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472 · May 2017
For Us All
You are more than you see
A child stares at the movie screen
Strutting with the confidence of a cowboy
Imagining the characters that pops off the watercolor pages
As they jump up and down in their onesie
Holding tight to their plushy sidekick
That seems to whisper an end to moon landings
With every inch taller
You gaze at your potential like it sits on Everest's summit
So discouragingly out of reach
Your disappointment juts into your dreams
And makes you feel like the pinnacle of your being
Will only amount to a mound of dirt
But that isn't true
Every time you stand with the legs
That hold a rallying cry in its gait
Of the kind of independence
penned by our founding fathers
as an unalienable right
You gain footing
Up the rock face
That stuck its rocky tongue out at you
From the jester's thrown below
But you are far from a joke
A riddle maybe
The kind that a sphinx would lovingly smirk at
Its tail thumping with an instinctive eye roll
Mixed with the gaze of Eskimo kisses
Your hand holds lie
In the reach
That pulls you closer to the jewels
That dot the edges of your resolves
A bell ringing in the background
You're an angel who deserves their wings
And flying is falling
The first time a bird leaves the nest
354 · May 2017
He is Beautiful
I love your hair
The small strands
Of golden brown and
The way it moves like waves
Around my fingers
As I watch them disappear
In and out of view
I love the way
My lips feel
On the bottom of your neck
The skin concaving
To the kisses
That I place there
With my chin resting
Against your collarbone
I love the hands
That draw swirls
On my thigh
Or lay on the curve
Of my waist
Your fingers
Brushing my spine
As they nestle
Between my ribs
I love your eyes
The blue of a forget-me-not
Saturated with that plea
With the jets of blue
That crash into the harbor
And the caves disguised
As craters
That barrel through my soul
I love your lips
That kiss my hand
When holding them
Isn't enough
That caress my own
Like a warm sigh
That bubbles inside
Or that rest against
My forehead
To show me
Isn't only in words
I love your feet
That root themselves
Around mine
When I try to push you away
My winds howling
Through your branches
As you sway
Like a pendulum
Back and forth
Accepting of the rain
I love your smile
That gratifies my humor
And rises with your cheeks
That blush the color
Of the inside of a cherry blossom
When I whisper in your ear
I love your wise stare
That playfully pulls at my pigtails
As I twirl in circles
And shout at the Gods
Seeing me as Helena
Inside the quirky passions
Of a young woman
Trying to find her voice

— The End —