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 Jul 2016 Jordan
The only part of my day
That I look forward to
Is when I go to bed
And lay there making up scenarios
In my head.

I think of comebacks
To 8th grade bullies.
I think of witty retorts
To my mother's snide comments.
I think of intelligent things to add
To conversations I had months ago.

I think of all the things
I was too scared to say.

And in my mind
I say them.
And pretend how things would be different
If only I had the courage to speak.
 Jul 2016 Jordan
Nishu Mathur
Sweeter than the song of a nightingale 
Gentler than the whisper of a spring wind
Quieter than the murmur of  summer  grass 
Softer than the symphony of hyacinths 

Hypnotic like the splash of blue seas
Tinkling like a stream that flows 
Mesmerizing like the cadence of rain 
Enchanting like the hush  of snow 

Like the faint breath of a scarlet dawn 
The rustle of clouds on a turquoise high 
A duet of  night and an ivory moon
A Capella of  stars in the sky

A hymn, a chant, a choir of angels 
Singing  on a rainbow of time 
Celestial is the serenade of love  
A tune and a note divine.
Thank you for your wonderful responses and I am so happy this poem was selected today. Means a lot to me... :)
 Jul 2016 Jordan
Nick Huber
I was told this evening
That I'm far too young
To speak how I do
That may be true
I'm far too bitter
Sadness has encroached my life
Far more than it should
But let me tell you
Perhaps you're too old
To remember when agony gripped your heart
And turned you into what you are today
The memory works in mysterious ways
Blocking out heartbreak
With nostalgia
Ohhh how simple life was then!
But it wasn't
You were probably just as cold, bitter, and arrogant as you are today
Just remember those nights
You sat in tears
Waiting for sleep to take you
And make life seem like it was ok
As I have aged
The tears won't come
Sleep hides from my eyes
And life doesn't seem alright
It just makes you uncomfortable
That someone this young already knows that
Now let's leave that in the past
And see who makes it to the goal first
I'm young enough
The race is close
I might even win!

— The End —