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 Jul 2014 Jackie
Ariana Sweeney
Off                   comes my slip, socks, sanity and an echo
Goes                 up my spine.  
The                   men
Film                  my sinking heart  
And                  dive into the  
Filth                  plastered against my mind without a thought  
Of                      what moments define me.
That                  girl who used to wear a  
Shirt                  embroidered with flowers and had a mother  
Making             her a meal with love is now working the  
Room               with what's left of her.
For                    -ward motion depicts nothing
More                 than bones and memories never cherished.
Inspired by Emily Hopkins
 Jul 2014 Jackie
Poetry by MAN
Tell me what you want from me
My options are infinity
I will share the energy
Generated by reality
See I am good at doing bad
Ride the emotions that I have
Poetic eyes see the lies
Truth to me cannot disguise
I am filled with mystery
Go ahead discover me
My life chapters in a book
My words will probably leave you shook
Straight I shoot to the point
Smoke your mind like a joint
People stare but cannot see
Darkness seems to flow from me
Deep inside there is a light
To keep the balance there is a fight
I will win..Then I'll lose
To be in the game is what I choose
Tell me now don't waste my time
My soul awaits between these lines..
M.A.N 7-15-13
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