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kellie knut Jan 2018
You see her..

You see her face

You see her take a slow pace

You see her smile

You think it’s beautiful

You see her with her friends

You see her with the trends

You see her popularity

You don’t see her crying..

You don’t see the ocean in her eyes..

You don’t see her happiness was all lies..

You don’t see her broken heart..

You don’t see that faded light..

You don’t see the walls she put up..

You don’t see her about to blow up..

You don’t see how she pushes everything down..

You don’t see her scars..

You don’t see how unhappy she is..

You don’t see her..
Jan 2018 · 293
devil is you..
kellie knut Jan 2018
Devil I see you there..

Staring back at me..

I see you there

Taunting me

I hear you


I hear your

Unkind words

Put those words in my head

Put those thoughts in my head

Tell me i’m worthless

Tell me i’m better off dead

Tell me the worst things ever

I will listen..

Devil tell me

Should I take that step

Should I cross

Should I take the bottle

Should I drink up

Should I pull

Should I give up

Devil tell me

Why are you so quiet all of the sudden

Can’t handle this?

You killed me

You pretended

You broke me

You killed me

Don’t want hear the truth?

Too ******* bad.

Re read this

You should

Here I copy and paste it for you

Devil I see you there..

Staring back at me..

I see you there

Taunting me

I hear you


I hear your

Unkind words

Put those words in my head

Put those thoughts in my head

Tell me i’m worthless

Tell me i’m better off dead

Tell me the worst things ever

I will listen..

Devil tell me

Should I take that step

Should I cross

Should I take the bottle

Should I drink up

Should I pull

Should I give up

Devil tell me

Why are you so quiet all of the sudden

Can’t handle this?

You killed me

You pretended

You broke me

You killed me

Don’t want hear the truth?

Too ******* bad.
Jan 2018 · 282
kellie knut Jan 2018
Words can be like knifes
Or words are like flowers
Some words are lies
All words have powers
some words slowly make us dies
some words makes us strong
some makes a lover
some are just wrong
Words can be cover
Words are not always easily said so we sing it in a song
Words are lies
Words come out like slithering snake
words are the ties that won't set us free it keep the ties
Words take and take and take
Words can make us or break us
Dec 2017 · 261
forget about me.
kellie knut Dec 2017
You yell at her

she blames herself

What did she do wrong

she will make it right

You’re back yay

She wants to die

You don’t know

You made it worse today

You don’t know

Can blade's talk

It’s screaming out to her

It’s telling her you’ll feel better

Maybe it will

No it won’t

Well maybe one cut wouldn’t be bad

Starts with one cut

Then a second one appears

Then all of a sudden there are ten new cuts on her skin

The music is so loud

she cut deep

Maybe deep enough to **** her

But like I said you don’t know

She's stuck

With no family

No friends

No love

No one wants to save her

Everyone would be happy if she were dead

She should just end it

What’s stopping her?

She says

What if..

..I hurt someone

..Someone wants to die because i did

..I make someone sad

..I don’t succeed

So many reason to end it

But she doesn’t

She wants to

It's impossible to make her want to live

She wants someone to love her

She feels










One little thing could push her over the edge

Music is always playing

Ignores the world

Has nothing left

Late at night

She’s drunk

She is on the roof

She runs across the road

She prays for death

She visits the graveyard

She wants him to be here

She misses him


Will be okay again

Can stop her

Will love her

I’m fine

Is a lie

She’s not fine

Don’t worry she’ll be okay soon


She is



****** up


Dead soon

She doesn’t want

A funeral

People visiting her grave

People saying they loved her

People saying they miss her

Cause it's all a lie

She won’t even write a suicide note

She doesn’t care enough anymore

People don’t care

Why should she


She loves it

She holds her breath in it

Until she can’t

Then she swims up

Maybe next time she won’t

Swim up..


Can’t anyone care

Can’t anyone love



Can’t she be happy

Can’t she be free

Someone please save her

Before it’s too late


About the pain

About the cuts

About the bruises

About everything

About her

About me
Dec 2017 · 284
kellie knut Dec 2017
Did you ever think your pain would end

Did you ever think your heartache would stop

Did you ever think your darkness might fill with some light

Let me tell you something mine never did

I thought I was loved

But it was a lie

He died

He stole my heart

And left it to break

He let me down

I was used by someone so pure

Someone I thought had a heart

And a soul

Someone I thought would love me

For who I am

And everything about me

Turns out everything he said or did

Was just crap

He never loved me

For who I was and who I wanted to be

Now no will ever get my full heart

He tore it

He broke it

And ruined it

Everything I had

Was taken from me

Everything I loved

Even you

Everything is gone
kellie knut Dec 2017
Breathe in

It's just one or two

Yes it may be a sin

No one will care

They fake it

Yes there there

Pretend a bit

You don’t matter

Cry it out alone

Grab that ladder

Grab your phone

Call the people who are fake

For goodness sake

People don’t care so go

Stop saying no

Let go

Does anyone ever hear you

Do they know how low

They say coo

They don’t know

They act

Who cares so

This is all a fact

You have no skin left

You’ve cut it all up

Everyone has left

No one cares what’s up

What’s one more cut

Breathe out

— The End —