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Feb 2017 · 291
Combined Forces
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Two identical vehicles impact head on in a collision where both vehicles were traveling at 70 MPH. This impact is equivalent to 1 car hitting a concrete wall at what speed?
Feb 2017 · 1.3k
Quantum Mechanics 101
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
The Weak Force is responsible for what type of decay?
*Hint: I'm waking up, I feel it in my bones. Enough to make my systems blow.
Welcome to the new age the new age
Welcome to the new age the new age
Whoa oh oh oh oh whoa oh oh oh...

Still having trouble? Imagine Dragons holds your answer.
Feb 2017 · 476
Shadow Boxer
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
I walk out into the good 'ol twilight,
Afraid of nary a scary thing bright:
But my silhouette's greater height,
That, that makes me begin wonder,
As I shudder cold in the frigid night;
And throw my dim echoes well in sight
Of my widened wandering eyes tonight;
And now I shall box my shadow asunder.
Feb 2017 · 375
Physics 101
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
The Terminal Velocity: V= sqrt ( 2W ÷ Cd p A) of your mini van, is a whopping 85 MPH! due to the Drag Equation: D = Cd p V√ A ÷ 2 proving drag/resistance to be too powerful for the 119hp engine in your 3,420 lb van to accelerate beyond the 85 MPH barrier, or perhaps you simply have a rev limiter on your ride.

If you wanted to increase your momentum (p) but not alter your top speed capabilities, what could you add to your vehicle before beginning an acceleration to your destination?
Feb 2017 · 591
A Thank You In Blank Verse
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
My dear darlings! My dreamers!
O flawless ones, a Poetess each
Are you all methinks straightway!
And much do your hearts reach
Mine own, a heart growing wider
And wider with each Poem ye bless
Me with in the night before I find
Rest in words so lovely, that my own
Fail to do justice to what it is I feel
I wish to express in this humble
Thank you! to you all, my darlings...
My dreamers... Each a lovely Poetess.

Mein Liebe zu dir -JLC
Feb 2017 · 268
Self Portrait
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Among, or in dispersion thru,
The great misty and smoky view,
Of a springtime gaggles' morning peal
Sets the pageant as all seems surreal.

By candlelight, and hearthside fire,
With shadows dark out in the mire;
Which knocks me out if truth be said
When looking out by windows ledge.

I hear the windy banks call my name,
As I begin to drift, and start to dream,
Of all the passing most precious things
That I see, which do so have effect on me.
Feb 2017 · 370
Birds of A Feather
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Drinking a cup of coffee
This fine early morning,
A wee little bird saw me,
And flew away scorning.

My sight ruffled feathers,
She didn't want me here,
She flew to the lil tethers
That held a flock so dear.

I laughed & even thought,
The nonsense such worry
In her brain had brought
To my mind, each birdie.

I never would hurt a bird,
But I can see the thoughts
Of Fear being hard wir'd
In their reason, tho I scoff.

I wanted to quietly admire,
Then they sang, all in choir;
Thanks for the seed I left her
In the ol pretty little chamber.
Feb 2017 · 238
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
What lingers, is invisible, and is sometimes silent as it is expressed?
*Hint: It's a smelly lingering.
Feb 2017 · 308
Logic Question
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
There is a Time Bomb with 3 minutes left to go before KABOOM! There are 4 wires. 1 Red. 1 Blue. 2 Green.
The 2 Green wires are connected to the same contact point.
In order to cut any of the wires, you have to turn the bomb on it's side at least 45 degrees. There is a mercury switch on the bomb  in addition to the timer. Also, a remote detonator is installed on this bomb. The bomber left a note that said: Do not cut the 2 Green wires, or you'll be sorry!! What do you do, Hot Shot?
*Hint: You are the only person within blast range... It takes 1 min to get out of the abandoned building which isn't near other buildings.
Feb 2017 · 1.2k
Query of Theory
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
How is it that space is infinite and still produces a vacuum? Normally, in order to create a vacuum you need to have an enclosed space. My answer will shock you, but I want you to attempt to answer this query.
Feb 2017 · 189
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
What situation can make a doctor get in a rush even though it would seem to grant them a virtue?
Feb 2017 · 213
Challenge 3
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
2 parents have 3 daughters. Each sister has 1 brother. So, how many sons do the 2 parents of the 3 daughters have?
Feb 2017 · 302
Challenge 2 For Today
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
What holds a star together? *Hint: They could be considered vainglorious due this.
Feb 2017 · 273
Riddle Fiddler' s Challenge
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
How many round trips between a fire and a water supply would it take to put out said fire if it takes 5.5 gallons to extinguish it and you have a 1 gallon bucket?
Feb 2017 · 560
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Counselor asked us how we can change a negative word into something positive...
I wrote on the board "Judge Me N't."
Feb 2017 · 260
Quote For Today
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
"Everyone has issues, even if we don't subscribe to them."
Came up with this in response to someone in group therapy.
Feb 2017 · 755
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
M1 man, & nothing more.
Well, actually a1 not true
Is that statement said b4
More thought was put n2
What is the case 2b made,
Here in this poem now 2u,
That is written n8 lines, n8
R3 things u2 underestimate.
Feb 2017 · 419
A Poem Within A Poem
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
softy I SPEAK in sweetest
whispers TO THEE fondly...
truly. AND devoted am I to prove
that I  love THEE by Jove!

the Universe IS HER center stage
above AND below.
for SHE IS THEE my little dove
snowy white AND pure,
her beauty to be admired.
she is the one TO WHOM I REFER with glee.

i ask god, COULD SHE BE with me
for AS MUCH as an eternity?
she has crashed INTO ME so i am a
it seems AS I AM INTO HER? we shall
.                                 see.

if yes AND IF SO, i want her
which comes sadly
now WITH WOEFUL but happy
falling TEAR, hopefully my
being that
call that goes UNANSWERED HERE, that
would be

i pray FOR HER SILENCE to go away
perhaps because it HURTS to be
yet it BUT IS what it is.
such beauty is RARE i must admit.


we are where we are

BECAUSE it is in
you MUST UNWIND, your soul
solely BE a sole
fragrance that is REBORN IN THE
this day and the
that is my wish.

a mightier SIGH of loveliness.

sadly in slavery. now REST YOUR
with only me.

After ALL, THE DUSK you trust
HAS COME rightly
but what i am. i am
Feb 2017 · 335
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Each night I die a little more,
Each day I wake alone as b4.
So bothered, it hurts.
Feb 2017 · 285
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
A woman needs her needs 2 be met.
A man, wants his large ego stroked.
Be tender men, til she's really whet
Her appetite. Wait until it's soaked
Before wanting your dish be served.
She doesn't want your dish to come
Before she's had her appetite curved;
Really fulfilled by proper attention.

Her appetite need be proper licked,
In need more than your easy dish;

Take the time to get to know her likes
Before you just stuff her with the same
Dish she could get anywhere she likes.
Passionate suitors know how to tame
The appetite which pangs with time.
Go slow. Be generous in your love.
Be a master chef for only her. Shine
Will come when you polish thereof

Your skills at satiating true hunger.
Real men know what a tongue's for.
And don't forget to use a slow hand as well...
Trace her outline with a gentle brush. Don't just spill paint on a canvas and call it Art. Even Jackson ******* denied the accident. Each drip and splash meant something to him. He never finished a painting without true satiety.
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
A woman asked me today which brand of underwear I wear. I told her Members Only.
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Take your time,
Read the book.

The cover sure
Is very lovely,

But know...
The beginning,
Know the

Get to know
The Authors.

Don't skip
To the

A great
Is so
The Authors would be anyone and any experiences  that inspired each line. Characters! Get to know the characters!
Get to know the character of yourself.
Feb 2017 · 670
Nightwind & Angelbreath
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
I have traveled these fields
For days,
Watching the moon shining,
Angel hair
Flowing  in the nightwind;
And the fall of rain upon
Her lovely face.

When she smiles I can
Feel her glow,
But where she
Takes me...
I dunno.

If God would
Send a sign
I could tell
If my love
Is a waste
Of time,

Or perhaps she is a
Figment of my daft
                      And she
Doesn't     know
I am alive.
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
When I was a lad, I loved a song 2 cute
Entitled: Don't Mess With My Toot Toot!
And My Ding a Ling by Chuck Berry!
Did you know Shel Silverstein wrote
A Boy Named Sue??
Feb 2017 · 549
Lesson In Appreciation
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Love is more than feasts for the eyes.
Gorgeous flowers always do inspire
Possessive urges -no need to despise
Such flaw.Yet if unquenchable desire
Ignites you more by just a ***** action,
You lack a tinder to make a spark a fire;
I would ask a kiss and give her passion
She's never known before, and admire

             -And nothing more.

But perhaps I end too abruptly here,
I would also stroke her lovely hair;
And ask her to scream at the air...

       Just to let out the raw emotion
That comes with being torn open. Life's so good, and yet so unfair.
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
I remember being 5 years into this life of mine, one yet unfinished; and my big sister had a little friend. Her little friend brought into our little house a little keyboard. Our little house for our big family that we lived in for a little while, which had never contained within its walls a musical instrument of any kind or any size, until that day. The day that that little friend of my big sister brought in, her board of keys. I was fascinated with it immediately, but me being the youngest, I had to not so patiently wait my turn as each of my siblings toyed with the instrument of my fancy with horrid cacophonies coming from the holed up speaker beneath holes placed there for sound passage. I was a quiet mouse of a lad back then, but I wanted to scream at my lung tops, " For the love of all that is sacred! can you cease hitting those thingies little friend of big sister calls keys?" I was patient in those days of youth, but I have always been annoyed by clangor and repetition. Finally, after all others, I got my chance to have my hand on those plastic keys which beckoned me from the moment I saw them. Finally, I would discover something about myself,  I did not yet know it, because I hadn't yet cracked my fingers nor stretched them as per the instructions of the little friend of my big sister. So I did so. I was ready. I was excited. I had no idea what a chord was! So, I hit one key that simply called my name with vibes. I hit that key. I recognized it! So I tried to mimic the song I recognized it from. It was a song that had just been playing on the radio earlier. I pressed another key which seemed logically the next progression to match sonically the song which had been playing earlier. When I had finished hitting the keys I had seemingly subconsciously selected, I had played the intro and main section of the popular at that time song "Lean On Me" without one mistake. The big father of the little friend of my big sister said, "You have perfect pitch hearing, that is a rare gift!" My family gave me three cheers... and I walked into a corner like I had done something wrong. I felt filled with Joy and empty inside at the same time. I felt guilty because the little friend of my big sister who had the big father, looked down at the floor with tears in her eyes... she said, "Daddy, I have taken lessons for years and have played much more difficult pieces than he did, and you never showed that kind of pride in me." I never touched another instrument until 13 or 14 years into this life of mine, one yet unfinished -and I pray that little friend with a big clueless father gained the attention she deserved more than I.
Feb 2017 · 261
Impoverished Riches
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
So I am poor, but withhold the only key
To allow thee this, my dear safe treasure.
The rich will not a moment closely study,
For dull is the point of frequent  pleasure.
Therefore are treats so posh yet so thin
Since rarely coming in  ages they bound,
Like valuables sum men give on occasion;
Or gaudy gems placed just so in a crown.
So  the moment arrives to peek my chest
Or peep this, my only treasure assessed,
Thru a lil locked spyhole it's 2b revealed.
Make a blessèd instant instantly blessed
-None outside to unfold the pride sealed.
Adored are you whose merit gives scope;-
If had a Victory; if in Poverty, (stay broke.)
Feb 2017 · 635
Eternal Measure
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
O thou, Eternity, who in thy immeasurable rule
Doth set to Life Death's changeable effect;
Everlasting endlessness needs Time if
This measure's to measure true, yet
In time thru death, this eternity
Of life needs measures new.
Feb 2017 · 220
Silent Treatments
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
My Cupid's absence saw another bloom,
Scene reviews of praise, richly gathered.
Defer your attribute with golden plume,
And dearest phrase is by all wit shatter'd.
I think nice aims while his aim reassures,
And like untutored youths we pipe Amen!
To ev'ry hymn. The ardor needs be yours
In shiny form of fine discriminating pen.
Hearing you praised, I say it is very true,
To your praise I would add much more:
But do so in my head, as thou loves you,
Such it is, final, for he holds rank before.
Then others for sake of words give relief,
My silent thoughts do still speak to grief.
Defer your attribute with golden plume and dearest phrase is by all wit shattered:means if you write your words too cryptically then none shall know what you  mean, each reader will be scattered on what the dearest phrase means.
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
I speak to thee, and thee is her; and she is thee,
And to whom I refer.
Could she be as much into me as
I am into her?

And if so, then this plea from me
With woeful tear, will not
Go too long unanswered here,

For her silence hurts
But is rare.

So far away!      Yet so near!

But I wish you were
Nearer, Dear!

Because each dominion
On such occasion
Must unwind, so as to be
Reborn in the morning shine,

Returning as glorious and as
Fresh as the new day sky;

And thereupon shouldst carry on
Without imperfect moan
Or sigh.

I plead with thee to manumit
Your tightened clasp that

Rest your weary head a bit
On mine;
And ease into pleasant

After all, the dusk has come
To give rest to thee;

And I am yours
And yours am I

            -I am Restlful Sleep.
Taken from the center of my versification: A Poem Within A Poem. Check out the original if you wish. It was  once my favorite. Just added to Liquid Love to make it easier to find.
Feb 2017 · 359
Poetry Assart
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Be careful when you overly masticate
On what a fukmast is. I am a widdler;
And invagination is far too straight
Away a kumbang for the riddlefiddler.

So I use wordplay, as a, oh, *******,
Does that make me truly a clatterfart?
Does that make me some, oh, cockapert?
Maybe, but it is not really a badder Art.

Not a gem, but a beryl.
Beryl of laughs, that is.            
Ah, there's my assapanick now.
Kinda my little secret squirrel.
Lubricant for the cleats.
Feb 2017 · 212
Humor From The Past (W)
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Noone really understood why (Duba ya)
Heard from the upset waitress...Geesh!
Until his advisor told him quietly,  Uh,
Mr. President, it's pronounced Quiche.
About Duba ya or George W. Bush
Telling a waitress to give him a Quickie.
Feb 2017 · 400
Another Day
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
I awakened early, dark of morn.
I aten my Kellogg flakes of corn.

I was thinking of how it rained
Literally last night on my parade.

But hey, upon us all
A lil rain
                  Must fall.

                          Today is another day.
Smile, please. May it be a better one.
Feb 2017 · 372
The Cycle of The Torments
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Here, where the sphere remains quiet,
Here, where all torment rightly seems
As do breathless winds before the riot;
And clouded visions o' cloudy dreams,
Do watch the pastures there growing,
For harvesting lads and such sowing,
For the reaping hour and the mowing
-A sluggish world of sluggish streams.

I have grown weary of sobs and laughter,
And folks that crow and those that weep
Of what may come there in the hereafter
For those that soe and too swiftly reap;
I tire o days that grow weary of hours,
Wafted buds o those still lifeless flowers,
Desires and ideas; & also of such powers;
Of every single double thing but sleep.

Here growth has ruination as a neighbor,
And far from seeing eye and listening ear,
Pale waves and ****** winds force labor,
Flimsy ships and temperaments do steer
To drive out of control, & therein wither;
Woe not do those who place it thither:
But no such ****** winds ******* hither
-Nothing so felt, seen, or perceived here.
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
My name, Hombres, is Pancho,
I work on an outta z ways rancho;
I make just 5 pesos for the day.
It is a hard job to do for the pay.

I go out after. Go see Free Lucy.
Then, I asked her for the Pousse;
She just slapped me in the face;
And a took my 5 pesos anyways.

             : ( What did I say?  :(
Pousse (rhymes with loose, not Lucy)-Multi-layered colored alcoholic drink.
Free Lucy is a free-spirited bar maid.

P█ancho and Lefty,( sung best by Willie,) inspired title. Had Pancho knowns The Pronoun z Ation, mighta not be a soo corn fuzed.
Feb 2017 · 288
To The Weirdo
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Post me fellow hp members your responses.
Mine is " I'm kicking my ***; do ya mind!??!" -Liar Liar
Well, one of my faves from Comedies.
Feb 2017 · 803
Hypermani ha ha ha
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
I was told by A"shrink"LAST month that I had Hypermania because I talk faster than the average Joe or Jane. I said, you know, some people read faster than average too. People speak at a speed they are comfortable with. If they don't want to make mistakes during speaking, they tend to speak at the speed they read at or maybe a bit slower. I on the other hand happen to speak fluent gibberish, because I am a virtual speed-reader of *******, so I have a go at it comfortably. Just joking, I don't read *******. I will admit I should slow down when doing a Poetry Reading though, because you shouldn't rush through such. It's kind of like hauling *** on a motorcycle on the scenic route while on a weekend cruise to relax. Anyway, to top off this he claimed another qualifier for my Hypermania was that in my writing to him I was in such a hurry that I "accidentally" wrote abstruse when I obviously wanted to write abstract. I said, "Nooo, I meant to write abstruse." It is a word. It just so happens that one of the definitions of abstract is abstruse -ha ha. But he didn't know that until I told him. Abstruse- Difficult to understand. It's a word, Doc. Ha ha, WordDoc.

You told me you thought I had an extensive vocabulary in the first 5 minutes of meeting with me, so why would you assume it more likely that I ******* up so grossly on a word, than consider the possibility of a word existing without having crossed your eyes or ears? Lol You got a picture in your head of his eyes crossed, didn't you? Me too. ;)

But yeah, I was  "hypomanic" during the observation. Shhh... Even a broken clock is right twice daily.
Pompous Doctrine about a pompous doc
Feb 2017 · 345
Sweet Nothings
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
I stood cautiously upon the "great" hill,
The breeze, calming and 'o so very still;
And the sweet new blooms were proud.
Languid pull, curved, beneath a shroud,
Their sweet leaves of a sweetness stems,
Crowns which keep the droplet diadems
Caught from the budding tears o "Morn";
And clouds were fair, so wispy, so borne;
Fresh from the clear beck which so slept
Upon Azure plains of sky, and then crept
A faint buzzing among the green'r leaves;
Born of th' sigh that this quietude heaves.
For not the dimmest stirring in this  scene
Of all the umbrage that lie over the green
Was seen -such Joy such solace did bring.
Feb 2017 · 386
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Therapy session going well,
I speak but only do half tell
Cause folks don't understand
Because they never half-felt
What I lock away -understand?


They don't understand half so well
What is meant when eyes so swell
& a voice cracks -Folks, understand,
That you obviously never half-felt
So you don't quite fully understand.

Therefore I will tell all all, but I will
Bet you dollars to doughnuts, they still
Won't ... freaking... ahh!!! understand.
Based on a recent event, (2 months ago,) I experienced.
Feb 2017 · 168
Sweet & Sore Heart
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
What separates us? Is it merely distance? Or is it something more? I am thus. You are such. I wear on my heart no sequins, it is on my sleeve worn... sweet & sore.
Jotting down thoughts
Feb 2017 · 140
Emended Another Poem
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
It makes much more sense now.
Please read Powerful Are Words
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
Keystrokes VS. Brushstrokes
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
I ne'er half thought of you as best
Painted, frozen on canvas, still, set?
Static & unmoving...  but I do rest
In my bet you feign'd it. The man Thus, he is as a criminal! If hold he Must you as possession -Beauty's Pageant.
A sun proving to ne'er grow Stagnant.
Go'th then, swept in wind, smooth &
Seminole, with no frame to so seal In
YOUth within his lines -rather reel In
Lines of my rhymes to sustain YOU Ever
Both A's & Q's. No pause, Sure Forever.

Inks & links rather than oils soon Cracked &
Dried out, faded with careless Neglect
And old Time, proving Spell checked
Words, ripen'd on a vine, (freely repro-
Duced,) is better than stretchers 2 show
In one place, wired/hooked on a dim wall
Of your captor. His penchant 2 refuse call,
Or to face, why your smile wert so small.
Unbeknownst to the brushed up painter,
Who with gobbledygook stained your
Heart, but took you as his Sitter bitterly.
So if your Silence art your bitter Mystery,
Then book Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
As my pen chants only 4u -a wonderwall.
Wonderwall- Barrier which separates the mundane from a transcendent Reality which has a slit where the observer catches a glimpse of what lies beyond.

Not a reference to an imaginary friend who saves you from yourself.

A's=Answers Q's=Questions or (Cues.)

The Argument: Writing is a better way to sustain a person, because when copies are made of the original words, they still have the same value as opposed to copies of a painting. Also, a portrait locks the Sitter within the parameters of the frame, whereas the lines of verses set the subject free.

Or perhaps she is better painted now that I put things in perspective, if she is both the canvas and the paint -I will let that sink in for a while. Update* Did anyone fig it out? I  half-implied she is self absorbed... Lol
Feb 2017 · 160
A Thought On Old Sayings
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Fools rush in where the wise fear to go.
But the wise have never loved n e 1 so
-Due that fear-  how are they to know?
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
°So  I built it with  °Many olive brancheS°.
 Ah, we burned it!  A gap in fr'nship.
 Rarely it's seen   Rarity so em' tea,
An empty din     Inside felt w'thin.
How will silencing  End your suff'ring?
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
Nature Walk
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
Every coulee, thirsting, gladly drinks,
Every basin and every sleepless hollow;
Where duly each charitable droplet sinks,
Whither hasten the novel spring follow.

Yet it goes, unfolding as a tempo mosies
Shoots will shiver open their split edges,
To strip, unclothe their budding posies,
In the timber, the garden, and hedges;

Weaved is a grove of anchored love
A Finch or Sparrow to meet another,
A nest, a cloak, a marquee high above
A den for father, hatchlings & mother.
Feb 2017 · 413
Writing ("Some Antics")
Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
I remember being in elementary,(a)
I was constantly bored with the(b)
Drivel. Learn what they teach,(b)
Never mind differences, Jamie;(a)

  Just memorise the drill.

           I remember the Spelling Bee,(c)
          They were impressed by me.(c)

They thought it strange to go(d)
So well, since I slept or wrote(d)
Thru ev'ry class; never to note.(d)

"How in the Hell is it that you won(e)
At Spelling, I was State Champion(e)
At my old school!??! Teach said you(f)
Do your thing; you haven't a clue;(f)
               I came in 2nd to you?!!?"(f)

I said, "It takes a simple mind to learn(g)
Simply, therefore you were not beaten(h)
By me: but rather by Arrogance, Hern."(g)

    What does that  mean,  asked  she.

Ihopeby now Hern has figured how
  A writer obsessed in each class, Recess,
At Lunch, on the Cheese Wagon a bunch,
Won Spelling Bees -Still stuck on studies.
Grade School Autonomous Robots
               VS. A
Yeah, Hern was "kind o' sore" lol
Jan 2017 · 638
Dues Ode
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2017
Should love spring also with Spring!?
Here birds and herds art all so whisp'ring;
O* all recall the bliss that thee Bliss brings!
Dale and combe, do entertain, o'erdue regales;
Sweet pipings piped twain boon nightingales;
Here a throng hears; here a throng sings.
A-strutting didst he; a ditzy strutter e'er go.
Gone so long•each to each•  is each woe,
O what if ten -
steal gentle,* O Woodruff!?
What if ten by hundred do so flee to steal away,
Lest the sadness's of Winter's existence thee allay,
SO would an woodland rill still rill all it could've?
Class: Irregular Ode
Tone: Positive with a tinge of Negatives
The Argument: Questioning if looking for Love in the brightest of places; "Nature" in the best of times, with the worst of Luck is a good idea. Woodruff is a type of plant, but also the name of the Protagonists dog
Double entendres throughout/ Wordplay in Title, and in the phrases, especially the phrases italicized such as: "Steal Gentle"(quietly sneak off or leave; or if you prefer dark Poetry it could mean die without a fight, "second meaning inspired by "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas ) & "Woodruff"  "Steel" being opposite of "Wood" and "Gentle" being opposite of  "Rough" /Selfsame Word Pairs also present
Check out the Capital letters on the left: Shod **** Owls
Jamie L Cantore Jan 2017
Words Studied For This Writing:
English: Zoup, please.
What it sounds like in German: Die Zoup bitte "Or" The Zoup? Bitter.
English: Uh, the night tea is great!
Pronounced in German sounds like: Eww. Is nachte. It's Gros "Or" Eww! Is nasty! It's gross!
English: Here.
Pronounced in German: Here.
English: Ha! I see an icky Sir's downin' Zoup.
German: Huh? - Ick- Taste. -Sie - An Icky herran down en Zoup
German: Ja "Or" yeah
English: Skinny rides here. Skinny? Hmm.. horseback.
German: Dunne fahrten hier, Dunne. Hmm?  Holtzit back! Or.. Do not **** in here; do not! Hmm?  Holds it back!
English: Oh! I beg!
German: Oh! Ich bitte "Or" Oh! It's better!
English: Come back, Father.....
German: Comeback, Vatter "Or" Come back, Fatter
English: Nexxinline
German: Next in line.

Let's make a story with this .

First Act

-Enter Customer 2 in an American diner. She orders a
unique zebra-flavored soup called Zoup, created on American soil, but it's claimed to have had its origins in a restaurant located in Worms, Germany; as per usual proud fashion.

Customer 2 to Rude Waitress: "Zoup, please."

She sipped the complimentary drink placed before her as she awaited her order. Iced tea, ***** glass. It was reportedly their best tea, brewed by the Barista on the night-shift, whom did only speak in broken English and Spanish. Therefore, when the customer enjoyed her tea, she was glad it was nightfall and privy to the better drink and expressed her approval.

Customer 2 to Night-Shift Barista in simplified language:

"Uh, the night tea is great!"

The Barista nods politely.

Rude Waitress, apparently jealous because she makes the Day-shift tea, is curt to Customer 2:

"Here." she growled, slamming the Zoup on the table.

Things get quiet.

Just then, Customer 2 recognizes a crusty man who claims to have been knighted in a former life before joining a Native American tribe. She addresses him sardonically.

Customer 2 to Crusty Man

"Ha!" " I see an icky Sir's downin' Zoup!"

Crusty Man responds, unmoved:


Customer 2 cautioned him that he was being tracked by the infamous international assassin, Skinny.

Customer 2 to Crusty Man in mock Native American tongue:

"Skinny rides here ...

Crusty Man: "Skinny?"

Customer 2 (deepening voice)

"Mmm, horseback."

She makes gestures with her hands of a man riding a horse.
And follows it up with mimicking a successful hit on Crusty Mans life, complete with tongue hanging out of mouth.

The rude waitress then pleads to a deceased priest aloud to return to save them whilst making holy gestures frantically.

Rude Waitress to a deceased Holy Man:

"Oh!" "I beg." "Come back, Father...
Father Nexxinline?"

End First Act

This Final Act was created using the same exact words used in the English language, those in  quotations that is, as were in the First Act: but then translating them into German, the conversation then became a bit more humorous. The Background was filled in to fit the context of the meaning of the words sonic qualities, as certain German words sound similar to English words, though they generally have different meanings. The German word sounds brought a whole new meaning to the English words spoken, and with this contrast I finished the Final Act. Since most do not know how to pronounce certain words and dialects of German language, I took the sounds created within the language and converted them to English words of phonetic similarity. These words were not translated back to English, as that would put the conversation exactly where it began -I rather made them easier to perceive.

Background Final Act/. Skinny from First Act is now in a diner in Worms, Germany, (pronounced like Vorms with  a V.)

We begin with Skinny's response to being asked how is the Zoup by the German Waiter.

Skinny dryly to German Waiter: "The Zoup?" "Bitter."

He takes another spoonful into his mouth.

Skinny: "Ewww!"  "Is nasty!" "It's gross!"

Skinny to German Waiter in disgust: "Here!"

And he pushes the bowl of Zoup into the waiters face.

German Waiter to Skinny expressing consternation

: "Huh?"

Skinny commands him: "Taste!"

The waiter does so reluctantly and winces in clear disgust.


"See?" " Icky heron down in Zoup!"

German Waiter to Skinny knowing German Zoup  is flavored with heron, not zebra, and failing to see the point retorts

: "Yeah?"

Skinny then crude and vengeful 'expresses' a good one from his basest dwelling silently; but deadly with a grin. It was a most foul smell.

The waiter is exasperated with this crudeness and makes commands of his own.

German Waiter to Skinny

"Do not **** in here!" 'Do not!"" Hmm?"  "Holds it back!"

The odor horrid reached culmination with another waft of steam from Skinny and  resulted in the excommunication of Skinny.
Skinny yet found himself vindicated and agreed to leave the establishment as was demanded. As he exits in self satisfaction, our waiter tells him not to forget his Zoup and the prideful waiter Stolz mocks him in jest by spooning a mouthful into his jabbering jowls, as he does, he turns pale and ill and silenced, reassuring Skinny he had a reason to be disappointed.

The German Waiter refusing to admit defeat tells him:

"Oh, it's better!" Referring to his bias to the Zoup from Worms, which should be renamed Houp, but the words don't translate that way.

THEN Stolz realized his best customer, Skinny's hefty brother, Fatter, was running out the door in an attempt to escape the stench which lingered and but grew in force, and the waiter pleaded with him to return.

German Waiter to Skinny's brother:

"Come back, Fatter!" but Fatter kept running and giggling sophomorically.

The German Waiter to a diner full of people gasping for fresh air and no desire for Zoup at this moment said in defeatist sheepishness, gulping before asking wishfully... pouting, whispering:

"Next in line?"
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