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Jacob Jun 2017
Come on, the reason
Come on raise this noise
One million people, and not one voice
Come on, it's not over
For me, sing loud
Jacob Jun 2017
2 am, no sleep
Feels like every poem begins like that these days
Dense in my stomach
When did I last eat?
As long as I don't wither, I'll be fine
Why am I always tired?
Once I take those iron pills, I'm good
That song came on twice today
Heard your name as always
It hurts a little less each time
Punches my gut, knots it in two
I closed my eyes when I passed your school today
Because I never got to say goodbye
We stayed contained for too long
I never knew you the way I wanted to
I could play our love back
I'd only be sad once again
I gave you too much to handle
Life, it seems, was too fast
For my baby to keep up with
So now I sit at 2 am
Without your voice ringing in my ears
Alone, but not as broken
As you might think
Just full of thoughts
Stuck on *what if?
Jacob Jun 2017
in the dark, december nights
i tend to get cold sometimes
but i happen to bare it
because there isn't always
the satisfaction of the winter wind
Jacob Jun 2017
day after day
we bask in the heat
with little appreciation
on what the sun does
in the afterlife
we will realize
that the sun
was all anyone needed
Jacob Jun 2017
I fell for you
I fell into you
You are a wonder
That will never happen
To leave my sight

I can imagine
If you had a face
It would look down to earth
As insecure as a shy child
On their first day of school
Jacob Jun 2017
A continental place
Separated by categories
Each one symbolic

The world is a child
And an aging sphere
All at the same time

It is the kangaroo
Who nurtures its young
Who in turn loves them

It is still dying
As it depends on
It's young one's help

Happy headed creature
Turns its back
On the caring mother

They are helpless from
The loss of their guardian
The world the children made

What shall we do?
Written in either 2012 or 2013
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