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 Apr 2014 Jaide Lynne
Kay Tailor
 Apr 2014 Jaide Lynne
Kay Tailor
Have you ever felt
A compelling urge
To hug somebody?
To just wrap your arms around them
And never let go?
You just want to drop everything
And hug that person,
Touch them,
Embrace them.
You just want to be near them.
No talking.
Just hugging.
Because you seem to say more,
Have deeper discussions,
When you’re in each other’s arms
Then when conversing aloud.

That’s the kind of bond
I want to have with someone
Some day.
Because the simplest of things
Speak louder
Than any words
Ever will.
A poet in love
Is a match soaked
In gasoline.

follow my writing!

it will kick you in the diaphragm.
My lunchtime consists of either not eating or stuffing my face till the words "fat ***" crawl out of my friends mouth. The words sting me like a bee or a metaphor that's been overused like...being stung by a bee. Let's think about this for a minute though, think about whether or not I should feel guilty for my pleasures. I started starving myself sophomore year, the words breakfast lunch and dinner made me want to puke out the hatred I have for a body whose done nothing to me. At one point I tried to love myself, tried to show that food isn't the enemy it's just the voices in my head that tell me it is. "You should lose weight." "You're out of shape" "Fat ***", these count for each stretch mark I have on my body that crept up slowly and silently on me like a murderer to his victim. One was from my dad, two was from my friends, three was from my mom cause she said I was so handsome, four cause I don't deserve to eat, five cause I want to be pretty. Six because guys like me don't get to be pretty.
   It doesn't end easily or quickly. I've gone from overweight to underweight to a healthy weight to a weight where I pull back the flabs of skin so I can count my ribs one by one again. I've even gotten to the point where if somebody tells me I look good all I can think is that they're lying. I see a difference between fat and fat, the words itself form the gelatinous image you imagine when thinking of them, sounding sour as it comes off my tongue. You don't have to be a girl to have an eating disorder, a ****** up concept that society hasn't quite grasped yet.
 Apr 2014 Jaide Lynne
 Apr 2014 Jaide Lynne
i destroy myself
before you get the chance
because the pain i give myself
could never hurt
as much
as your gentle touches
smile wide

you see me at my time of weak
your warm eyes question mine
i feel the pain
pounding my outer wall
till its all gone

i wish you didn't make me feel this
every time your presence greets mine

if  only you understood
how inferior i really am
 Apr 2014 Jaide Lynne
Max Evans
This just in
A new trend is sweeping the nation
It’s called “Being an *** to anyone who is different”
And apparently, you have just joined the band wagon.

It’s simple really.
Find the most interesting person in the room
And make fun of them.
Simple as that!
For the low price of eventually losing all your friends
but who knows how you could turn out.

Side effects include;
Making someones life miserable,
Making them want to end their own life,
Becoming a senseless monster
someone you were pressured into becoming

How would your parents feel, if they found out what you have been doing?
If they found out you torment kids day and night
For what reason?
To get a good laugh with your pals?
To show you have guts?

now, we are the victim.
Sure, we all know
“they only pick on you because they are insecure with themselves”
line, but do you really believe that?
When so many people just target you.
Only  you, and you still want me believe that they are all insecure?

Lets take a journey through that word, shall we?
The first three letters.
The S starts off when all you can think about is how much you life... *****.
The U comes when you think everything is your fault
the I is when all else fails, innocence takes the wheel.

The next four,
C appears when you commit,
You commit to depression, and it’s stuck with you now.
I, the pain is incognito
D, you are officially... done.
E, the everlasting, never ending loss of your life.

If you listen closely, you can hear the soft weeps of your mind wanting to take control
Like when you’re at the park
And you can hear the little 5 year old girls fighting with the other girls about who is the boss of whatever they’re doing at the time.
Your brain, is a 5 year old girl wanting to become the boss,
Depression is that other little girl who is bigger and snobbier than the others
And always takes control.

Your mind, is that little girl who wants to take charge,
but is overran by the controlling little mean girl.
The snob.
The meanie.
She owns you, but you have to break the ownership
and take over your own mind.

Inhale, exhale.
Eat some chocolate.
(cause chocolate makes things better, its a comfort food)
and watch some spongebob just so you can get your mind off the hell that is reality.

Take a breath, 
It’ll be alright.....
Everything will be okay...
 Apr 2014 Jaide Lynne
Max Evans
this is a shout out to the kids who haven’t cracked a smile since last summer.
To the kids who’s wrists turned to cutting boards
and stomachs intentionally went empty.

This is the anthem for saturday nights spent on the couch just asking yourself “why”
For hours spent thinking that it’s your fault your parents split and theres nothing you can do.

For the kids who drag a blade across their wrist and carve grand canyons into their wrists although its still not the same.

A song for the kids who crack their knuckles as a distraction from the glares they get from across the classroom in fifth period science.

A harmony to the kids who are trying so hard to fit in but cant seem to get the hold of the right words to stick on their tongue so instead the wrong words slip out of their mouthes and roll into a ball of embarrassment.

A five star dinner served to his four friends which left him three years later and two years later he was just one kid by himself fending off the monsters we call classmates all alone.

Another sleeping pill for the boy who prays with his eyes shut but cant sleep because his eyes have already been closed for hours.

A brace for the broken and the weak as the week drags on to the point where every word that ends in the letter y makes you want to pull your hair out.

A poem dedicated to the kids who cant fend for themselves in the jungle.
Its a hard existence.
But we can make it through.
I got into an argument
the argument was over the radio
he wanted to listen to music
I wanted to listen to silence
I got out of the car
and began to walk
I walked and walked
for forever.
two hours later I walked home
mom and dad were worried
they called family and the police
why couldn't I have held my anger?
what's wrong with me?
Why couldn't I listen to music?
I began to cry and I screamed,
the silence was broken.
I have a blister on my right heel today
the blister stings and burns
but I deserve pain for upsetting my parents
Next time, I'll step in front of a car.
I walked away from the brother the other day and walked over 10 miles to get home...
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