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 Sep 2015 Imran Raza
 Sep 2015 Imran Raza
Drink up and
gulp. A cup of
tea. A cup of sea.
A cup of all the
things we could
possibly be* ~
 Sep 2015 Imran Raza
On a boat here we go.

Row row and row.
No time to look back
no time to slow.

Running away from war.
Running away from ISIS.
Running away from this

Daddy made no crime.
He had no food , pennies
or dimes.

The sun didn't shine.
The waves kept on going
high and high.

It was obvious that we were
going to drown and die.

Didn't matter if we screamed
or cried.

The angels wept from the
sky while the rich slept on
feather pillows without giving
a **** or showing some

While the terrorists continued
on their mission. The blood
spilling and ****.

I knew i had a God up there
watching over us.

My body was tired and the
waves were about to erode

Shivers descending down
our spines. And foam
escaping our mouths.

Salt and sadness filled our

We didn't beg for dear life.
And we didn't dare to ask

We gave our souls up.
Surrendered and died.

Knowing that there is a better
life waiting for us. Knowing that Christ will welcome us up in his

With his bright light and angels playing their violins and harps.

We sure are tiny humans.
But we died brave as we tried
hard and kicked the oceans
angry waves.

We made it to the heavens
above. While the terrorists
will burn to ash and dust.

As the time comes for their
weapons to  drop and
rust* ~
 Sep 2015 Imran Raza
My hand crawls along your skin
counting all the lovebites
that escaped the nest under your chin
and spilled accros your curves
to your thighs.
it was a warm night,
every inch
of my being
was devoured,
our fire was a dark
ocean, our
bodies could not
be controlled,
we breathed
as one,
wrapped arms
and legs and
could not get closer,
all the shadows of my
heart swept away,
every ghost shook
and trembled
and i knew only the tender
mist of your love.
i was always told
i dig too deep into things,
a mystery it was left
until i finally fell from
the sun of innocence,
i have dug myself a hole
and found home where
no woman can latch to my heart
'cause at the end of the day
we'll both be wandering
looking for such,
i can never hold a tangible
relationship with another,
vices are consistent
and weave their beating
hearts into my skin,
i want to go back,
back to feeling,
no tremors or
tainted lungs and
poisoned liver,
back to when
the meaning of a
a wish was still
seeing candle smoke
dance above a
birthday cakes,
too many times
i try to twist off
the pop-off top
of a beer and
it dawned to me
i was once told;
"talking to you is like pulling
on a push door"
and until now i realized
the door was locked.
 Sep 2015 Imran Raza
petal by petal
the flower of your heart
The end I lost in a dream
They float past my membrane
Crimsoned with hatred
I scatter your belongings of our opening funeral
The distant laughter,
I will never know, and the tears flow
each one is gone,
ever beyond into infinite pain
Alone I stay
while years burry me
The flower aged though its fragrance still lingers.
I am more beautiful then now,I am perfect.
But you will never know,
You are blind
 Sep 2015 Imran Raza
These houses
Run the same colors
All black
With red oxbloodish gradient

Everytime my friends crawling their way
To their houses
It's popped out from my mind
The colors
When will they fade away

Am i going to paint my house
Or just grow up with the others
And crawly on
The stars fall from the sky and up comes the sun, full, bright, so present
Birds echo calls that have been repeated for so many years, it's almost cliche
And the world is still sleeping
And I am still awake...

White men are shutting down the movements that create free country, free people
And boys aren't learning to not ****, they are learning that women tailor to them
Politicians banter about birth control and women's issues they can't understand
And I am still awake...

You are falling asleep, words stuck on the precipice of your bottom lip, hanging
And the moon is rising so high in the sky it could burst through our universe
The sun is skating down the curve of our atmosphere, sliding, slipping
*And I am still awake...
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