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  May 2021 Jason
Eshwara Prasad
When breath becomes prayer
God becomes breath.
Jason May 2021

The plains-stretched sky soars sullenly,
Graceless sans hills, lonely less trees.
Starkly exposed tending swept-grass streams,
With naught but sparse clouds to mask modesty.

Let me glimpse the sky peaking playfully behind arboreal eaves,
Branches breaking blue monotony with autumn-bright leaves.
Show me a valley mid-winter-doze, cozy between mountains steep,
Sleepy sun-shadows shifting on snow as the sky climbs for her peek.

© 05/27/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason May 2021

Have you ever seen that video where they put food coloring in milk
and then they drip one drop of liquid soap in the middle and
it pushes all the food coloring away?

You do that to my nightmares.

Jason May 2021

Salt in a sea of pain
Vast, deep, and pure
Ocean of tear-fallen rain

© 05/26/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason May 2021
I think I could
Hold together
I think it would
Knowing the truth
The center should hold
One would assume

⬆ ⬇ ⬅ ➡ 🅰 🅱 ▶
Read it ⏮ to ⏭
Unless you're an old 💨

© 05/22/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason May 2021

There's an underlying group
Trying to do what's not right
They're pretty ****** good
At hiding in plain sight

In before Hilary kills myself!
© 05/25/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Jason May 2021

I was never sure if she was
locked away in a tower somewhere

Or if she was the dungeon master
and I was the one on the rack

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