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 May 2014 Hana
burning bright
We sit in deafening silence
And look on painfully
Is there anything left in this dust,
or is all already forgotten?

All of the pale faces in the room
but yours is the palest
And no one dares to look your way
with denial, they try to escape the madness

I know how they feel
After all, you were a part of us
And I know that we're in for sleepless nights
That they will blame you for abandoning us

But there is something they don't know
That's why I don't worry
You have evaded this tragedy
So for sorrow I do not long

Now I hope that you're happier
That you have found your peace
Because if faith was more cruel
You would still be here.
Sometimes death is not the worst thing.
 May 2014 Hana
Courtney Snodgrass
I remember being tangled up
In a mess of bones and organs
That had lost their homes inside the carcass of my body.
We wrestled in nothing but our skeleton frames
While my intestines seemed to strangle me,
My lungs could no longer help me breathe,
My heart lay tossed on the floor,
A rib cage that couldn’t hold it any longer,
Couldn’t protect it anymore.
And I could swear our love was still alive.
I wrote this at 1 in the morning last night. I have no idea what I think of it. Please let me know. Feedback and comments are encouraged and appreciated. Thanks!
 Apr 2013 Hana
Em Glass
it wasn't snowing yet, but they'd told us it would.
probably I said something infantile, about how
I could smell it, the frostiness of snowflakes in the
air, because you smiled that knowing smile of yours,
like you were an adult and i was a child and you
didn't have the heart to take my innocence away.

that look always made my heart smile, sadly, and
it also drove me up a wall, partly because it made
me want to hug you close and pity you the
burden of assumed moral superiority, and whisper
that you, too were a child. but mostly because you
were right— I clung to my naiveté while you, you
had already had the good sense to push it away.
it followed you around with sad puppy eyes, but
you knew it and you kept it at arm's length.
you brave, brave soul.

when it did start to snow I wasn't surprised. you
were. you didn't say anything. we were in
a deserted school hallway, listening, removed
from the other kids' cries. we were
delighted too, but the others wanted to run home
early, and we knew the definition
of home better than they. and I can speak only for
myself but it seemed we both wanted only to stay
forever side by side, tucked away in our corner,
me reveling in the softness of love and friendship
and winter, you trying to be there with me but having
trouble leaving your mind, where that sad-eyed
puppy snapped at your heels. it whimpered
but you held your own.

and slowly, we built up moments like this one.
we wallowed in each other and in the coziness
of cloudy days. we read good poetry and
heard good music and took photographs as we
discussed life from our  softer world.
there were moments of such pure white happiness
that they came full circle to being sad,
simply because I knew I would never be that
happy again, and I was not wrong, and I didn't
want to be. and we had
sad moments, too, never ever think I am not
happy to be sad with you.

and slowly, too, your innocence knew its
defeat, and sat obediently at your feet,
and we shared things.
but I was a child, and a weak one at that, and
God knew I was not as strong as you so she
gave me no great suffering to speak of, to
share with you. no way to reciprocate the
vulnerability you gave, and that in
itself was suffering for me.

I regret that I was not good at saying things.
that while
you had to be your own adult and push childhood
away, I clung hopelessly to mine as
I discovered me and watched it slip
from my small hands.

among the plethora of reasons I can give for
bitterly hating sunny days is the
way the sun slanted through the window and lit
up your eyes and swilled particles around
your face like fairy dust on the day you reached
out and pulled my lanyard over your own neck.
look, you said, content. almost proud.
I'm wearing a bit of you around my
and you wove it through your
sunlit fingers, eyes bright. you tugged on it,
lightly. that's what love does, it strangles
you. and we all want it.

and I gasped at the way that word sounded,
so harsh in such beautiful sunlight on such
a soft face. but I don't want to strangle
. I said that. thoughtlessly,
instinctively. I regret it every day. in that regard,
you gave me a strength, but it's no german shepherd—
you are so **** strong.

when your ache tugged and tugged at you,
tore you from reality, or brought you closer to it,
it slipped its finger into that lanyard knot. loosened it.
I could have reached out right then, as you had when you
pulled the sun-soaked string over your head, and
tightened it. tightened us. been a friend.

I didn't tug the knot. if you run.
when you run,
I know that two grown dogs
will follow after you, blocked
from the sun by your receding shadow.
 Apr 2013 Hana
Kristo Frost
 Apr 2013 Hana
Kristo Frost
a large room,

no, a really,


large room,

with a typewriter

in the center


the words

free yourself

are already spoken,

and underlined,

in the center

of the page


there is no blinking cursor,

no glowing white field


an iron sight

holds the paper down

so you can

torture or nurture

or shun or ****** it

with both

precision and accuracy


careful though,

you can drift

beyond the walls of your


big room

in the length of a page
 Apr 2013 Hana
Alfred Vassallo
Where goes the time when it flies?
Simplified by expression, and stained by clarity.
Smudge by lucidity
smeared by simplicity
tainted by intelligibility.
Tempus fugit as in time flies.
Sharply distressing with painful feelings
to the point of mental instability
morning or night
we become possessed with its mystic dealings.

Where goes the time when it runs?
Not a solitary explanation is found.
It happens and it won’t stop
until life terminates as well
without cause.
Derived of rationalisation
lacking understanding
short of justification
bursting with vindication
persistently and with conviction.

Where goes the time when it sails?
From the second that we’re born.
Where were we existing?
We cannot be so sure
Cannot recollect the past
Not for the first five of our years
Memory so blur, so shadowy
Hazy with distortions
obscure and confusing
Unit our mind starts slowly to recollect.

Where goes the time when it escapes?
The chronology of life so mysterious.
Nothing can solve its ambiguity
for time is a complex case
with an infinity of secrets.
What’s the obsession when we have so many setbacks
drawbacks and obstacles
obstructions and conundrums
to take care of before time perishes away
and leaves us stranded in oblivion.

Oh time, you magnificent of all mysteries,
the high and mighty of ambiguities.
Show us mercy and explain
we are not detectives of secrecies
your spell with us reflects on the whodunits.
Oh time of things past and yet to come
give us a clue as to what is to derive!
it softly replies “Make most of your lives”
“Once I fly away no one can have a replay”.
 Apr 2013 Hana
Ashlyn Kriegel
Growing up I discovered that it is innate
In human nature
To find, seek, or beg for affection.
I stayed silent in order to watch those around me:
Some were good at capturing attention
Like on a warm summer night
And children and running around with glass jars
Procuring fireflies that shine like precious gems.
These children had the talent of keeping the fireflies
Dazzling for days.
Some sought after the coveted attention,
With their baited fishing poles in hand,
They patiently waited in the middle of the lake
And held onto their prize when caught
Until it died when they would go and fish for a new one.
Perhaps a longer, bigger, heavier, more valuable catch.
Some are light, ethereal,
Like a subtle perfume you can only smell
When you are mere inches away from the wearer.
They are sweet and not too persistent in their ways.
I continued to watch
And place people in these categories.
What they all in common, though,
Was selling their precious:
The fireflies, the fish, the perfume.
I looked to myself,
What did I have to sell? To offer?
Anything at all?
Surely I wasn’t as skilled as the lightning bug trapper
Or as patient as the fisherman
Or as fragrant as the perfume-wearer.
Instead, I was the girl
Who would admire the stars for all they are,
But not try to keep one;
Who would live in the now
Rather than feebly attempting to move my watch
Back a few years.
It was then I realized,
My love is not for sale.
 Mar 2013 Hana
Kristina Faith
  is an
  waste of space.
perhaps an
 Mar 2013 Hana
Hera Nova
When you're out of your mind and you accept it
Let go of this world and you won't regret it.

On your voyage for discovery of personal gravity
Take interest in what others call profanity.
Understand it, don't discard it, not everyone knows
That by using it wisely you'll discover sanity.
Started this For the Hello Poetry's Latest Experiment: Adopt a Metaphor.
Still w.i.p.
 Mar 2013 Hana
Nina Rouse
 Mar 2013 Hana
Nina Rouse
And every time I think of you

As I fall down to sleep

I wonder if you think of me

If you dream what I dream

All I know is there are some things

I wish that could have been unseen

But you’re the only one in my heart

And I know now why we both fell apart

It wasn’t what we thought

It’s what we lost

All the sacrifices

All the lies

Could never suffice

What we had

And when I think of you

I think of this sadness

That breaks through

You were the only one for me

And I thought I was for you

But I guess you truly never knew

How much you meant to me

My dear lost friend

The love I felt

Was confused

And after all of it I felt used
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