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 Aug 2015 Hades
On a shaded bench I sit
As large black birds squabble
& squawk
& fly all around my head
Families walk around
Forcing pictures
My family is elsewhere
I enjoy the momentary solace

32 men from Gonzales
Died near where I sit
Yet I can smell no gunpowder
I can hear neither shots nor cries
Only families snapping pictures
And children crying in the Texan sun
One of my San Antonio poems
 Aug 2015 Hades
Taigu Ryokan
Stretched out,
Under the vast sky:
Splendid dreams
Beneath the cherry blossoms.
 Aug 2015 Hades
David Ehrgott
The Twenty-nine Janes

Jane                             Jane                                   Jane

             Jane                                Jane

                            Jane                                                                Jane

           Jane                                                 Jane                      Jane


                                                      Jane                              Jane
                                Jane                                   Jane                              Jane

Jane                                             Jane

                Jane                                                                Jane

Jane                                                           Jane

                            Jane                                                                    Jane

Jane                                             Jane                       Jane
 Jul 2015 Hades
 Jul 2015 Hades
And at the end of the day
We are all left our own devices
To plot the peaks and highs of our lives
And mend the bridges we have broken along the way
To destroy ourselves once more
Each day at dawn
And resurrect what has already begun to Decay
To follow the clock
On and on
And become mechanized thereupon
To wash off the scars
That have soaked in our skin
And look up to the stars
And pray that we do not wear too thin

But every now and again,
Through the cracks of the asphalt
And cement
A blossom will sprout.
And the clouds will begin to part
So that the forgiven misgivings and
Misfortunes of the past shine through
And when the world stops
And we are suspended in time
We are reminded of what is up above us

We are made to marvel
at the wonders of the Sky
Even when the clouds are grey
Somehow I feel tomorrow will be ok
 Jul 2015 Hades
 Jul 2015 Hades
My mouth is empty
And yet I chew and chew
Biting my lips until they bleed
Canines scratching at the inner walls
Along with my lower teeth
I can't remember the last time I ate
Everything's bland, no matter how delicious
And the food has lost its taste
I have grown hungry and tired of my own mistakes
I crave for the past to be buried
And for the future to unravel
Instead of digesting in self-hate
Yet here I am, wasting my life away

 Jul 2015 Hades
A Lopez
 Jul 2015 Hades
A Lopez
No distance ever separates
Dreams and desires
No mirror ever dissolves
Reflection and water
In one's eye

What graph would you make
Of lines of thought?
The triangle of pain
Is without any angle

Countless races
Have dreams alike
But sleep and night watch
Are never the same!

Names are forgotten
Codes alone come to mind.
 Jul 2015 Hades
Mike Hauser
Life's how I like it
on this side of the window
Where I can direct
which way the wind blows

When life gets too hectic
as I'm feeling its drain
I just reach over
and pull down the shades

Because often these days
I find pretty much
That as of late
is how often it does

I did buy some boards
if it comes down to it
Hammer and nails
when it comes time to quit

But until then I'll clean it
but only my side
Take it or leave it
this window into my life
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