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Jan 2016 · 469
You feel nothing
Hedonismos Jan 2016
Can I one day cook
For you
You leaned against my fridge
Until I kissed you
You felt nothing

Can I put a finger
On you
You made love to me so intense
Until I filled you
You felt nothing

Can I sleep
With you
You lay beside me like an angel
Until I woke you
You felt nothing

Can I fall in love
With you
You moved into my heart
Until you left me
You felt nothing

Can I get the truth
From you
You kept insisting
Until I believed you
You felt nothing

"Not now, or never did?"
You said "never did"

My heart shrank
As I felt everything
Squeeze out of me

You felt nothing
I had known this girl for a long time. I had always craved for her and it proved that she had always craved for me. We came together last year and it all felt incredibly good. But it wasn't built to last. A different borderline is keeping us apart now.
Jul 2015 · 386
Our ocean of regret
Hedonismos Jul 2015
Many sank to the unfathomable depths
Of the stormy ocean in my heart
Never to resurface for air
Yet you sailed gracefully on top

The waves you were riding
Didn't pose a threat to you
As the damaging tidal power
Was your long lost friend

But even before the swells
Would slowly settle down
To a calming rhythm
That would soothe in repetition

You chose to step ashore
A small barren island
Of self preservation
With no room for contrition

Feel my battering on your cliffs
Taste the salty droplets on your lips
Awake the courage to take once more
To the high seas of my heart

Come let us tame
Our ocean of regret
When the love of your live decides by herself that your love for eachother will drive you both insane
Jun 2015 · 688
Late summer blue
Hedonismos Jun 2015
Winged eyes were losing their vision
As you flapped against the concrete floor
A spider web entangled your fragile legs
Taking the power to fly once more

Resting on a grape's withering leaf
After I removed the sticky glue
You winked at me with fading wings
As you lifted off in late summer blue
Just a butterfly in my shed :)
Feb 2015 · 481
Erratic hearts
Hedonismos Feb 2015
Your pupils trembling with faithless fears
Cause mine to crave for cleansing tears
While our eyes dare not look beyond today
Our erratic hearts will pave the way
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
Dark pupil supernova
Hedonismos Jan 2015
Your eyes first brushed
Against my scorched soul
Panic stricken I turned away
Fearing that the supernova
Raging in your dark pupils
Would set my sky on fire

Light years away
An abyss in my heart
Obscured by dark matter
Ached for your inferno
Burning the scar tissue
Of my heart atop a pyre
When I figured out after many years, that a person I admired and loved, had felt the same for me during all this time.
Jun 2014 · 5.2k
A past's persuasive ghost
Hedonismos Jun 2014
Visions of vengeance on my mind
Awoke a past's persuasive ghost
Like a parasite disposes it's host
I left her loving soul behind

Hearing this demon's wicked rants
My resistance caved to thoughts provoked
Her love inside me I have choked
With these bare trembling hands

My restless spirit keen to elope
Now indulges in all luscious leisure
Yet looking for a hidden treasure
With a face not showing idle hope
The tragedy of breaking something pure, because you are broken
Jun 2014 · 910
Her moon
Hedonismos Jun 2014
Two moons in our fables and one on her shoulder
Zero gravitation when my eyes behold her
Painstakingly nurtured to escape from within
The face of the moon was drawn on her skin

The real one is white and glimmers with pride
Her moon drawn green will now and then hide
But after I laid eyes on her cratered skin
The whole of her moon had changed me within
Jun 2014 · 457
Hedonismos Jun 2014
Supporting your chest
Avoiding dismount
Tied to a stirrup leather

Cocksurely ordering me
Overturned on my back
Oh please stop the chatter

I name it a ride
You call it a game
Cutout heart on a platter

For the very last time
You're allowing my ego
To feast on your anti-matter
Jun 2014 · 743
Taste belt
Hedonismos Jun 2014
Sour floor
Salty heat
Indefinitely delayed
Instant satisfaction

Bitter cup
Relish sweet
Pivoted pupils
Precipitated perplexion

Yours tastefully,
Openmouthed me
Jun 2014 · 712
Pixel perfect posing
Hedonismos Jun 2014
Open my browser
Four sites are loaded
All very important
Neatly encoded

Virtually truthful
Book full of chatter
Following news
Reading the weather

This backlit life
Hard to shut down
Beeps of my laundry
Back on my own

The radar discloses
Rain clouds are closing
My dot on the map
Pixel perfect posing
Something that popped up in my brain. I'm not a native speaker, so any help appreciated :P

— The End —