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762 · May 2016
Smoke & Flowers
Smoke in the room
I can't see you
Where did you go
We had it all

Three fearful years
So many troubles, so many tears
You needed something
You blinded yourself - you saw me give nothing

But I gave it all

How can you see it now
When I'm stuck inside this cloud
Your ankles are chained to the ground
You're begging me to save you somehow

But your addiction with picking flowers
Won't be much easier to fix than climbing towers

With broken hands
I think we should work on some different plans
a song I wrote when paper was the only available ear
521 · Apr 2016
I inhale your scent

subtle sweet sweat;
similar to sunrise after a
dreary drizzle
I want
to crush you up,

melt you down,
swallow you like syrup
pour you over my pancakes-
you are so warm

subtle sweet sweat;
similar to the sounds of saxophones on Thursday night
I want
to crush you up,

crush you up,
370 · Apr 2016
Favorite Page
I want to rip you out of my heart like I rip the best pages out of poetry books
Crumple you up and carry you
around in my pocket
Rubbing your edges between my finger tips while I walk
Just for comfort

I want to read you over and over
Until I know every word
Every comma
Everything by heart

When I get home I'll flatten you out
Frame you
Put you on my wall
And hope to forget that you're there
Although I know you always will be
318 · Apr 2016
Just Stay in Bed
It's hard to get out of bed these days
Or do anything at all,
Everything is so dreary
Sadness is all around me
It's in the people and the air and the water
I'm suffocating slowly
Choking silently
Or at least that's how it feels
My morale for this strange battle called life has sunken like a ship
It's hard to stop thinking that it shouldn't be a battle
It's hard to stop thinking about being elsewhere
It's hard to stop thinking about being bodiless
How I long to see what's next
But I know that I'm to stay here
Deal with dignity, all of the drear
It's not because there's pain in death, that I fear,
But hurting those I love so dear
312 · Apr 2016
Your hands produce such beautiful sound
It surprised me when I realized how much pain they could bring me
When you crumple my heart into a
Tiny tight ball
Every time you sit there for what feels like forever
In the corner
Head tilted down
Thumbs fiddling
My hearts life is dwindling
I can't breathe anymore
And you don't even care
When the tears begin to trickle
Tickling my nose
My bleeding heart, exposed
And it takes so many minutes
For you to see my face is soaked
In my love for you
My love that goes unnoticed
Just like the tears
That just spilled for 20 minutes
And you only caught them for 5
302 · Apr 2016
You are an ocean breeze
Inside of me,
but cold

Quite often the waves rise up in me
They crash and collide
inside of my walls

Everything is dark

Sometimes you are the sun
The birds on the branches of my lungs sing

Everything is beautiful

— The End —