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Emily B
45/F/Kentucky    My soul needs poetry. I have been published a time or two. Most notably an anthology from Old Seventy Creek Press titled "Dalliance." I started …
The stars    20 something year old, in love with the moon and the universe. xoxo Sandoval Find me on #Instagram @poetrysandoval
The Stray Kat
32/M/Kerry, Ireland    If you like the words, schemes and how they twist and tangle and create imagery in your mind, follow me.
Journey of Days
Australia    @journeyofdays
Musfiq us shaleheen
47/M/Dhaka, Bangladesh    Love is for yours Love is for mine And we are for each other. @ Musfiq us shaleheen I have bided you, in the center …
Kelly Rose
F/Port Charlotte, FL    Love to read, love to learn I don't claim to be a poet, just set down thoughts and feelings Sometimes see life through a dark …
Imran Islam
31/M/🍁✓Lure Pot ✓🍁    MY BooKs [] and I develop websites, design and format Amazon Kindle books
kelsey bowen
112/F/WA    I am a devoted student of poetry and yoga.
Vale Luna
21/F/Michigan (USA)    Poetry is my Life. I found it. Darkness is my Love. It found me. (All copyright: Marissa DollyRose Smith)
Madrid    Hi there
22/F/India    A person looking for answers without the perfect questions
23/Non-binary/Philippines    kind of was altogether never there— ebb and flow Nes, once ekelhaft
"Only the poet can look beyond detail and see the whole picture" All poems are my original works. <img alt="Creative Commons License" style
...don't know? don't judge! you only know what you see // (h)our (s)hell // scorch, scorch; pass the torch... don't play with fire on the …
F/Philippines    I write to escape.
Hi De
Chasing for what's far ahead, Always yearning... Don' know why, but the beauty that I really want may seem to be awkward to someone's eyes....
Flawless Contradictions
50/F/Michigan    Writing is a reminder that I'm still alive. A hippie with a gypsies touch. Hollow, trying to embrace the earths saliva. Ask me anything I'm …
Marie James Alexander
24/Non-binary    "Our life consists partly of madness, partly of wisdom. Whoever writes about it leaves more than half of it behind." - Michel de Montaigne
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