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Hannah Martin Sep 2016
I love you, but I won’t have you.
I can’t have you
Even if I wanted to.
And I do, yet I don’t…

Why is this so complicated
And so confusing?

You’ve met all the criteria on my list,
You’re that ideal guy.
And as other guys come along,
I see myself comparing them to you.

You’re my best friend

I sometimes wish we could be more,
But then I remember.
I value what we have right now too much,
To throw it all away for a few romance induced months.

I haven’t had those feelings for a long time,
Yet lately they perk up here and there.
Not when you do anything unlike you,
But that’s just it; You’re being you.

That’s what I admire about you

You say let’s just stay friends
It hurts, but I know you’re right,
Because deep down, I know it’s what I want too
But hearing you say it still hurts.

With you, I can see the long term

When I’m with you,
I feel safe
I feel comfortable
I feel like myself.

And if I wasn’t so scared of losing you,
I’d probably go for it.

Though I’ll never say it to your face,
I love you.
I have,
I will,
I can’t stop,
Even if I wanted to.
But the thing is,
I don’t want to stop.
Hannah Martin Aug 2016
You’re the first person I look for in the room,
When I see you, my heart skips a beat,
The butterflies appear in my stomach.

Stealing glances at you when you aren’t looking,
And looking away when you do.
Smiling at your smile,
Heart stopping when our eyes meet

You’ve probably never even thought of me,
At least not outside of school.

I don’t even know you,
But boy do I want to.

If you only knew that I think about you everyday,
Even when you probably don’t know my name.

Technically I’m single,
But my heart is taken.
Seeing you makes my day;
It’s what I look forward to.

I always get self conscious about the things I wear,
Just in case you notice me today.
Whenever I smile or laugh,
I try to look and see if you noticed.

If only you knew...
  Aug 2016 Hannah Martin
My teacher once asked
a short simple question.
She had asked,
"What do you want to be?"
Raised arms answered her query.
Open palms each belonging to excitable children.

Wide little eyes looked up at her.
Hands began to flail in the air...
Ever so hopeful of being chosen.
So that they could voice their aspirations.
So that they could begin to share.

One by one,
they each was given the opportunity.
Turn by turn,
boastful were some
while others spoke quiet and shyly.

Then the teacher stopped short.
Not before expressing her delight.
She was in awe of such young minds...
Having had such great wings
to eventually take flight.

Then she explained...
What she had initially meant.
Confused looks all around including me.
She rephrased the question,
"What kind of person...
Do you want to be?"

There was silence.
No arms shot up to meet the subject.
I don't recall having raised mine,
but I remember telling the teacher...
An answer (I was confident), she wouldn't expect.

I stood at my desk,
proud and tall...
And told the teacher
that I wished to be a person...
Well loved by all.

She smiled and I did too.
I felt it was a good answer.
She nodded to signal for me to take my seat again.
She paused before speaking,
and not a moment later.

She said,
"That would be nice.
To be loved by all.
But that's close to impossible.
A big wish for someone so small."

I had heard her words clearly...
However I didn't understand.
My brows furrowed...
And I was deep in thought...
Still I couldn't comprehend.

28 years later...
Here I sit,
looking back to that time in the past.
How time flies...
It simply ticked away...
All too fast.

Till just then I was still that boy...
Who tried hard to please.
I wanted to prove that it wasn't impossible.
You can be loved by everyone,
and you can do it with ease.

But now I have learnt.
Now I have found meaning
and understanding in my teacher's wisdom.
It took me a while but...
I know now...
That wishes and reality don't work in tandem.

You can choose to care and love,
everyone you see.
But to expect everyone to love you the same...
Is sheer
You can't please everyone in life.
When you work around people, you're bound to step on some toes...
Whether intentionally or not.

Dedicated to my primary school teacher
and all the teachers out there. A tad early but...
Happy Teachers Day.
Hannah Martin Aug 2016
Fairy tales are simply fantasies created from people who want a better world

Where the biggest concern is who is the fairest of them all

Wondering when Prince Charming will arrive

Fairy tales are always predictable,
With the same cookie cutter endings

But life is no fairy tale,
It's much more complicated

If only life were that simple,
But the truth is, it's not

Not everyone gets a happy ending,
Even if you're one of the good guys

Fairy tales are just an escape from reality
  Aug 2016 Hannah Martin
m i a
i know you may feel a little blue sometimes,
but just remember that the sun will rise and so will you.
things are going to get better. you're going to get better. eventually. <3
Hannah Martin Aug 2016
Everyone has something to hide,

Each monster is unique in his own way,
They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors.
But we still don’t like them

We shove these monsters under our bed,
And hope to God nobody finds them.

We let anyone into our room,
But we never let them look under the bed.
Don’t even let them get close to the bed,
Signs that a monster lives there will appear.

For if that were to happen,
They’d see the darkest parts of our souls.

We assume that everyone is scared,
Scared of our monsters.
Which is why we conceal them so well

If we’re not careful,
Someone will discover what is under the bed
And that in itself is a nightmare.
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