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 Mar 2015 jai
You know just because you said you're sorry,
That doesn't mean you can go.
 Mar 2015 jai
 Mar 2015 jai
There are some
things a shower just can't fix.
 Mar 2015 jai
When it's pitch black and blue outside
I can't help but to think
I can't help to think
About that one time
And the other time
And the next and the next and the next
Where all we used to do was stay up and text
And wish that we were breathing down each other's necks
With the brutal honestly and all the questions honey
What was so wrong about that?

When the sky is turning light and the sun's coming up outside
I can't help but to wonder
I can't help to wonder
About that one time
And the other time
And another and another and another
Where I would wake up and remember
How your smile broke through the night
And we'd fight and we'd fight and we'd fight
And then we'd go to bed mad and wake up just a little sad
What was so wrong about that?

When it's hot outside but I'm cold inside
I can't help but to remember
I can't help to remember
All the pretty butterflies
All the pretty blue lies
And all I felt that time and the other time and the last time
Where I'd fall asleep with your voice in my mind
And where I woke up expecting to be crying
After all the dreams I had of you
Of how you would kiss me out of the blue
And how that would never be
There'd never be a you and me
What was so wrong about that?
And I miss screaming and crying and kissing in the rain...

I feel like I'm being too blunt with this one but *shrug* whatever
 Mar 2015 jai
I wish you knew...
It drives me crazy that I can't explain the infinity that is you
I wish you knew...
I can write all the words and sing while I cry but I can't express it otherwise
I wish you knew...
I can remember every color your eyes turn when they light up but I can't describe it
I wish you knew...
I just don't know how to describe the fire in the sky from the sparks in your smile
I wish you knew...
They roll their eyes and think I'm going insane
I wish you knew...
I'd do simply everything except say your name
I wish you knew...
Silence is the key and I guess that's how it'll always be
Because I know you know
There will never be a you and me
 Feb 2015 jai
Let me tell you the beginning of a love story
That began with pretty eyes and rosy lips
Let me tell you the beginning of a love story
That started with hello and ended in silence

Let me tell you the beginning of a love story
Where he was all she thought she'd need
Let me tell you the beginning of a love story
Where she romanticized everything

Let me tell you the beginning of a love story
He read her words in a celebrity's voice
Let me tell you the beginning of a love story
Where getting swept away wasn't a choice

Let me tell you the middle of a love story
Roses grew among the thorns
Let me tell you the middle of a love story
And they lost everything they thought they'd found

Let me tell you the middle of a love story
Where he chose to walk away
Let me tell you the middle of a love story
Where she captured his essence in poetry for days

Let me tell you the end of a love story
The pen is falling to the ground
Let me tell you the end of a love story
Where they begged and pleaded too loud

Let me tell you the end of a love story
Where everything turned out wrong
Let me tell you the end of a love story
Just because a song is bad doesn't mean you don't sing along

This is the end of our love story
Who put faith in chemistry anyway
These are the last words of our love story
So hello, my dear, and goodbye
The end.
 Feb 2015 jai
it's just me with this guitar
that I can't play
wondering where you are
i've lost all hope
of changing minds
with the sound
of breaking ties
there's nothing left
to hold to now
besides old pictures
because you're going now
with symphonies
you're going out
followed by raindrops
you couldn't hear my shouts
just don't forget
about me when
you go away
i know you may want to
but promise me anyway
Say you'll remember me, even if it's in your wildest dreams.
 Feb 2015 jai
 Feb 2015 jai
You see past my smile.
Tears reflect eternity.
Together, we learn.
 Feb 2015 jai
 Feb 2015 jai
Knowledge from my eyes.
Nightfall. I understand yours.
Drops of ruby red.
 Feb 2015 jai
Online Dating
 Feb 2015 jai
I feel bad for women who date online.
There are good men in this world, I swear.
Not every man who walks the earth wastes his breath and your time,
with cro-magnon scribbles from a mind so bare,
that it comes as a surprise they managed even to write one line,
much less something so cerebral as this:
                              "Yo, prety gurl. Liek yur pic,
                                I so >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
                               Wanna see mah ****?"

So deep, right? What Socratic genius might have penned such lines?
Surely not even Shakespeare or Keats could craft words so divine!
I am so sorry, women who date online.
Truly, I'm sorry, on behalf of mankind
 Feb 2015 jai
This one goes out to the boy who loved me in pajamas
And loved me in a dress
Who loved me at my worst
And loved me at my best
This one goes out to the boy who listened
When everything was wrong
Who listened when the only words I could say
Were the lyrics to a song
This one goes out to the boy who told me I was pretty
And then told me he was sure
Who told me how I'd feel about the ending of a book
Who told me this means war
This one goes out to the boy who loved me quietly
Because words didn't need to be said
This one goes out to the boy who thinks he loves me after everything
And says he'll never forget
Sometimes writers' block just means I can't write about anything but you.
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