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  Oct 2019 Donna
You are my rock, my solid stone.
You are my shelter, you are my home.
You are my solace, when I am alone.
You are my answer in a world unknown.
No one could ever take your place.
No one but you could ever put this smile upon my face.
Never could you be replaced.
You're being is my pain erased.
Always together, I pledge you forever.
  Oct 2019 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
In its days of glory
Slowly dying an eternal end
  Oct 2019 Donna
Sarita Aditya Verma
Chony and Mony
Butterflies, yellow and blue
Loved flowers in hues

Of the two brothers
Chony, naughty and witty
Mony, naive with innocent charm

Living every moment
Flitting and sipping
Listening to the garden song

Changing colours
A chameleon in wait
The brothers knew its taste

As it rested its colour to blue
Chony knew it right away
Momma had taught to flit past that hue

Held Mony by it’s wing
Mony knew it was a danger sign
Opposite direction, was the call

The hungry chameleon
Rolled its eyes, surmised
Time to call it a day
Written on 23-03-2019
  Oct 2019 Donna
Edmund black
Every chance I get to express myself poetically I take. But the truth is my heart belongs to nature,where the bird’s my stereo, the ocean’s my mirror, the trees my home and where my heart kept bubble wrapping for my safe keeping. Therefore I’m not a big fan of social media,  and I’m sort of shy, startling isn’t it lol. Though it hurts at times , sometimes I silence my voice and I hide from the world often ..behind a wall of ink , in the back of a crowded page near the exit ,close to the end of every story so I can make my escape ..seems like I’m always in the shadow  of my mind, unless I’m obliged into the light whose melody from time to time ( in my French accent ;) ) entices me to come out from behind the wall,to bleed my songs of enlightenment for those who need it. Those who may not be able to sing beautifully as always in the moment of pain, sadness, sickness, darkness and to uplift those considered to be defenseless when all roads turns to black,  literally. Where I share little bits of pieces of my personality and spirit to put a smile on their faces. Where Everything is Art, everything is poetry starting with myself. Only time I know how to take flight , and be free!
What’s good with y’all today.... Sending love your way!
  Oct 2019 Donna
Maggie Sorbie
Opened the window
put some seed out for the birds
sat and drank my tea
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