tears

I’ve been writing YOU letters
       about how beautiful your eyes are.
those mesmerizing stares and gazes
that never met mine
        those luscious lips
I’ve longed to kiss

I’ve been writing you letters
         you who doesn’t even know
                   that I exist.
May 2014 · 5.3k
Sweet Suicide
Jo de Guzman May 2014
try not to fall in love too easily.
              love is just a sweet suicide.
          it will always end up with death.
     it might be because either of you died.
or it’s just one of you have their feelings dead.
May 2014 · 359
Teach me how
Jo de Guzman May 2014
Teach me how to love.**
it seems like my heart got frozen,
unable to recall how to.
it’s been ages
since I last loved someone.
someone who failed me;
someone who just let me down.

      Teach me how to believe again
forever, dreams and wishes.
I know I used to believe in such.
until someone came
and slap me with bitter reality.
what a chaotic world we live in.
seems like happiness
only exist in movies,
books and fairy tales.

      Teach me how to be sweet.
I know I always appear cold and heartless.
it’s not that I’m happy hurting others
through the way I treat them.
it’s not my intention, it never was.
but I can’t help it,
I don’t want to show that I care,
I don’t want to exert much effort.
I feel like it’s just a waste of time.

      Teach me how to live.
everyday I woke up
not knowing why do I still do.
I exist, I am surviving daily,
but I’m not living.
I feel so lifeless.
a walking and breathing corpse.
why am I still alive?
to whom do I breathe for?

teach me how to trust,
how to care, how to comfort
teach me how to be me.
I never thought someone could destroy me this much,
without even me noticing it.
I wonder if I could afford letting love in again,
if I could let someone enter my life again.
I’m wrapped with too much fear.
too afraid that history might repeat itself
— or maybe even worse.
May 2014 · 6.4k
Jo de Guzman May 2014
I don’t want them to remain as plans forever.
no matter how hard it is,
whatever it would take,
I’ll make it happen.
my dreams are great.
I am not, but my Lord is.
Jo de Guzman May 2014
good and bad, bitter and sweet, you and me.
life is a series of good and bad days
world is a combination of nice and jerks
and so as love have bitter and sweet
hot and cold, like coffee,
or maybe just like you and me
your thing isn’t part of my interest,
and so as you to mine.
I do this, and you don’t.
you do this, and I don’t.
you’re sweet and showy and I’m not.
I love to argue almost about everything.
but you just keep your mouth shut.
you’re a follower, I’m a great scofflaw.
you do your games, and I don’t even get it,
all those I-do-not know-what-to-call consoles.
I love to run through pages.
pens, paper, craft and my charms,
they make really happy,
yet they just mean nothing to you.

but one thing for sure,
we have something in common.
I love you, and so do you.
but not really, I guess
since I love you,
more than you do.
May 2014 · 591
Chess Piece
Jo de Guzman May 2014
I woke up feeling grounded on a board game
it seems like I’m just one of those chess pieces
waiting for a command for me to take a move
or maybe I am the player
     -- and death is my opponent
I’m losing. few choices of moves left.
what do you expect?
   a dummie playing a game
       a game for masters
            and not for folks like me
he’s beating all my guards down
what am I going to do?
I’m near to checkmate
        death is almost on the win
I know what awaits me
there’s no way to escape
      prolonging the game
            is my only chance
                  to live.
May 2014 · 269
Which is Which?
Jo de Guzman May 2014
I succeed to things I never did
and failed to those I spent my whole night with
it’s like I’m doing things which I’m not suppose to do
and too lazy to do those I should be doing to
well, I’m not really that dumb and lazy
it’s just that future scares the hell out of me
what if the life I was planning for me
isn’t the life He wanted for me?
what if every decision I make
is just like a water that fills out a lake?
a lake which I am so happy filling down
that ends up to be the lake
where I am suppose to drown.
May 2014 · 412
Die in Vain
Jo de Guzman May 2014
I just want to stop breathing. vanish like I never existed. I’m tired of an everyday what ifs and regrets. it’s like I’m always wanting to escape a no-way-out kind of labyrinth.

Sometimes I just want to die, but at the same time I don’t want to. how am I going to pass through all these? a lot of plans come popping out of nowhere. they’re good and some of them were extremely brilliant. but I just can’t do something to make it happen. my capabilities aren’t enough to make great things happen.

I want to die, but at the same time I don’t want to. I don’t want to leave all the burden to those people I care for. I don’t want to pass my problems unto them. I don’t even want them to know that I’m not really doing fine, that  there these king of thoughts running through my mind. I don’t want to bother them, even it seems like they won’t even care.

I want to die. but would it be worth it? if in exchange of my life is a better life for them (no starving, no financial problem, no society oppression, no ******* thoughts like this), then I would be more than willing to **** myself for their sake. but it’s not. if I’ll die, nothing will change, I just died — *in vain.
May 2014 · 727
Jo de Guzman May 2014
why do you have to leave all the burden unto me?
leave if you want to. leave if that’s what would satisfy you.
I won’t stop you. — *I’m tired too
May 2014 · 935
Jo de Guzman May 2014
there is no assurance for forever
what you have now, might be gone later.
value everything while you still have it.
you’ll never know what tomorrow brings.
May 2014 · 859
Just Another Fiction
Jo de Guzman May 2014
tired of trying,
trying to be a better me,
trying to be someone I’m not,
wanting to be accepted.
craving for sense of belongingness.
always feeling empty.
there’s always a hole in me.
a lost identity for the society.
ain’t asking for much,
I don’t really want attention.
just wanted to know,
do I really exist?
**or am I just another fiction?
May 2014 · 276
Jo de Guzman May 2014
capture moments
           save memories
                 value what you have
                       next second it’ll vanish
                             everything is temporary
                                   forever is just a word
May 2014 · 310
Jo de Guzman May 2014
wanting to be mine.
grab it — and it’ll be gone.
forbidden to be trailed

one moment,
you’re amaze.
as soon as you have it,
it’s gone.
May 2014 · 382
I do love you
Jo de Guzman May 2014
and I still do
even it seems hopeless
even it caused no good
I still do love you,
I can’t stop myself from loving you
even when I want to
Jo de Guzman May 2014
late night talks,
       silly conversations,
sweet moments,
     endless promises,
         tight caress,
  passionate kisses,


      where did it go?
    what happened to us?
       where are we now?
    do we still have that “us”

     why are you drifting
             a   w   a   y
       from                   me?
May 2014 · 353
Moving On
Jo de Guzman May 2014
someday I’ll get over with this pain.
                   no more tears.
            no more sleepless nights.
     no more clouded thoughts.
someday I’ll get over you.
          I’ll be prettier then.
   bright smile, beautiful eyes.
           better hairdo. better me.
and I’ll walk right in front of you.
              with my best face
      and stilettos on.
May 2014 · 1.9k
Beautiful Thee
Jo de Guzman May 2014
you have that kind of beauty
       that your own eyes forbid to see
              there's something in you that captivated me
                    something that made me long for thee
May 2014 · 647
Mental Anguish
Jo de Guzman May 2014
I got less time to groom myself.
          less time to have chit chat with my buddies.
 and even lesser time to make new friends.
          I’ve been busy dealing with something
 it is this monster I have inside
          that eats up the 24 hours I have
 thinking of how can I make it shut.
          planning of killing it to make it stop.
 everyday it is getting worse.
          madder and madder as time pass by.
 I don’t know what to do anymore.
          my own ghost is haunting me.
 help — can somebody take me away,
          away from here. away from myself.
May 2014 · 464
Invisible Scars
Jo de Guzman May 2014
I don't need to cut,
      I'm already drained,
           there's nothing left in me,
                I'm just an effin lifeless *****
May 2014 · 487
Fading Silhouettes
Jo de Guzman May 2014
I saw this coming
you'll get tired
love will fade
you'll be mad
and eventually walk away
I tried to make it stop
tried to cure
make it better
save the ruins
but it's too late
you're already gone
had enough
of me being no good
it's my fault all along
May 2014 · 302
Burnt Dreamms
Jo de Guzman May 2014
I want to build my own castle.
and rule it on my own.
I’ll be my first follower.
until it’ll count to thousands.
power, wealth and influence.
been dreaming of everything,
everything I never had.

a dream I’m afraid I’ll never have,
I haven’t started building my castle,
but I’m already destroying it.
ruins burning right in front of my eyes.
maybe nowhere will always be where I belong.
nowhere will always be where I’m going.
May 2014 · 297
Miles Away
Jo de Guzman May 2014
how nice it would be if I were just a ride away,
it would be much easier than being this way.
when it’s cold, I could really hug you so tight,
kiss you when everything’s falling or nothing seems right.
I guess it would be sweeter if I could whisper I love you,
or say I miss you with me staring right through you.
but all I can do is dream of things we cannot,
because dear distance always permits us not.
May 2014 · 414
Jo de Guzman May 2014
destroy to create
crash and make it better
some beauty comes from ashes and ruins
don't be afraid
you're no ordinary
you're a masterpiece
forge from fire

— The End —