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 Nov 2014 hannah
Madisen Kuhn
one time when i was eight
i slept over at my friend’s house
and that night we held back
her mom’s hair as she got sick
over a broken heart
into a trashcan at
the foot of her bed
and i didn’t understand
how someone could be so sad
but right now, lying
on the bathroom floor
getting sick over you, i do.
march 22, 2014 2:19am
 Oct 2014 hannah
 Oct 2014 hannah
Inhale. That good ****.
Exhale. The *******.
Inhale. The good times.
Exhale. The bad times.
 Oct 2014 hannah
A teachers heart is one of learning.
Of constant modification.
Lending pieces of it at the sound of a child's voice.

What is not seen  
Are the broken parts.
The times when my heart falls out of my chest.

My child, I am sorry
My child, you don't deserve it
My child, here is safe

A heart of protection.
Showing each student their worth
Value more valuable than the words of this poem

Without you my child
My heart
Would simply

Thinking about my students and how much they mean to me today and how much they deserve and how much some of them don't actually get.
 Sep 2014 hannah
Madisen Kuhn
When I think about never speaking to him again, I picture a girl walking in a crowd that’s all moving in the same direction, and then suddenly she drops everything she’s holding and turns around and starts running as fast as she can, smiling and pushing past everyone till finally she reaches an open space and her face looks like sunshine as her hair blows behind her in the wind and she’s free she’s free, oh God, she’s free.

But then I think about walking into a doctor’s office ten years from now and sitting on a cold metal table, staring at my legs dangling off the edge, waiting. And then I look up as the door opens slowly, not expecting to see his tattooed arms hidden in a lab coat, but there he is and, oh God, his eyes haven’t changed, and I can’t breathe, and he just stands there, looking at me like an unfinished sentence. Then I’d have to let him put a stethoscope to my chest and listen to my heart and I wonder what it’d sound like, if it would sound like messy half beats of missing him. If he’d be able to tell. If he’d care.

Or maybe the next time I see him, if I ever see him again, we’ll both be whole versions of ourselves, content and in good places, our lives all sorted out and how we always hoped they’d be. And maybe we’d be able to talk about the weather and our kids and the lives we created apart. And maybe I’d be able to look at him with only feelings of pleasant acquaintance and relative indifference, not seeing the boy I fell for when I should’ve been focused on catching myself.

And I know I should find comfort in thinking about how one day I may look at him and feel nothing,

but it’s four in the morning and I don’t want to let go.
 Sep 2014 hannah
Harley Hucof
Don’t make me sad, don’t make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don’t know why
Keep making me laugh
Let’s go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Not mine. Its a song by lana del rey
 Sep 2014 hannah
Shweta Darji
Stop thinking about tomorrow
Stop thinking about yesterday
Stop stressing
Don't beat yourself up something that wasn't your fault
That part when your voice cracked was probably no big deal
Get over that speech you have to make
No one is going to remember what you said or what you did
It might sound harsh
But you are a tiny grain of sand on a beach miles long
sorry I'm so harsh
 Sep 2014 hannah
a m a n d a
 Sep 2014 hannah
a m a n d a
the saddest thing
i've ever seen
is the stillness of windmills
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