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 Aug 2016 Geetha Jayakumar
Don't listen to the pressure,
Who even said that skinny is better?
Those magazines and tv shows?
Being hateful is money and money is what they want.
So they will hate every minute of the day to make sure that their pay isn't going away.

Propaganda that visible bones is better,
Lies that skipping a meal is alright,
And teaching little girls that with their weight
They will always have to fight.

This is not how we were created to be,
We are all beautiful internally.
Don't listen to the pressure,
Skinny really isn't better.
Since I was 14 I've struggled with eating disorders, I think it's something that all young girls are self conscious about to some extent growing up because of what they see on social media X and in magazines.
It's really sad that some children will literally die trying to be as thin as they think they should be.
Eating disorders are often glorified nowadays,
And people don't realise the severity of it.
 Aug 2016 Geetha Jayakumar
I live  with a suicidal tendency.
It has become a necessite part of me,
I wake up every day, just hoping that it will go away.

                   It doesn't.
I've tried to commit suicide many times since I was only 14, it's an urge  that I've had to learn to live with.
Children cry and sometimes get lost.
Bumps, bruises, scars, and sickness.
If your lucky parents are there to kiss you.
Dreams and Innocence.
Disney Princess.
No worry in the world.
Playing Barbie’s on the porch.
Riding bikes in the street.
Life is good.
Then you get older and things get hard, sometimes if your lucky things are still ok.
That wasn’t the case for me.
You were born with a ticket
For an ego-trip;
Languished on the axis
Of the Id Grid;
Dryed your hair with a comb
Before the vanity mirror.
That's how it was
When we were at home.
You fit many uniforms.
You never learned;
Never broke stride,
You say good-bye.
On slow-mo,
Review the moves
Then go.
Flip the rear view mirror;
It's bigger than you.
close your eyes and dream
open your heart and let the
‘Sanders Spirit’ flow through you .........
         It’s easy!

just take a moment to help your fellow man
pause for a second to consider
being considerate

      show compassion
            to your brethren
                     with empathy
                           and care /

people get lost in dollar signs
thinking a socialist wants all
your personal property
this is of course
pure hogwash
spoken from lips of those locked in greed
            who have forgotten their neighbors
                       first name /

forget Jesus…..
2000 year plus absentee specter
asking you to turn cheeks
so as to be hit again
think ‘Sanders Spirit’
and share
if nothing else
your love /
The Bunny stares with round black eyes.
The girl felt that this bunny was important to her.
After all it was given to her when she was 6.
Her daddy bought it for her and gave it to her.
This bunny has gotten her through nightmares.
The bunny was there when her dog Amber passed away.
The girl snuggled up to the bunny and sniffed the stuffed bunnies fur.
It smelled like her mom’s cookies she use to make, it smelled like her old shampoo she use to use.
The girl cried when her heart got broken, the bunny was right there to comfort her.
When the girl’s mom said she hated her, the bunny was there to snuggle with until she fell asleep.
The bunny reminded her of good times, when her mom loved her.
It was soft and a beautiful pink color.  
The bunny was her best-friend.
I had this big stuffed Bunny growing up. It was my best friend.
I loved it so much for a lot of reasons.
I would love to know your childhood toy, stuffed animal, something you really loved growing up. Leave a comment down below :)
He never says goodbye
To the dead
He simply
Doesn't know how
They all think
He doesn't care
But he died a long time ago
And they were never there...

The sunrise was singing
as I rose from bed
The sweetest of melodies
played in my head

Harmonies floated
so soft on the air
Apricot skies
on this morning did share

Then when you kissed me
I found it was clear
It was not the sun
on this morning I hear

This wonderful tune
that sang down from above
Was the perfect sound
of our beautiful love
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