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 Oct 2014 Min Blue
 Oct 2014 Min Blue
This world is so small
none of us has seen it all
 Oct 2014 Min Blue
Patrick Sugarr
i just can't stop thinking about that day
   I remember, you were wearing grey
      without a clue, you sat by my side
         never thought our worlds would collide

there's something about you I just can't explain
   making my brain go insane
      lose myself whenever you're around
         like my heart melted and it fell to the ground

i wonder if you ever feel the same
   whenever they mention my name
      was ignorance just part of your game?
         or should i be the one to blame?

i fell too easily and crashed too hard
   somehow i feel like a ******
      in my thoughts you would dwell
         you had me listening to Adele

you are the light in my darkness
   the smile in my sadness
      though i know this is foolishness
         you existence is still my silent happiness
i wrote this poem during our ESL class years ago. our professor asked us to read the poem using different voices per stanza. it was hilarious xD i had to use a ghost-like voice, a very tiny voice, and others hahaha
 Oct 2014 Min Blue
I can taste your bones in my mouth
decadent, exhausted

you peeled my skin back
and watched me burn brighter than the skyline on fire
pierced reds pulsing pitch

I left the morning with my head on your pavement
staring into nothing
2:32am, October 29th 2014

Meandering endless in half-conscious existence.
 Oct 2014 Min Blue
my body is tired,
my mind is numb,
my eyes are wet
and i've bit my thumbs.
they're bleeding now,
and i want to sleep,
but my mind wont rest
without your blessing;
the queen can't end the day
without a kiss from her king.
 Oct 2014 Min Blue
Everytime I see your smile my heart skips
I melt inside just thinking about you
You are the perfect picture in my mind
I think I dreamt you into life
I pour out my soul to you hopeful
I get lost in your calm collected way
I love your charm and charisma
You shatter me into a thousand tiny bits
 Oct 2014 Min Blue
Mike Hauser
She is the beginning
As well as the end
The best part of the middle
Then start over again

The sweet part of the taste
On the tip of your tongue
The wisdom of old
The giggle of young

She is the breeze
That blows in the Spring
The long distance call
That brings you close with the ring

The moment you hear
Someone say yes
She is the mystery
That hides in the guess

She is the hope
That you hold onto
The talk of the town
The brand in the new

The little crease
At the edge of the smile
She's the bees knees
The answer to why

She is all this and
She is all that
When it comes to it all
She's where it's all at
30 years ago today I married the love of my life...
We've had our ups and downs but over all it's been a wonderful ride!
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