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Sep 2020 · 314
At Night
Jazlyn Jordan Sep 2020
At night while in bed
You lie awake with dread
But dream sleepy head

Can't Sleep.

I just can’t sleep

Can I Call?

No not today...

I'm At My Limit.

My head hurts
Will it ever stop?
School is fine right now
But my heart isn't
I'm at my limit
Sep 2020 · 185
Our Pain
Jazlyn Jordan Sep 2020
Your Pain is also His Pain
His Pain is also Your Pain
Which makes it:
Our Pain
Sep 2020 · 108
Your Pain
Jazlyn Jordan Sep 2020
Your pain is not something you take lightly
Yet you hold it in
You hold it in and put a mask on your face
A mask that cloaks all of your feelings
A mask that doesn't come off so easily even in the places that are oh so dear to you

Your pain isn't always your fault
It can be due to your day, a loved one, an argument
Just something
Your pain is what keeps you safe yet hithers you from breaking free
Sep 2020 · 148
His Pain
Jazlyn Jordan Sep 2020
His pain is what keeps you up at night
His pain is what drives you to be better than the rest
Better than the rest that’s hurt him so much

His pain is shown all over him
You can hear it in his voice
Feel it in his actions
See it in his face
His Pain

His pain is your pain in a way
You don’t want him to carry that pain all on his own
You try to help him, yet you feel him pushing you away
He’s going deeper into his own guilt and sorrow that you don’t know what to do
All you can do is listen to him, talk it out with him, love him

His pain won’t always be there but when it does come back
You’ll be ready, with a sword and shield
You’ll stand there strong and ready for whatever his pain throws at you
You’ll be right by his side to help him get through His Pain
Sep 2020 · 88
Jazlyn Jordan Sep 2020

Help me! Help me!
I cry out
All I see is RED

Help me! Help me!
I cry out
I can't see a thing

Help me! Help me!
I cry out
Help me, please!?
I feel like I'm going insane!


I'm dying inside because
All I see is RED

You can read this from top to bottom and bottom to top.

Plz support me, thus is a first time type of thing!
Sep 2020 · 177
Love Is..
Jazlyn Jordan Sep 2020
Love is a ****** up thing
Love is that feeling you get
When you know you’re with
The person that’s meant to be

Love is a beautiful thing
Love is full of ups and downs
Twists and turns yet,
Love is so much more than what you’d expect
Dec 2018 · 174
My Imagination
Jazlyn Jordan Dec 2018
My imagination more like
What in tarnation
My imagination isn't the creation
That I've been giving a donation to
It’s a filtration of frustration
A mason looking for a
Location, a migration of geese that
Flock to the next station
Where’s the collaboration, where’s the demonstration
Of creativity that i want you all to see that is within me
Where’s the conformation, with the imitation of
Intimate *******
The imagination full of lubrication
A medication that comes with a vaccination
Full of ******* then point mutation
As it grows on and on into more of a phenomenon
Its a presentation of who I am but never fully appreciated
Due to the fact that I’m sort of outdated or
Too much for the industry who try and come for me

So my imagination is my pleasure and my curse
Where it stays inside
And lies
In my head
Sometimes i let it out
And let them spread as
Words and writings
Expressions and ideas
Feelings that I can’t imagine being
But they all head for the ceiling and out of the window
To where everything grows
And is prosperous and thriving
Living and free
Everything that I Can Not Be
My imagination… is the death of me

It’s my rise and fall
Its the thing that helps me sleep at night
Or it keeps me awake with the thoughts that I wish to never have happen
It’s the thing that keeps me from taking myself away
Away from the things that I wish to never have to go through again
Over and Over
Hurting me, stabbing me, killing me softly… slowly
My imagination is the things that i wish to happen
The pleasure I long for
It’s the caress of hands the warmth of something more
It’s the love i look for
It’s the high that I ride
Filling my veins
Turning to ecstasy
It’s the good things in life
My imagination is MY pleasure and MY curse
It’s mine and and I will never let it die
This is my first poem on here so I'm not really sure how this is going to go so, please give me good feedback and positive comments.

— The End —