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 Mar 2015 Gisele
Ember Evanescent
You're like a good book
I can't stop thinking about you
I want to get to know all of you
You're mysterious
You're wonderful
Your existence seriously affects the way I exist
but my existence doesn't affect yours at all

Repost if you can relate
Repost if you can relate
 Mar 2015 Gisele
Cruel Collapse
 Mar 2015 Gisele
You are beside me.
Silent and steady.
I am not alone.
I wish I can hold you, elusive.
With daylight, you are gone.
Moonlight on my bed.

Your body writhing.
Breathing, sparsely pinstriped with gasps and kisses.
Drawing curves already there, perpetual perfection.

Lustful passion, glazed with yearning, crowned with jealousy, jaded with affection.
A constellation of emotions, collapsing with just one whisper.
 Mar 2015 Gisele
Allison Miles
Tie a string to your finger,
So you can remember,
That love,
Is hard,
To come by.
It's hard to keep,
And even harder to ignore.

Let that string remain.
Let it get coarse and thin.
Let it dangle as you run.
Let it soak in the bath,
Taking up suds,
While you take off grime.

Let it fall on the table.
Let your fat cat chase it.
Put it on the stove,
And watch it burn to nothing.

Take the ashes to the streets,
Keep them in your pocket as you run,
As they seep through the seems,
Feel the dust fall down your leg.
Let your skin absorb its memory,
Like graffiti pops on a blank wall,
Like a trail beaten into the earth remains,
Long after it's abandoned.
Like the stain of sauce on that fresh white shirt.

Like a string tied to your finger.
All of which can never be forgotten.
Should never be forgotten.

Do not deny that bow once sat,
Perched on your pinkie.
Do not ignore the future it implied,
Or your expectations.
And know that,
That red line,
Even after the string is gone.
It never truly disappears.
The collision between two passionate lips,
I miss holding onto the hips
and embrace the blazing feelings fuming beneath my ribs.
Take my breath away,
I mean take away my life,
look me deep in the eye,
get closer,
toe to toe,
knee to knee,
chest to chest,
listen to my heartbeat,
allow your eyes to compell me to shut my eyelids,
strike me dead with a passionate kiss,
let my soul elope into a secret place,
kiss me to death,
because there is eternal life in you kiss,
A delicate breeze wets my cheeks              
Painting a desire across my breast
A ****** canvas for us to dance
Buried shapes in a reflection of one chance

Your alluring eyes meld into me
Your roseate lips ablaze my desire
Tracing and spilling as you inflame my needs
Provoking my urge
I draw you near as we empty the air
You peel away my imperfections smoothly and enticingly

I roam your virility spreading and streaking
As you dip inside my heated  mouth
Glazing and rising as you distend
I suckle and tease your liquid love
You clutch my hair , I rake and roll your whole length
As you tremble you pull me near

Your masterful fingers ,discover my pink sheath
Pinching and releasing my heated abyss
You entice me as you roam
Imprisoned into my bones
Flowing as my lady unfurls

We peel away the fluster
As I enter into your shadow
You infuse into me
Rippling and releasing
Tracing the peaks of me
We build and merge together
We raised and we surged
Into a flood tide of forgotten dreams
Baby its cold outside,
Lets go turn up the heat.
Maybe kindle some pillows,
Make a fire of your sheets.

Throw on some blankets,
Build up the heat.
There's a hotter side of me,
That I want you to meet.

It might snow or sleet,
A long winter storm,
But tonight I can promise,
I'll be keeping you warm.
 Mar 2015 Gisele
Erin Schwartz
Soft kisses
Tight hugs
Warm smiles
And deep conversations

The same kisses, yet softer
Tight Hugs, just a bit tighter
Warm smiles turn into sleepy grins
And deep conversations turn into lustful lullabies

Light pecks of the cheek and neck
Arms draped lazily across ones body
Smiling against ones skin
And random reminders of three little words

No more loving kisses
Arms still intertwined
Grins now formed into straight lines
And silence of late night sleep
 Mar 2015 Gisele
 Mar 2015 Gisele
soft nose
cold aginst mine
black button eyes
that can't even tell time

you make me happy
when you don't know i'm sad
i don't even realize
you'll be the best thing i've ever had

thank you for loving me
sweet innocent bliss
you'll do anything for me
and you will always be missed
 Mar 2015 Gisele
Caitlin Drew
I used to write for fear of forgetting.
I stopped writing for fear of remembering.
Your arms loosening from around me
as you said final thoughts of us.
Your taillights trailing down the street.
Mirroring the floodgates from my eyes.

Now I have the typewriter you gave me.
An incessant reminder of all the words I never said.
All the words that are too late to make up for time lost.

I wrote to you anyway.

Without the intention of winning you.
Only hoping not to lose you,
the only person who could scare the **** out of me
and make me feel like I was floating
using one stupid look
that made me fall ceaselessly and unnervingly
in love with you.

I wanted you to know
that all of my convictions
that true love and fate
were just lies that are spoon-fed to us
so that we aren't starved by an empty life,
it all wavered when you smiled at me.

I want to tell you
that I used to never have dreams
and now you're in all of them.
Making reality that much harder.

Every letter was returned.
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