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Feb 2015 · 8.7k
annoying and alone
emm Feb 2015
a lone star
stuck between galaxies,

                                                                                      watches the other stars
                                                                    wishing for a super nova to pass
                                                                     waiting for its chance to impress

as who can be impressed by the shine,
if nobody can see it?

                                                                                            maybe they can see
                                                                                     they just want to ignore
                                                                                             they ignore the last
                                                                                      glimmer of personality

the universe is never ending,
but forever this star is alone,
trying to impress, those who
can’t see, the hopeless
glimmer that wishes to be a shine
but that doesn’t want to be

Dec 2014 · 455
emm Dec 2014
Guns they sit, cold and still,
Until they're fired, then they ****

Knives are fine, whilst they lay
Until they're fired, then they slay

Grenades are shy, in their shell,
Until the pin drop and the life they quell

Ropes are good, they have their use,
Until they are used for a noose

Words are brilliant, truthful, not vain
Until they cause too much pain
Until they make you use the gun, knife, grenade or rope
So be careful what you say
But how can you stop?
Dec 2014 · 553
emm Dec 2014
Words flying around my head
Whilst I desire my bed
The motivation is no longer
But how can my dreams come true I wonder
As I think
In between my sheets
I break the promises I have vowed to keep
Escape this place, this tired town
How to not settle down
I don’t want to stay
But work is so hard, I want to wail
As my brain is fuzzy
And I limbs don’t work
I curl up , and embrace my future
Don’t work, don’t achieve
Stay in my tomb, that I have shut
The daily routine to carry on
Never stopping
My life never moving on
If I put in no work, I can’t go on
But how to give, when it’s all I've  been doing
All my life, my brain stretched and molded
And now I wonder has it all been for nothing
You’re smart, You’re capable
You’ll sail through
You’re pretty
You’re charming
It’s not enough, nothing is
I could give my soul
I can’t cope, I can’t achieve
There’s nothing left
I sleep on my tear sodden pillow
Hoping to wake up,
But hoping to stay asleep.
First poem, I don't know, this is just kind of a first attempt, but it is just my experience? Sorry for the length? :/

— The End —