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352 · Aug 2014
The Betrayal
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
You two look great together.
Some may even say
a match made in heaven.
He's my best friend,
almost like my brother,
and you . . .
You were my everything-

This relationship was my

The two most important
people in my life
the most horrendous
known to a man's heart.

I was fooled, I was played.

Both of you grabbed my heart
and just destroyed it;
y'all tore it apart.

My soul,
my smile,
my everything
was just an illusion.

I loved this woman,
heart and soul.

And he,
who I thought was my brother,
knew exactly how I felt
for this woman.
He knew I wanted to give her
my name.

But they both schemed
a plan together.


And now I'm here,
drunken with anger and hate.
Asking myself,
"What did I do wrong
to receive this fate?"
349 · Aug 2016
La Unica
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2016
It'd be a lie to say
I didn't lust
for many women,
but what I truly
do know
as well is that
my heart has this
incredible and grand
passion and desire
for the right one.

The one who is all
I ever wanted,
and more.
The one that no matter
how hard times
would be,
she'd still be there.
yet motivating to
continue on.
The one who I'd take
a bullet without
thinking about it.
348 · Aug 2016
From a Boy to a Man
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2016
All I knew
was that it felt
like lightning had
struck me
as soon as our
locked onto
each other's eyes.
Her smile
lit up my whole face
as if
I were blushing
to an unsaid

I had fallen in love.
347 · Apr 2015
Sunny Mills.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
As she studied
at night school
and worked
a minimum wage job,
in her eyes,
you could see
that she was blessed
You could see
the places,
the people,
the adventures
and new
that she craved for.
345 · Feb 2015
Sight of the All Mighty
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2015
She is worth
far more
rubies and pearls.

Proverbs 31:10
344 · Mar 2016
c h i l d
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2016
As we grow older, we become too consumed
with our "adult life" --
The struggles of paying bills,
the struggle to make good grades in college;
pulling all-nighters just so we can
finish some papers that are due for our classes
just to attain a bachelor's degree just so
you can get a secure well-paying j o b.

We forget to keep our childhood memories
alive in our hearts.
344 · Aug 2014
Golden Roar
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
the birth of the sun
each morning,
its beautiful crisp
with its
golden presence
not just my face,
my soul
as well.

not just my dark eyes,
but fueling
the little light
that still is dimming
in this
dark mind of mine.

Allowing me
to have just a small taste
just allowing me
to feel alive
for just a
brief second.

And as the sun is
caressing me,
if I close my eyes,
I can feel,
I can hear,
its roar in the sky;
but instead of
being frightened,
peace and serenity
rushes through
every single fiber
of my

That peace
that assures me
that I'm still alive,
when I think
I'm dead.

343 · Oct 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Oct 2014
Her presence
was fierce and strong,
but you could
truly see kindness
in her smile.
She was an Alpha female-
She knew exactly
what she wanted,
she knew exactly
what to do to obtain
her desires.
Her eyes were filled
with mystery,
the chase thrilled her,
and at night,
and only at night,
did she feel so alive.
And in Full moons,
instead of the moon
controlling her,
she controlled the moon
with her howl.
341 · May 2015
As Justice, Same Balance.
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
She was undeniably strong,
but could be as gentle
as a Summer breeze.
but always remained
Fierce, yet compassionate.
Well disciplined, but
wildly free.
335 · Dec 2015
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2015
She lied there, simply reminiscing
of a time long ago
when all she believed was
how the entire world would be
a better place without her in it.
How foolish she felt for
once upon a time
ever thinking such a thing.
And as she lied in bed
with the two loves of her life;
the man and the love
she believed
could never have happened
to her
and a little boy
who, when she found out
was expecting,
could fill her heart
with such love and joy.
She then realized
that life does better.
One might think
that it doesn't,
but if you keep pushing,
if you keep having faith
that everything
happens for a reason
and everything has it's right timing,
life gets better.
331 · Sep 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
She's one of those
rare women
instead of only
about vanities,
she cares
about how you make her feel;
when the stars are
the world,
your eyes
are the only light
she gazes to.
I mean,
yeah, sure,
nice things
always be nice things,
but she
cares for things
materialistic things.
327 · Nov 2015
Besos Compartidos
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2015
As she left,
with each step,
my heart began to sink
further and further
to obscurity.
The days began to be
time froze,
and all that tasted
lost all its flavor.
I was
327 · Sep 2014
Blissful Insanity.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
she is insane:
and that's
the only quality
I love about her.
327 · Feb 2016
Something Unusual
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
As he held her—
all of her—
He saw beauty in places
others before him failed to.

And as he touched her
with the most kindest
hands that she had ever
felt before,
he began to become
a part of her—
Part of her existence.
Part of her being.

If his soul,
and his soul only,
could travel through
the vast realm
that she kept within;
home of innumerable
ancient stars
that illuminated
the darkness that plagued
others, herself including.

But their love—
and their love only—
made such possibility
for two lovers
of opposite realms
to bask in their love
for one another.
322 · Jan 2015
Solamente en ella.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
What I look forward
to the most
when I'm with her
is that moment
when this
unique and genuine
of acceptance,
love, and assureness
just occurs
when our flesh make
A link that ignites from
within each other for
one another.
How in her eyes,
in her smile,
in her hands,
in her vast existence
my home could be found.
319 · May 2015
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
It is truly enamoring
how a woman's body is
crafted perfectly in its
own unique
and genuine way.
But a woman is far more
than just a body:
she is a combination of
strength, intelligence, intuition,
and sensitivity
all in one.
They're what God promised
to men-
Paradise on Earth.
319 · Sep 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
The anatomy
of a
319 · Sep 2015
Cosas del Destino.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2015
And when we crossed paths
I stood still-
just taken back
by her beauty.
And for a slight moment
I thought that maybe,
just maybe,
I was only
just attracted to her physically
but I knew-
I just knew
there was more than
physical attraction.
I was drawn to her
by something more-
divine almost.
I could feel her.
And then when she smiled
at me,
that was it.
I immediately fell for her.
319 · Jun 2015
Jaee Derbéssy Jun 2015
She was ambitious,
driven to succeed at life,
but could also
be incredibly chill
and had
a great sense of humor.
I even asked myself,
"Could such a woman
even exist?"
318 · Feb 2016
Lost in Miscommunication
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
How could this be love
       when you're leaving me?
316 · Sep 2015
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2015
You could see it
in her eyes
the places she have explored-
the wanderlust
that usher her into
enlightenment and growth,
authentic tears
of memorable moments
of smiles
with those who in her heart
are unforgettable.
You could see
the absolute beauty
of her soul.
315 · Aug 2016
Apasionada de la Vida
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2016
It is when I see that
excitement and passion
in your eyes
when you speak
about something
you are most passionate
that I know why
I love you so much.

Your Passion.
312 · Aug 2014
Nightly Reminder
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
He howls and howls,
pouring all of his
heart & soul;
enamoring her
as he is wooing her
every night.

Reminding her
that she is the only light,
the only one who
control over him
when she's at her mightiest.
312 · Aug 2014
Redemption from the Hood
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I'm here stuck
in these four walls,
and in my hands
I'm holding what could possibly
be my end,
I'm holding a gun.
Only seeing everyone movin' on,
and becoming someone in life.
Wanting my life like theirs
so my life could finally be begun.
I wish my life was like that:
graduating on time
and getting a well-paid job.
You see,
all of these fantasies
are poppin'
in my head while
I'm sittin' down here smoking ***.
Wishin' my life was different,
or at least could have
a father figure
to teach me how to live.
I want to be somebody in this life
and to achieve my goals,
and I am going to achieve them..
Yep, that's what I try
to tell myself,
to still believe.
Killin' myself has popped
into my head several times
because I feel like
I'm going nowhere,
like if I was walkin' blind.
God, I beg you
to please give me hope.
Clear my mind and simply
destroy all these evil thoughts
and give me the ability
to cope.
To cope with these problems,
bless me with a blessing
so I can finally solve 'em.
Please, Lord,
help me to become a better person
and to become productive.
I know that I've committed
a million sins,
and that I've done damages
in the past,
that I've been around
the wrong crowd,
and all drugs known to man
that has a reputation
of being so seductive.
I'm not sayin'
that I'm perfect, Lord, no!
But please,
I'm just another servant
of Yours.
Only You that I can trust
to take me from
all the negative
to the positive.
I have faith in You.
You're the only God
that loves us all,
the only one who is,
and will always be there
for us.
Yes, that's You-
The One who is forever true.
So Lord, I'm just a young man
tryin' to live his life,
and You,
the most powerful Being.
I'm just one of your
greatest creations-
a human being.
So please listen to my prayers
'cause You're the only One
who truly listens and cares.

From Heaven,
please bring down
Your Heavenly stairs
and take me
to the the promised land
right now I'm just
broken and impaired..
For my acting class I had to create a character
with a struggle and act it out.
So this is what I came up with.
Just a reflection of a young Latino male
struggling in the ghetto-
312 · Nov 2014
Muelle de San Blas.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
Her tears yelled
"Please don't go! Stay with me! Please!"
As tough as it was to let him go,
she somehow found
the strength and did.
Although his heart was full of pain,
he just had to leave.
Their last goodbye was at the pier.
She promised him
that no matter what she would wait for him
to come back.
It didn't matter how long.
Days, months, years.
And she did.
Many full moons had pass
and she still waited and waited
in the same pier where her love
once said goodbye.
Many would move on,
but in her heart,
she promised she'd stand by.
Hoping that her love will come back
and start the family
they once dreamed of starting together
until rumors spread that the ship
that her love aboard had sunk,
that her love died tragically.
But she didn't accept that,
she couldn't accept that.
Years and years passed by,
and yet every Sunday at 3 pm
she would go to the same pier
and waited for him.
She would wear
the same heels,
the same dress,
the same hope
that the ship would return.
But it never did.
The locals knew her as
'Crazy Peggy',
nobody knew her story.
All they knew was that she would
wait and wait at the pier
ever since the 40's.
No one knew exactly for who,
but that was all they truly knew.
The shore became her home,
the ocean was filled with her tears.
All she would do was mourn.
Mourn for a love she couldn't finish.
Just waiting for the love
of her life to return.
The locals thought she was crazy,
so they all grew concerned.
They tried sending her to a crazy home,
but she refused to go.
Her body grew weaker and weaker
by the years,
yet her hope was still strong
as if the love of her life
had just left an hour ago.
But then she died.
Her body could be
eaten by worms
and rot in the ground,
but her spirit couldn't.
Her spirit wouldn't decay.
She stood by throughout
all the years and waited for him-
The love of her life.
Although they weren't married,
in her heart,
she was always his wife.
True love exists.
311 · Sep 2014
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
As a child,
livin' struggle after struggle,
barely eating every night,
seeing different avenues every other night,
many parking lots,
and different hot dogs from different
gas stations,
I learned something so profoundly:

Life is crazy.
309 · Apr 2015
Magical, yet realistic.
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
Her heart was not for the weary.
It's been ******.
There's barely enough oxygen left
to pump out whatever still clings
to her left ventricle.
She is the art of oneself.
And if you're lucky enough,
you may get lost in her, too.
306 · Aug 2014
Luckless Romance
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Yesterday you swore
to the stars
that I was what
you've been lingering for,
then it happened;
the sun left,
and all the sudden
those words vanished,
leaving an emptiness
so abandoning
and cold.
And all that you were,
were another
luckless romance.
Leaving emotions,
leaving beautiful words
freeze to Death
in what seems a world
filled with regrets.
Reminding my soul
that solitude has him
wrapped around
her aching warmth.
But even in tragedies,
something good
has to come out of it:
And in our luckless romance,
the only blessing
that came was inspiration.
Inspiration to write.
my luckless romance,
thank you.
Thank you for reminding me
of this curse
I was destined to have.
True Story
303 · Feb 2016
Paradigm Shift
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
detach myself,
drift away,
another dimension.
302 · May 2016
Jaee Derbéssy May 2016
It is as if an angel
were sent
as she entered
the room,
with such grace
and sat in front of me.
Such beautiful
porcelain skin,
and with such warm
brown eyes.
And as the light
bathed her hair,
making it gleam
a mixture of
golden and brown
She could manage
to somehow
keep me at peace
when all I have ever felt
is emptiness.
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
Every morning
waking up to you
would make up
for every
mistake I have
ever made in the past.

Your love
filling scars
that my soul
thought were never
going to be filled,
especially noticed
by anything,
or anyone.
Your kisses
bathing my body,
and your presence
my existence.
301 · Sep 2014
Scale: True Story.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
Only he who
is emotionless,
and simply shallow
labels her,
judging her if society
would accept her,
not knowing
that the only acceptance
that should matter
to her
is her own.
But as he is blinding her,
labeling her,
judging her,
a man  is out there
who loves
every single inch of her.
A man that's dying
to love her,
a man who is capable
to open her eyes
and make her realize
that a number
does not
determines her worth.
That she is
absolutely perfect
just the way
she is.
No woman should ever feel
bad because of her weight.
300 · Jan 2015
Cynthia Rodriguez.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
Every mistake
I once committed
in the past,
now that I am here
deeply and beautifully
in your eyes,
made me realize
even the tragedies,
led me here to you.
300 · Mar 2015
Woman, oh woman.
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2015
She was intimidating.
She didn't take no for an answer.
Anything she was passionate
she executed and conquered.
She didn't waste
any time,
she made every moment
It never mattered
people thought of her;
she had better things to do,
like becoming
a greater woman than she
already is.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2016
It does not matter what day,
or what time of the day it is,
this is all that I would much
rather be doing with her
and only her.

Just to lie next to her;
embrace every single fiber
of her existence.
To nurture her soul
with the nectar of my love.

Cherish her all:
her soul,
her heart,
her body,
her dreams,
her laughter.

And with each minute,
fall more and more
in love with each others'

Just her and I.
299 · Aug 2014
Alternate Trap
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2014
I grab a chair
and sit in front of my mirror,
I say to myself,
"What the ****, bro?
What's wrong with you?
Where did that smile go?
All I see is someone
who grew bitter."

Not knowin'
who the **** I am anymore,
I feel like I'm just
a ******' walking ghost.
I've always been the one
who people always

I truly don't know
at what time
I got lost..
Maybe it was when
I decided to drown
in my own depression.

"Don't give up,
always fight for your dreams"
goes the saying.

Blood no longer
running through
my veins,
both of my hands
are chained
to the ground,
to only feel shame.

My wrists are numb,
no longer
feeling any kind of pain.

Knowing that the man
that's the reflection
no longer recognizes
the man who is looking
at the mirror.

Knowing that the man
in the mirror
and his reflection
are no longer
the same.
299 · Nov 2014
Maria Se Fue.
Jaee Derbéssy Nov 2014
How freedom beautifully
portrayed itself
by the way
her arms were
spread open,
her eyes
closed tightly
while inhaling all the
that life offered
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
Of all the places my soul
has ever wandered to,
my love,
by farthest have been
my greatest journey
of them all.
And have I ever felt lost?
Of course,
but that's the beauty
of you.
You're everywhere,
yet you're in one place-
my heart.
297 · May 2015
Jaee Derbéssy May 2015
"I love you so much,"
he said
as she lied on his chest.
"And I love you, too.
But please, promise me
that you will always love me
enough to
tell me the truth no
matter what."
297 · Aug 2016
Cravin' Love
Jaee Derbéssy Aug 2016
I crave for more
than just physical touch.
I crave for someone
whom after having
and sweet love making,
we could cuddle.
Our flesh melted
onto each other's love.
Sharing a very
moment as we
look at each other
in the eyes
simply love
all that is who we are.
297 · Jan 2015
Bitterness or Sympathy
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2015
As a strong as she was,
she had such delicate hands.
I loved that much about her.
Such a tender heart
and was kind to everything
and everyone.
That attracted me most about her.
296 · Dec 2015
Oh, Sweet Night.
Jaee Derbéssy Dec 2015
It is late at night
when my demons
rattle their cages most.
They bang, they curse,
they yell.
And to think that this
bottle of Jack could
for once finally drown
those *******
to their death.
But it is merely
starless night.
Plagued in silence.
Just silence.
296 · Apr 2015
Camilla Crowns
Jaee Derbéssy Apr 2015
As she looked down
and blushed
to my comment,
she shyly looked up to me
and said,
"My friends did warn me
that you were a
silver tongued devil."
And as our eyes met,
for an instant,
I believed it.
But something
I fell for her.
295 · Sep 2014
Unforgivable Memory.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
3,000 years may pass,
you could kiss other lips,
but I will never forget you..

I could die tomorrow,
my soul could dry up,
but I will never forget you..
I will never forget you..

They could erase my memory,
they could take away our story,
but I will never forget you..
I will never forget you.
294 · Feb 2016
Exiled in Sins
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
I've been selfish.
I've lacked empathy.
I've cleaned my wounds
in the river and tied
my veins into knots.
Smoke rises above
the forest and for a
moment I hear a voice.
Sunlight dips into frame.

Before long, everything
fades and night falls.
293 · Sep 2014
Sea of Sorrow.
Jaee Derbéssy Sep 2014
I feel like
and simply

Create a sea
of tears
and simply
myself in all my sorrow.

Your memory
a vicious
starving shark,
roaming around me,
and I,
just floating
in my own sorrow
not caring
if you devour
my empty
human body.
290 · Jan 2016
Wild, Free, and in Love.
Jaee Derbéssy Jan 2016
She wanted
to be
not tamed.
2021 edit.
290 · Feb 2016
Perspectives of Beauty
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
Why is it that I find it hard
to look in the mirror?
Why am I so reluctant to take a picture?
Why is it when going through
photo albums I skip through
the pictures I'm in?

Why has society's idea of beautiful
affected me so much that I look at
myself with disgust?
When I say I'm not beautiful
I am not seeking for compliments.
All I want is to meet someone who not
only claims everyone
beautiful, but also believes it within.
289 · Feb 2016
Jaee Derbéssy Feb 2016
You hear her call your name
and you become soft.

You let her in
and you become water.

You drown
and you become love.
289 · Mar 2016
Jaee Derbéssy Mar 2016
let me nurture your soul
                          with all my love,
                                      my love.
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