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Keren May 2016
Myth: Follow your heart and you'll be genuinely happy.

Truth is, your heart is broken into pieces
Which one will you follow?
Keren May 2016
The rain fell so hard
And my eyes can barely hold back my tears
I realized sky's like me.
It can't contain the heaviness it has inside.
So it bleeds itself dry.
Because it's raining right now.
  May 2016 Keren

*If by chance you see this,
and just in case you care
I will always love you,
this to you I swear

And if you come to notice,
please hear me as I say
My loves for you is endless,
forever and a day

As here I keep on writing
in hope that this you view
So you will know my feelings
undying love for you

For there won’t be a moment,
nor any time you see
I will not keep my promise to
love you eternally
I hope you see this.
Keren May 2016
I saw broken pieces scattered at the corner.

I picked each one.
Piled them up.
I put them all together.
It was challenging tho.
It was broken, crashed awfully.
Hard to find the right pieces
To place on the right places
But I was awestruck.
After a long try.
Finally, the pieces were beautifully stitched.

The broken pieces were her heart.
Keren May 2016
It's been months
since the last day we talked
How are you?
Arent you missing me?

Oh, I forgot.
You have someone new.
How is she?
Is she treating you well?

I hope she loves you
More than the way I loved you.
Even if you left me.
I still do.
This is so random
  May 2016 Keren
handle me with care
for my heart is very fragile
  May 2016 Keren
Nathan Pival
Being a poet
Changes everything
The way you look and experience
It turns pain into beauty
It breaks down time

It speaks for you when you don't know what to say
It comes at times you can't sit down and write it out
It can keep you awake at night
It may offer you a smile when no one is there to see

Poetry is my outlet
It connects me with others that understand
I have made friends from other lands

When you need someone to talk to
And no one is there
The paper will listen to your pen
And suddenly, you know you aren't that alone again

Poetry has saved me from myself
And it's helped me save others from themselves
It has taught me to take time to really see things
For the truth
To notice the little things that actually matter

Writing poetry is therapy with no judgement
I am writing this to say *thank you
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