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Ismahanwrites May 2016
I hide behind Late night Blues
To keep me Cool
Attempting to not do wrong
One Pen can heal the pain
As delusional I may seem
But, Poetry kept me safe
From doing myself wrong.
Writing can heal anything at any time you feel your not worth anything
Writing speaks to everyone that is dedicated to it
Ismahanwrites May 2016
His escape was Writing
All of the Massive disruption and Chaos that was happening in Our that he inspired me to be One.
          A Writer.
Ismahanwrites May 2016
She was Anti social
She hid herself through Writing
Poetry was all she talked about
She expressed her feelings through Art
It was poetry that made her Beautiful and
Different from the others.
Poetry was all she was.
When writing is your best friend in your hard times and becomes your healer.
Ismahanwrites May 2016
Sometimes it comes and I see it
and at Times it doesn't
I wait for it like I wait
for phone calls and text messages
and When it comes it comes
with all this pain
I can't endure it
Starts from my feets feeling weak
to my back feeling like it's broken  
to my ***** feeling so swollen
to red dots all over my body
mixed with mood swings hating
and everyone around me
makes me wonder at times
why I was a women But yet again
it has its blessings For only
a women can take all that pain.
Ismahanwrites Apr 2016
I was a Heavy heart who couldn't carry the blame of your mistakes of becoming the man you said you wouldn't be.

Becoming a Mans shadow was one mistake we all have done. Loving ourselves and appreciating Our women power is amazing it's a bliss don't let no man bring your hopes for love down.

— The End —