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500 · Oct 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Time passin' by
as a wind
on a cool evening day
in Fall.
And besides me,
an empty,
untouched notepad
waitin' for it to be
touched with its love,
the pen.
Infatuated still
with a thought-
a dream,
that rests in a hopeless
Miles and miles away,
still occupying
my heart and soul
each and every single day.
494 · Aug 2014
Chained Emotions
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I have emotions
locked away in my journal.
Knowing when I die,
my ashes will fly,
but my written emotions
will be eternal.
I choose not to
let them free,
'cause I know if I do
they'll be on a
490 · Jun 2015
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
"I am my own muse.
I am the subject
I know best.
The subject
I want to better."

- Frida Kahlo.
486 · Jun 2015
En El Silencio, el amor.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
In a world where
"I love you"
is thrown around
like free samples,
it is quite necessary,
that we must learn to
each other's silence.
480 · Feb 2016
Melting Heart
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
In her eyes, and just in her eyes,
did I ever feel at home—
She would look at me, always,
with such warmth and pride—
such that I never wanted
to lose that from her. Ever.
And because of such need
of wanting to make her proud,
it made me want to do
and become a better man.
Even on my darkest days,
she would hold me,
nurture me with her love,
and would say,
"I believe in you."
She was my,
what many refer as to,
greatest love.
That kind of love that only
comes once in a lifetime.
The kind that you fight for.
Oh, Anastasia. I dream of you endlessly.
478 · May 2015
Oh, Maria.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
As I held her tightly,
I could feel her burying
her sorrows
deep in my chest.
And as my arms sheltered
her from all,
her heart sighed with
It finally found its way home.
466 · Aug 2014
Flower Spirit
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Her spirit was
like that
of a flower:
So beautifully crafted,
so graceful,
so enchanting.
How her kindness
all the chaos
within one-self.
How she became
a reason
to smile,
even when you
had storms
following you.
The sun bathed
her with its rays,
the wind
gently played
with her soul.
She was the light
that gave purpose,
that gave hope.
She was the light
that broke the barrier
and filled
an empty dark shack
with pure
love and joy.

Oh yes..
Her spirit was
like that
of a flower.
461 · Aug 2014
Lady: Sex Fiend
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Such an innocent
filled with
naughty thoughts.
Carried herself
in such
a fancy manner,
lots and lots
of clothes,
but her skin
glowed best
when they weren't
with any type of cloths.
She loved
being bitten softly,
loved grabbing
the sheets
when pleasure
every single bit of her.
When his lips
made love
to her lips.
when he grabbed her
by her neck,
turned her on
even more.
Under the sheets,
she was
such a *** fiend,
but in
people's eyes,
she was such a Saint;
but that's why
there's a
saying that goes
"Not everything
is what
it seems".
459 · Sep 2014
Diamonds, gold, and her.
458 · Sep 2014
Accents of the Heart.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Some are good
and some are bad.


There's no such thing
as good or bad poetry.

Poetry is the heart's
only voice.
Are you going to tell me
that the heart
doesn't have the right
to speak freely
without being judged?

If you don't understand
than you, sir,
have not lived life.
452 · Sep 2014
Educational Value.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
So as I was sitting down
in class,
a very old man came in
and sat down next to me.
And as I was doing my work,
from the corner of my eye,
I could feel him staring at me.
And with discretion,
I tilted my head
to see what was he looking at.
But yes,
he was indeed staring at me.
And so I asked,
"Do you need something, sir?"
and he replied,
"Sonny, I just look at you
and I think to myself,
'****. How I wish when
I was his age, I took my education
as serious as this young man is..'".
And as he said that,
a rush of warmth rushed through
my entire heart.
I smiled and said,
"Sir, it's never to late to educate

Education is knowledge,
and knowledge is survival, folks.
451 · Aug 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I'm finding myself
staring at an empty wall,
the dark eclipsing
all that is left
of my hopes
as I'm reminiscing
years of waste.
that I have not
found my calling,
being someone
whom I do not want to be.
The question that keeps on taunting me is:
"Who am I destined to die as?"
449 · Aug 2014
Femme Fatale
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I smile at her;
she walks up to me,
the Hell outta me,
grabs my head,
pulls me closer,
"I swear I'm nice,
I just look grumpy
all the time"
and kisses me
as soon
as I can respond,
walks away.
438 · Jan 2015
Echoes of the Moon.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
Because of your infidelities,
she is long gone.
And now she lightens up
the night sky of her new love,
because unlike you,
he recognized
beauties that you
were blinded to-
he recognized she was the moon.
And now, you curse him,
knowing that could have been you.
That she could have been
your moon,
but while she wanted
to be serenaded by you
and light
every dark corner of your existence,
you were too busy chasing
dimly lit stars.
2021 edit.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
And she found true happiness
after she decided she had enough,
that she deserved much more,
that her dignity was worth far more
than his lies and infidelities.
And only then,
did she find true happiness.
Her grace,
her dignity,
her self-worth guided her to,
who we all know as, "the One",
and found the perfect happiness
she always knew she deserved.
428 · Aug 2014
Goes Around, Comes Around
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
You were leaving.
I begged.
You left.

You lied.
I believed.
Horribly I felt.

I suffered.
You didn't care.
You left,
not a single bye.

Wondering why?

You thought.
He left.
You cried.

No love.
He played.
You tried.

Work it out?
No ******* way!

You ****** up.
Hope you understand.
427 · Aug 2014
Darkened Beauty
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Her darkness
is filled with beauty,
there is light  in those
dark and beautiful
eyes of hers.
Although her skin
is pale,
almost cold as ice,
there's this warmth
inside of her
that many
do not ever
get to witness.
the only language
she speaks
is her mind
and she speaks it well and fluent.
Her scars
are absolutely lovely.
Although it seems
that she has suffered in the past,
her smile
will leave you in peace.
She's beautiful, both inside-out.
But even with
all that darkness
that the world
in her,
she's simply a woman
that wants to
be loved and cared for
Written for a dear friend.
427 · Mar 2021
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2021
Even after
she has experienced
many heartaches
in the past,
what made her
she understood
with love
comes risk,
but even so,
she was
willing to risk it all
she knew
she could take it
if in the end
didn't work out.
She knew
in the end
she would
never really lose
everything she did:
a kiss, a laugh,
a look, an embrace,
it all comes from
the very same place.
A pure heart.
426 · Jan 2015
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As she sat next to me,
a stranger,
my heart with no reason
started to race fast.
And not because of fear,
but of something that
I have never felt.
A connection.
A very strong one too.
A stranger.
424 · Dec 2014
Personal Growth.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
The only person
you should try to
be better than,
is the person you were
You have to
at your dreams
as if
someone else
out there working
to take it away
from you.
423 · Dec 2014
Flyin' Squirrel.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
Why cage
a soul
so wild,
so free,
when a soul
like hers
meant to be
418 · Sep 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Your toxic
is my
416 · Aug 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Although he knew he could not
have her,
touch her,
embrace her,
he was still madly and irrevocably
in love with her.

It did not exist,
nor was ever heard
of a greater love
than the love that he
had for her-
how he knew the right way
she should be loved,
how she should be taken care of,
held and be kissed.

The way his kisses burned
her skin with such a sweet
and tender passion;
the way it not only pleasured
her body, but her soul as well.

But she-
She soothed all of his
all of his scars.
How she were the only being
to be able to ease him
with just the sound of her voice.

And only at sunset,
that was the only
crack in the door
that he had to check
if she were doing well,
that the stars around her shined
when the clouds
hid away her broken heart.

At night when all is in silence,
suitors howled for her love,
waves crashing when they found out
that her heart was taken.
How only silence listened to her
babble about a love that she could not live.

A love that only the stars
could write about
for men to know about-
for men to learn what they have
when they have it-
for men to love and cherish
the love that they have
in their hands.

A love so beautiful.
So profound, so genuine.
A love between the moon and sun.
415 · Oct 2014
Craving of this Life
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
I crave for a romance
so enriching
filled with passion,
and understanding.
that I can grow with
and most importantly
A partnership where
two souls become as one.
Ying and Yang.
Two people who are
yet so alike in many ways.
Something most people
search for,
for an entire life.
In previous lives,
and more lives after
this life.
415 · Apr 2015
Cosas Simples
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
What attracted me the most
about her was that she was
attracted to simple
that most people
A flower.
A kiss.
A hug.
Just simple things.
410 · Aug 2014
Caught in the Moment
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
With a simple tender glance
from those
lovely enchanting eyes,
is as if a rose
made of
purely passion
left its
love adorned
my face;

It fascinated me-
a mixture of a
hopeless romance
to bloom as though
it were
a flower in Spring.
404 · Mar 2015
Ruby Passion.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2015
As she was picking herself apart
while looking in the mirror,
I said:
"My love, you have to
the fact that you are an incredible
with such a
sweet and tender heart.
A very bright, intelligent
and independent
with such an alluring
both inside-out."
And as she blushed
glanced at me
with such warmth,
I stood up and hugged her
from behind;
grabbing her closer
and kissing
on the side of her neck
and whispered
into her ear,
"I love you, my love."
404 · Nov 2014
Into the Wild.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
Live* before you die.
403 · Aug 2014
Sinful, Yet Beautiful Night
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
With the moon
shining bright;
all of my secrets,
all of my sins,
the night keeps.

The perfect night
with my sweet lover
The seducing caressings
from my mistress,
my bed.
The comfort and supporting
that my girlfriend,
my pillow,
gives me.

A beautiful and simple night.

The crickets serenading
with their harmonies
so sweetly
to the stars that shine
so bright.

When you can hear
the echo
of a soundless
and peaceful night,
the darkness
blanketing you
with its warmth,
when you can hear
the clarity
of your voice
inside your head.

A beautiful and simple night.
403 · Jan 2015
Freedom from All.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As she rode off
to freedom
in her ******* yellow Mustang,
the sun bathed her skin,
giving her this distinctive glow,
the wind playing innocently
with her hair as she followed
the road to her
400 · May 2015
Treasure Trove is one-self.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
To believe that
she had to
hide all the parts of her
that were broken,
simply because out of fear
that someone else
was incapable
of loving what was less than
But then, out of the blue,
she found the true
that she needed to find:
400 · May 2015
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
As I hand my mother
a Mother's Day card
and a bouquet of her favorite
flowers, daisies,
I see what keeps me going
in life;
her smile.

And although I see her
genuinely smiling,
I cannot deny that deep inside me,
I am saddened.
I am saddened because
I know that my mother deserves
much more.
Far, far much more
and I have not yet
provided with
everything that she deserves..
398 · Dec 2014
Breeze of Freedom.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2014
How she could
glance onto
the beach
for hours and hours
at a time;
her thoughts
lost beautifully
deeply at sea.
Escaping her reality.
The clashing sound
of the waves
soothed her
to the very core
of her
while the breeze
of the ocean
innocently with her hair
as if they were
two small children
running together
whilst holding hands
with no worries
How her face
that you could tell
when she missed
the ocean
and its mysteries.
397 · Feb 2016
Dévorant Votre Corps
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
I will always be the devil
you invite back into
your bed.
With twisted sheets
heavy breath
I'll consume you
again and again,
each time
taking more than just
the skin
from your lusting

And you know
it doesn't matter to me
if you're broken,
because with
teeth to flesh
I will devour what little
is left.
397 · Jan 2016
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2016
I wish that I had known in
That first minute we met
The unpayable debt
That I owed you.

Because you'd been abused
By the bone that refused you
And you hired me
To make up for that

Walking in that room
when you had tubes in your arms,
those singing morphine alarms
out of tune.

They had you sleeping and eating
And I didn't believe them
When they called you
A hurricane thundercloud

When I was checking vitals
I suggested a smile
You didn't talk for a while
You were freezing

You said you hated my tone
It made you feel so alone
So you told me
I had to be leaving

But something kept me standing
By that hospital bed
I should have quit but instead
I took care of you

You made me sleep all uneven
And I didn't believe them
When they told me that there
Was no saving you
The Antlers wrote this beautiful and heartfelt song.
384 · Jun 2015
Message to the Masses
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
So you say that you're
and although that is
such an amazing thing,
I must tell you that
you are absolutely lying.
And the reason why I say
that is because even though
you do not harm nobody
at all and kind to others,
at night,
and you cannot deny this,
but at night you bully yourself.
You start telling yourself
that you're no good.
That all that you touch
turns to dust.
That you're a luckless fool.
And yes.. you're kind to others,
but you're a bully to yourself.
So why beat yourself up?
Be kind to yourself.

382 · Feb 2016
Just Close your Eyes
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
You'll be alright, love of mine.
        That I swear it to the stars.
            And whenever you lose hope,
                simply look up to the sky.
                   You will be safe.
380 · Nov 2014
Educational Value
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
At first,
I felt that being
in this class was
a waste of time,
but as I kept attending,
I realized that
education is education.
That knowledge
is knowledge.
And who knows,
maybe this knowledge
could save my life
one day.
379 · Jun 2016
Una Vez Mas.
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2016
They have told me that you pick yourself out
every time you look in a mirror.
I truly cannot understand why because
you are the most beautiful woman
I have ever met. Your mind, your soul,
the way you can put even the most bitter person
at ease with such calming and understanding
eyes and smile.
My love, you embody all that
beauty is.
376 · Apr 2015
Stoned Realization
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
Every human being
has a universe
A different reality
than the next
who is standing
next to them.
375 · Sep 2014
Don Juan's Gift.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As each of his fingers
caresses a different
paints a story,
it's a joyish story,
a love story
even a sad story,
all hearts
feel everything
Today my younger brother
had an audition
for a play,
and it was uptown,
the heart of my city.
So he asked if I could give him
a ride-
I didn't want to,
but I did.
So while I was waiting for him to finish,
I got hungry
and wandered off
looking for a place
to have lunch,
but as I was looking,
I heard this wonderful
Instantly, I was attracted,
as if a mystical force
got me walking closer and closer
to where that
enriching melody
was coming from.
And there he was.
An elderly man
playing his acoustic guitar
in a manner
in which I've never seen one
play before.
After he was done,
the entire crowd
applaud him,
leaving him tips
onto his
guitar case.
I got closer,
and I smiled
handing him
a $5 bill
and I asked his name.
Smiling, he replied,
"Don Juan".
371 · Sep 2014
La unica Esperanza.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
She was a lost soul,
but wherever
she walked,
without a single doubt,
Leaving a trail
of demons,
her heart endarkened
by her past,
but her hope-
her hope
guarded that last
glimming little dot
of happiness.
That was her defense.
369 · Sep 2014
I, the fool.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
A love I once invisoned,
now gone
with the Autumn wind.
A love I only hoped
now written
as another
luckless romance.
But I,
the fool who in the beginning
knew this was
only going to be a
for the moment,
but still believed
this time everything
could have
been different,
but once again
wrong I was..

It is I
who is to blame
for ever believing
that a woman
in your caliber
could ever
grow feelings
for a man
that his only words
are enscripted
in a peace of paper.
367 · Sep 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Her first mistake
asking someone
A promise
no human could
ever grant.
361 · Aug 2014
Dance with the Devil
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Cold heart,
murderous mind,
didn't hesitate twice
he pulled the trigger;
made a pact
right there in the spot
he became
another killer.

And now
that he's locked up,
Dancin' with the Devil
in a cold
hard cell block.

But that's what
when you
****, ******, and sell rock.
360 · May 2015
l o v e
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
As her elderly eyes
noticed her
she said:
"Child, even the greatest
are hard to find,
flowers start from dirt,
stars shine brightest
at night.
Be patient.
It will find you
someway, somehow.
Trust and never
doubt its power.
358 · Jan 2016
Poder y Pasion
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2016
She was strong,
and most of all
she was

I love this woman.
I do.
Very much, too.

She was all I have
asked for in a
and more.
357 · Sep 2014
Express to Depress.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
They say that
I need to
work on expression,
but what they do not know
is that they're
with a man that
writes all of his demons
in a journal;
into solitude.
And yet,
they say that I need to work

Those Demons
are there for a reason,
so I cannot
any emotions whatsoever.
356 · Sep 2014
Clair de Lune
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I am a beast
to her light;
but I-
I love being chained
her discrete love.
How when she's asleep,
I am in control,
but when she's at her mightiest,
she's in control.
How each
and every night
I howl my love
and she,
so beautiful,
lights my path every dark night.

She is the love
that a beast
like me
could ever have.
352 · Aug 2014
The Betrayal
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
You two look great together.
Some may even say
a match made in heaven.
He's my best friend,
almost like my brother,
and you . . .
You were my everything-

This relationship was my

The two most important
people in my life
the most horrendous
known to a man's heart.

I was fooled, I was played.

Both of you grabbed my heart
and just destroyed it;
y'all tore it apart.

My soul,
my smile,
my everything
was just an illusion.

I loved this woman,
heart and soul.

And he,
who I thought was my brother,
knew exactly how I felt
for this woman.
He knew I wanted to give her
my name.

But they both schemed
a plan together.


And now I'm here,
drunken with anger and hate.
Asking myself,
"What did I do wrong
to receive this fate?"
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