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within a prison-like classroom.
i learnt the writer used
"i "
to express his or her's feeling of unimportance.

i promise you.
i've been texting my i's in lowercase letters ever since.
I care about you
A great deal
No one cares more..
Not him though.
You are just some prize
You disagree with the lifestyle but make excuses to stay
When all he sees in you is someone to be there
for him to use and have, a trophy

I know we have problems
I get angry
Your friends and family hate me
But being with someone just because of what everyone else wants
Is just a stupid thing that will eat you up darling.
Im sorry ***, but I cant and wont accept it when I see how it brings you down.
I found myself stuttering yesterday...
clumsily tripping, fumbling,
over words.
The explanation of my whereabouts -
in question.
Like a guilty child.

Awareness then anger emerge.
irritated, indignant hostility.
That I would allow this again -
over and over and over again…

Trying to account for every moment beneath suspicious eyes. Groundless guilt rising up, as I choke, words broke and unspoke

- while the little voice in my head screams "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!"
conditioned (kənˈdɪʃənd)  adj
1. (Psychology) psychol of or denoting a response that has been learned. Compare unconditioned
2. (foll by to) accustomed; inured; prepared by training

un·con·di·tioned (ŭn′kən-dĭsh′ənd)  adj
1. (Psychology) psychol characterizing an innate reflex and the stimulus and response that form parts of it. Compare conditioned1
2. (Philosophy) metaphysics unrestricted by conditions; infinite; absolute
3. without limitations; unconditional
I miss you
The cuddles
The kisses
having someone who cared for me
I wish I could cuddle with you again
Just hold you, or lie in bed together
I know you need it now
Just like I did then
So come darling
Leave your troubles behind and embrace me
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