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Em Feb 2019
I fell in love with you like the way you fall in love with rain
You can feel your heart thud in time with droplets pelting down
The excitement at what is to come
Your fingers were like the droplets
Making the hair on my arm raise and the skin on the back of my neck cool
You were the spring time after a cold long winter
The New Beginning I had been waiting for
But I wasn’t prepared
I didn’t know that New Beginnings lead to harsh endings
That droplets that once felt so fresh could burn and drown you simultaneously
Em Feb 2019
i don’t need to eat i say
i’m filling something else instead
The Monster that lurks around every corner
the one that whispers to me at night
She controls my every thought
if  i am good to Her
She is good to me
i want to make Her happy
want to bring Her joy as we look in the mirror and step on the scale
displeasing Her is bad
It leads to tear filled nights
so i do what she wants make Her happy
day in and day out
until She consumes me
Em Feb 2019
Girls with tiny waists and angelic faces sway rhythmically with muscular arms for belts.
While the girls with chubby cheeks sway to the movement of their cigarette filled air
Hums through the streets block out the sounds of missed chances
Lips not kissed
Numbers not asked for
Skin not touched
They tell themselves they are not jealous
They are happy for the girls with the sun kissed skin and pin straight hair
Whose fingers are intertwined with strong hands
As theirs clutch their phones seemingly unbothered
Their thighs create friction each as their friends’ glide through air
They tell themselves there’s one for me
These boys are just a glimmer in time
They mean nothing
I mean nothing
They go home alone
Tear soaked skin
Mascara marked
Chubby cheeks flushed
Telling themselves next time
I’ll mean something

— The End —