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 Apr 2014 Fudz Lana
Dallas Allen
This is Psychological chess
and i am two moves behind
i figured out your game
and you have figured out mine

Our knights are dead,
our bishops have fled
and so much has got to my head
but when will we look up and realize,
we are on the same side?

Our difference is your a queen
I am a king,
you are stronger and faster,
but i lead the team,

we are chess pieces of the same color
king am i, and you the queen
but sadly i do not know one thing
what does this mean?
 Apr 2014 Fudz Lana
It is not even half way through the year yet, and their words have already began to morph into knives.
the words come flying out so fast, it takes some time to realize, what just took place.
what was just taken.
his stares have already become dreaded.
and his face has already become loved.
yet his intentions are all just one big blur.
and his sentences, all for me, have become bullets, aimed for my heart,
just the spot to ****.
and yet his smile, all for me, has become thy sanctuary.
 Apr 2014 Fudz Lana
Andrew Durst
I'm a monster;
Everything I hate.
I breathe in these lies
Just to suffocate.
Look me in the eyes.
There's no chance for tomorrow,
I fell by your demise.
I thought your love was true.
But everything we did,
Is now simply everything
I rue.
 Apr 2014 Fudz Lana
Babu kandula
Walking with you is a dream
Waiting for you is real
I don't know
Why I am afraid of you
Why I am very hesitant
I cannot talk with you straight forward
I can only write for you
But why why why
I don't know the reason
Why my mind play with me
It is gambling with my life
No courage to say you the truth
This is called killing my freedom
So how do I gain my freedom again
It became a million dollar question
what happened to you?

your mind used to be a cemetery for boredom right next a maternity ward of inappropriate laughter.

you spoke like an owl was perched on your ribs, your wisdom was profound.

but what happened to you?

I named your lips nectar and honey and mine were two butterfly junkies trying to get a sugar high.

I could have sworn I heard  your name in the winds whisper through the leaves lips, but autumn came far too soon.

and when it seems like things want to get sweet again, time becomes a rehab for relapsing diabetics.

you were a beauty among beasts, a rainbow on an oil spill.

But even rainbows can't be out when the sun is not.
 Apr 2014 Fudz Lana
I am weak,
I am alone,
I see things other people don't.

I am broken,
I am cut,
I am everything she's not.

I want to bleed,
I want to cry,
All my life I'll wonder why.
 Apr 2014 Fudz Lana
As water is to cleansing rain
and heat as to burning flame,
so are you to me; the same.
My fiery rain.

Fill the gutter of my mind.
Fire the coal your heart has mined.
Burn me to the end of time.
Your fire does reign.

r ~ 4/1/14
 Apr 2014 Fudz Lana
Am I really as good as I think I am?
maybe not
Am I as good as I think others are?
probably not
Am I really as good as others think I am?
definitely not
I'm only as good as I think I am
*confidence can be elusive
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