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 Sep 2019 kell
Kurt Philip Behm
The vision intrudes,
stealing ink from my pen

A thief in the night,
leaving words that portend

A warning’s been given,
its mantle thrown down

But truth will write over
—what darkness avows

(Villanova Pennsylvania:  April, 2017)
 Sep 2019 kell
Faleeha Hassan
When I entered my apartment
The stairs were lying like tired men after a hard day's work
The door a yawning mouth
My TV was listening intently to the sports newscast
Like a ******* woman, the couch was sitting on the floor  
Hardly breathing the used air
The curtain tickled the cheek of the window……
Swaying gracefully above
My books slept like babies on the hands of the bookshelves
The dining table was listening to the whispers of her chairs
The lamps were winking at to each other
The fan was busy flailing her arms indifferent
In my apartment
The life looks the same as I left it  
Everything is normal
It is more than normal
No one missed me?
 Sep 2019 kell
Summer 2019
 Sep 2019 kell
as we passed by the Sun Summer 2019
I caught a glimpse of tomorrow
the long game, the out of reach
it came to me in a vision of love
the consummation of all
all that ever was, all that is yet to come
and it was good, very good indeed.
 Sep 2019 kell
Surface Level
 Sep 2019 kell
a foot's momentarily


by its placement

into the Ocean.

the surface level illusion

of a walking distance.

it takes depth to reach

the horizon, perhaps

too much.
 Sep 2019 kell
This is to us
The ones who've been broken
Shattered and felt like dying

Pour yourself a drink
Take a long sip
And know that you'll make it
 Sep 2019 kell
WhyWould YouGiveUp
She smiled and laughed
But you never saw her beauty
Not until you saw her tears
Then you saw as her eyes sparkled
And how she glowed
Because you noticed she was strong
With tears down her face
But a smile on her lips
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