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 Jan 2017 Hadrian Veska
 Jan 2017 Hadrian Veska
Days of sunshine,
skies of azure
and scents of blooming flowers.

Days of never ending conversations,
careless guffaws
and childlike jests.

Days of heartfelt promises,
unrestrained caresses
and wild beating hearts.

I think I've fallen again...

O Majestic Mountains,
The wind cannot shake you -
You continue to stand tall and proud,

You do not flinch at the sight of storms,
You aren't bothered by the darkest cloud.

O Majestic Mountains,
Strong enough to keep holding fast
To your sturdy ground,

Encompassed by beautiful nature,
You are always found.

Regardless of how much pressure
Is placed upon you,
Nobody can break you -
If you do happen to give way, or crumble,
It is by the will of God  - The Almighty!

With his love,
You are never alone,
You stand confidently ,
Daily and nightly.

O Majestic Mountains,
Even whilst you are engulfed
By extra long periods of dark, dark shade,

Your mighty will
And your strength,
Never ceases,
Nor does your impeccable beauty
Ever fade.

I pray, to be as brave as you,
And to share with you,
Your every super, powerful attribute,

O Majestic Mountains,
Of the Earth's sacred lands,
How I truly do admire you!

By Lady R.F ©2017
First poem for 2017

Happy New Year HP!
In the night somewhere
A baby cries
And somewhere else
Lovers sigh
And as time passes
An old man dies

Somewhere out in space
A planet turns
And light years away
A star sun burns
Making us merely dust
And no-one learns

                                 By Phil Roberts
vermillion and green
i see the unseen
bursting through trees
i am free
the light of infinity
so bright i can hardly breathe
pours through my eyes, in reflections
i find my soul
hallow, whole, and holy
in triads, we define
signs and sights
surrounded by love
all songs are sung, in darkness
opening your eyes
is a form of worshiping, light
that is justified
only by sight unseen
 Jan 2017 Hadrian Veska
 Jan 2017 Hadrian Veska
I am but willing prey to the wiles of the full grown moon.
She guards the night sky...
While I patrol these grounds...
Grieving over the seconds that have gone too soon.

I am a vessel... all emptied and barren.
what once was full,
now echoes faint
the glories of yesteryears.
Afloat still, adrift upon the currents... aimless and sullen.

I am a ghost... haunting no one but my own.
to a body of mist and haze...
Occupying this space where worthy wind had once blown...

I am a beggar offering nothing but my open palms.
Hope etched tight
into my knackered knuckles
and calloused digits.
Please... take them in yours...
soothe them...
grant me your touch, your coveted balm.
Stars in the sky exploding
Space and time folding
Bombs going off as the galaxy rips
Flashing lights fight to eclipse

Visions full of fluorescence
At the sacrifice of a solar systems essence
Shooting stars cry across the skies
Puncturing planets as they pulverize

Swirls of liberation
Celestial bodies melting in devastation
Swarms collect and deform
Exploding into storms as they transform  

The aura of the aurora bleeding like mascara
As if the planet is crying at the end of an era
Watching as black holes fight over vibrant sights
Pulling it apart as it ignites

What a wonderful curse
To befall the universe
It's so beautiful its cryptic
God bless a life so apocalyptic
Front Page!!! I hope to god this poem becomes more popular then "chorus of a love song" because that does not deserve to be my most popular poem.(Later) **** The Daily...Well that was my first wish that has ever came true and then some.
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