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 Jul 2016 Hadrian Veska
gray rain
Beauty comes from within
But I can't picture it without good lighting?
And I don't like going outside
And it doesn't exist in my house
I've tried desperately to delete me.
I guess it's not really up to me
to successfully destroy what i did not create.

I do not take this life lightly.
O.k. maybe I do slightly.
Because sometimes I feel like a mistake.

Forgive me
This is not the best side of me.
Only the side that really hates me.
On my soul it feeds and is never slaked.

Believe me
If I could control this I would be.
Because I'm not into hating me.
But now it's much too late.

For everything I hear and everything I see,
tells no one here loves me but pain and grief.
For all the love I've given and all the love I've had.
A darker remnant I am now of
just a man eternally sad.
 Jul 2016 Hadrian Veska
gray rain
We've got to the point where people are accepting peoples differences.
However, are yet to get to the stage where those who accept will support aswell.
A piece missing
A puzzle left incomplete
Observing from my tippy toes
Air beneath my feet
Everything I ever wanted
Slightly out of reach
The world is my oyster
Yet you're the only thing I seek

You stand with wide eyes and circle rims
Nipping it all in the bud
Hasty gardener who over trims
What's left of our water
Just a puddle only my finger tip can skim

I'm stuck in love with a not ever after
If you be my shining knight
And I'll be yours to batter
Bruise me, scar me deep
Treat me how you will
I'm always your to keep

Waiting on the sidelines
Nervous to jump in
Muddy shoes from walking
The mess is to my hem
With shallow waters Im soaked
I grant you permission to swim
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