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 Aug 2021 noura
E. E. Cummings
my love
thy hair is one kingdom
  the king whereof is darkness
thy forehead is a flight of flowers

thy head is a quick forest
  filled with sleeping birds
thy ******* are swarms of white bees
  upon the bough of thy body
thy body to me is April
in whose armpits is the approach of spring

thy thighs are white horses yoked to a chariot
  of kings
they are the striking of a good minstrel
between them is always a pleasant song

my love
thy head is a casket
  of the cool jewel of thy mind
the hair of thy head is one warrior
  innocent of defeat
thy hair upon thy shoulders is an army
  with victory and with trumpets

thy legs are the trees of dreaming
whose fruit is the very eatage of forgetfulness

thy lips are satraps in scarlet
  in whose kiss is the combinings of kings
thy wrists
are holy
  which are the keepers of the keys of thy blood
thy feet upon thy ankles are flowers in vases
  of silver

in thy beauty is the dilemma of flutes

  thy eyes are the betrayal
of bells comprehended through incense
 Jun 2020 noura
i let myself drown
 Jun 2020 noura
when people are in love
they often say
they simply fell
tripped over their own two feet
face forward
and into the arms of their beloved

i did more than simply fall
onto the ground of your love

you, for me
were an ocean
and i dived
almost painfully
into the waters of “you”

i knew i could not swim
but i did so anyway
i was drowning
entangled in you
surrounded by this being of “you”
engulfed in this feeling of “you”

and i did not know what came over me
but i let myself drown
i did not try to swim back up
because if i went back to land,
releasing myself from your grasp
that would mean losing the feeling of “you”

and after
submerging into the depth
the love
the passion
of “you”

how could i ever leave?
 Jun 2020 noura
as the day surrenders
i find myself
slouched and
i'm not one to flock
with others
or be approachable
i miss the
excitement and movement
endless nights
even if i prefer
a small gathering
i find myself
alone. at least
i had a choice to
look present
back then i would feel alone in a crowd, but i wouldn't look alone. sitting in my room I am physically and mentally alone
 Jun 2020 noura
oh you
 Jun 2020 noura
oh, you let me down
this is as far as i can go
oh, you make me sad
what a sad world you've created

oh, you hurt my stomach
you're one with my pain
i just need a scapegoat
i don't need a name
 Jun 2020 noura
John Destalo
 Jun 2020 noura
John Destalo
when the bendy
parts don’t bend

and every day is
the discovery of

a new ache and
the worry

of a fall and
a sudden break

and the parts
won’t remember

their place

— The End —