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 May 2017 Eve
Tahirih Manoo
 May 2017 Eve
Tahirih Manoo
*** is male
                                                         ­   *
*** is female

              *** for money

                                                          ­                                         *** for drugs

                               *** for lust

                                                           ­                         *** by force

         *** galore

                                                         ­                                                  *** as a bet

                 *** to fill boredom

                                                        ­                        *** for relief

                    *** for pleasure

                                                      ­                                        *** with passion

                               *** with fear

                                                           ­                        *** as bargain

                *** for attention  

                                                    ­                                   *** for acceptance

                                  *** make-believing


*** with feeling
*** with love
Making Love** ..............That's Real ***.  *** is Poetry.

                                            - March 4th, 2014.    3: 01 am.
The many reasons why people have ***.. not speaking of one person
 May 2017 Eve
Tahirih Manoo
is reason alone to live

On a hot day.

I eat you. 11:56 pm

obviously delicious ice-cream, not ****** sandy , lame ice cream.

happy ice-cream day .
 May 2017 Eve
Tahirih Manoo

I focus in.

I see all details

Like caught on film.

I rewind,
I assume.
I draw wrong conclusions about the varied clues.


I externalize.

I see no details

Of the who and why.

I project,
I know.
I make good decisions when walking on objective rope.*

10:56pm , Tuesday, 5th , July, 2016
 May 2017 Eve
Tahirih Manoo
After the false promises, disappointment...

I am finally starting..

This Unwantedly feeling..

No girl can be princess...

But only a warrior!

Struggling Or not

She must fight her own battles!

And perhaps never waltz
with her true Prince Charming.

11:06 pm.Tuesday, 5th , July, 2016.
Only a dream of that true love's first kiss. .
 May 2017 Eve
Tahirih Manoo
Twiddle dee doo
A watch from afar
Tweedle dee dah
I gaze upon my star
Clear skies to my delight
Nesting alone - peace, quiet
Best* night by far
A lost lightning bolt zaps*
A thrill through my spine
My mouth agape
My calm night has ended its time.
The lightning bolt nailed its target
A fresh, green lime
2 feet from where I was rooted.

Fri, may 19, 2017 3:09pm
It happens. It's a good thing.
 May 2017 Eve
Ryan Holden
 May 2017 Eve
Ryan Holden
As we struggle for air
Waves crash black bones,
Trees subjugate,
Flocks congregate,
Lost, like dog without bone,
We wither away endlessly
Without a say,
but remain warm
For arms of open joy,
As we fear we might lose
A place we once built,
But remain blind
Of her flawless beauty.
 May 2017 Eve
Sleep eludes this stricken soul
as prettily wrapped death,
escapes the weary

Nay, for lying so still as one lacking breath,
searching for darkened hearts to fill the depths,

Void, as the empty ticking of stopped clocks,
hour glasses with nary a care for counting,
having traded sand for eternity

The search of the weary for unattainable rest and reassurance of eternity's kiss,
waits with slit smiles for the restless ******.
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