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EP Mason Aug 2014
I saw you from the bottom of the stairs before you knew I was coming
And though nervous and scared, I lingered on
I heard most things break by the ends of these types of nights
So I'll force upon every word I’ve brushed up on
Since knowing we wont speak like this again

You got a certain who knows what about you
And I got a small amount of time
To figure out what it is exactly and to whom does it apply,
But I know for a fact that these are broken nights,
Covered in bottles with the stench of a loss of life,
And I know that it's quite heartbreaking we won't speak like this again
I think this song might be about me
EP Mason Feb 2014
So many times I have heard
''It's not a crime to love''
''I love
I love
and there's no law against it''
so then why is it treated that way?
I want him to hold his boyfriend's hand and not
be scared of their words
like handcuffs
I want her to kiss her girlfriend's lips
with her eyes closed
for once not looking around the busy Sunday streets
at who is staring
I want their bodies to blend
just like everyone else's
free from laws
free from prohibition
and hatred, disgust
simply for gender
because hey
they both wear makeup
or they're both in dresses
they met whilst playing on the all-male football team
when they were born
their baby showers were themed blue
when really, gender is not a colour
just like love is not a gender
and no love-banning law
will make love a criminal act

It's not a crime
to think their skin is made of constellations
it's not a crime
to feel warmth in your bones when they're lying beside you
it's not a crime
to kiss them with passion so intense
it makes your own heart fleet to your stomach
And I don't want to live in a world
where the crime is not in the bloodied fist of the attacker
or the cruel words spat from their mouth
but in the man with the red river gushing from his nose
simply because he gave his heart to another man
For Joel

© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Jan 2014
I was made in Satan's image
Lucifer gave me eyes of green
I was birthed in a boiling ***
in some blackened tar pit scene

I was given claws engraven
and placed into a grey stone bed
and sometimes when bear my soul
my pearly white skin blazes red

I was crafted with Beelzebub's birthstone
and blessed with a poisoned mouth
but I was told to keep it shut
or Satan says he'll drag me south

I was made in Satan's image
but for once I long to be pure as snow
but Satan tells me I'm a demon
and I'll never go where angels go
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason May 2015
I wish I could hold him
without wanting to cry
and accept a compliment
without hearing a lie
I wish I could be with him
without fearing what I'd do
when I became another sad girl
who didn't know the truth
I wish I could kiss him
and give him what he needs
and tell him that my mind goes calm
when I hear him hum and breathe
I wish I wasn't so **** terrified
of feeling his love end
but most of all, I wish it started
before I drew the line at 'friend'
EP Mason Feb 2014
I wish I were a Warhol silk screen
hanging on the wall.
Or little Joe or maybe Lou -
I'd love to be them all.
All New York city's broken hearts
and secrets would be mine.
I'd put you on a movie reel
and that would be just fine.
From the film 'Control'
EP Mason Jan 2014
There are Amber's and Jade's and Ruby's and Scarlett's in this world
Their spectrum of colours and beauty excel the grey in my heart
I was born in the dust and dirt and I'll die in it
I am not a jewel exposed, like them.
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Feb 2014
I feel sick now and awfully lethargic. I think I may die. I am going to sleep.

I was being dramatic. I shan't die... not yet, anyway.
But someday I will, and so will you. Your pages will rot and melt into the ground, and no one will read you. And your paper will grow into trees and my words the leaves, and won't they be blown by the wind, and those leaves die? But that is words, and thoughts, and feelings. They are not everlasting, but they are certainly thought again, and felt again, and said again, and again, and again...
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Feb 2014
The easiest person to hate is yourself. To loathe yourself in your head. Who is going to disagree with you? Certainly not you. You hate yourself too.
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Mar 2014
My cold feet cannot be warmed
in the fire that is my heart
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Mar 2014
Love makes you do really stupid things. Love makes you go to the florist to buy a dozen red roses when you have hay fever. Love makes you stay in the cinema watching the film when you feel like your bladder is going to explode, only because her head is on your shoulder and she looks so **** beautiful. Love makes you half an hour late for work in the morning and in trouble with your company because you had to kiss him goodbye five more times. Love makes you buy houses you can't afford and do jobs you don't really like, just so they can have a good life. Love is stupid and I don't know why people do it. I don't know why I do it.
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Dec 2013
I love you a lot
and you love your guitar
and winter hats
and films with complicated plots
but then again
I love French music
and old photographs
and flowers with complicated names
so maybe you love me too
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Feb 2014
you may dwell in your castle
your big, empty chamber
you may fill it with diamonds and pearls
you may bathe yourself in the milk of the Gods
and you may rest in the eye of the moon
You may spew riches
and dispose of that opulent and rancid mess
feed it to the peasants
You may greet your subjects in Gold
and kiss your lover in Silver
you may spear down lions for their jaws
and only dance with those in purple
and only sleep with those with silk sheets

there are no silk sheets in graves
you may lie
and rot
next to the peasant
who ate your week-old
bronze tat
and loved the lion
in the wild
not the jaw on the mantelpiece
and the same green grass will grow above you both
the same roses will spurt from your marble
and their stone
and your bones will both be white and withering
more so than the lion's jaw
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Jan 2015
Midnight makes for musings
far more richer than the day
and when the day moves in
I beg for solemn sleep again
The kind of sweeter slumber
which rises, falls and greets
the comfort in the silence
and the tenderness of sleep
© Erin Mason 2015
EP Mason May 2015
I know you have a heavy heart, I can feel it when we kiss
so many girls stronger than me, have thrown their backs out
trying to lift it
but me, I'm not a gamble
you can count on me to split
the love I sell you in the evening, by the morning won't exist

And I'm not sure what the trouble was, that started all of this
The reasons all have run away, but the feeling never did
It's not something I would recommend, but it is one way to live
Cause what is simple in the moonlight, by the morning never is
What's so simple in the moonlight, now is so complicated
EP Mason Dec 2013
I still look at you
and think
you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen
even though you've never really seen me
not really
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Aug 2013
Sunburnt smoke, inhaling you
makes me choke on the words I drew
arms are warm in Friday sun
take me with you when we're done

Borrowed clothes and broken bones
sweaty palms on bus rides home
I'll find comfort in your hands
your heart's a map and I'm making plans

Crumbled ashes haze in grey
alone again for another day
I'll wait for sunshine to melt the snow
but your map's still too far for me to go

Headphones hum a lullaby
an old hello, now a new goodbye
and any darkness I once knew
will covet skies a shade of Blue
© Erin Mason 2013

A poem I wrote to accompany my friend's college artwork. About her boyfriend, Jack.
EP Mason Mar 2014
There is a map in my room on the wall of my room and I’ve got big, big plans.
and I can see them slipping through almost feel them slipping through the palms of my sweaty hands.
and I move slow, just slow enough to make you uncomfortable.

you say ''I hate you'', you mean it and ''I love you'' sounds fake
it's taken me so long to figure that out.
I used to love the taste I would do anything for it.
now I would do anything to get the taste out of my mouth.
and you're so confident but I hear you crying in your sleeping bag.

but you were broken bad yourself
you were mad as hell you felt
if you had done anything with anyone else it would have worked out so well.

But you are an artist and your mind don’t work the way you want it to.
one day you’ll be washing yourself with hand soap in a public bathroom.
and you’ll be thinking ''how did I get here?''
''where the hell am I?''
if the roles were reversed you could have seen me sneaking up, sneaking up from behind.

She sees these visions, she feels emotion.
she says that I cannot go she sees my plane in the ocean.
and what about your friends? don’t you love them enough to stay?
and I say if I don’t leave now then I will never get away.
let me be a blue raft on a blue sea I’ll blend right in.
EP Mason Jul 2013
Wrap you in the hands of a willow tree
bathe you in the salts of the coldest sea
take this piece of gold
marry me

You will have commitment
I will hold your bones with me
I will make a pact to thee
steal the stars for you to see
in your lonely slumber
marry me

Paint with the dust of the crescent moon
dance in the sun in the days of June
sleep in the peace of a winter noon
lose your mind
and marry me
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Oct 2013
I can't play this to you
I'd cry
you'd turn away
or wonder why I cared
or was so hesitant
to give you a tape
with my heart inside
and the words in the tracklist
and lyrics in songs
which show you the melodies of love
that you'll never return
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Feb 2014
I will simply
out of your arms
out of your eyes
out of your blood
out of your mouth
out of your mind
out of your memory

*forever the drizzle, never the hurricane
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Dec 2013
I want to be your muse
laid out on a table
cloth around my thighs
soothed beneath your hands

When you put your pen to paper
I want what you write
to be about me

I want you to crush me up
into a spectrum of your paints
and breathe into me
with your cherry blossom lips

I want you to write
years and years of novels
about my skin
my eyes
my laugh
the way my shadow looks at 3am

I want to ******* image on your lips
hear my soul speak on your tongue
feel my heart beat in your ink

Turn me into your art
your history
your masterpiece
your eternal muse
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Jun 2013
I want to wake up every day in your apricot paradise
sunrise slowly over your eyes
A cosmic lullaby descends over my darkness
Steals away all my melancholy sadness
And upon morning, all I see is you.

I don't need a dream to chase
When you are walking with me
Your love sprinkles sugar into my eyes
And I am blind with strange emotion for thee
My chimera
My only love.
I don't need a dream to chase
When you are walking with me
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Oct 2014
they are not offensive, nor are they breaching any rules or guidelines...:(
EP Mason Jul 2013
He was a river
he was my river
he was the depth of the sea and the beauty of the coral ocean
he was one who ran free
free, free and polluted was he
a shivering wreck drowning in the water
but he was my river
my raindrop
my globe
and he was clear enough for me
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Apr 2014
Your name
like my teeth grew feet and danced across my lips
swirled and spun like your cigarette smoke
grasps my throat and cuts me up
and sews me back so gently
never has it caressed my mind
only stormed through it
but it floats through my breath
and chatters on my teeth
and growls and moans and
melts away into the air
and my sleepy eyes will search for yours
behind smoke and stupid words
my favourite of these being
your name
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Jan 2014
I have no tools
where are my tools
I need them now

But now I remember
I threw them away last month
when I told myself I didn't need them anymore
when I said to myself that it didn't matter anymore
that the white lines that lie on my hips and drew blood when I opened them
didn't matter

But they do
they matter now
and I need my tools back
I need my hand shaking when I flip open the sharp end
I need the colour red to neutralize the blue in my eyes
I need them back again
more than I did last month
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason May 2014
Our bodies are neutral
fake passion
faded hearts
I'm tired and lonely
you're just tired
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Jun 2013
I stood in the dark
I heard the wind roar
I noticed it scraping my cheek
I felt the rain on my skin
I shivered in the cold
I strained to see the stars
I strained to see light
I wondered for the purpose of night
I longed for the day again

I squinted my eyes against the turbulence of the air
I felt alone in the shiver
But after long in the darkness
I began to feel peace

I saw the first glimpse of day
the sun on the horizon
the first bird that breaks the tranquillity
the first rush of mornings
the fear of being late
the cry of the first newborn, awake at last
the roar of a car

And I realised
the silence of night, isn't so bad after all
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Dec 2013
Stretch the blue veins that frame the lithe skin under my eyes
I can't stand them anymore

'' I am tired, I am weary, I could sleep for a thousand years ''

Oh how true that is
but I mustn't
all these thoughts circle and spin around the curves and the fleshy bulbs of my brain

it's a ****** miracle
I'm not already insane.
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Oct 2014
I am nothing
more than damp
dewing the mould of your mind
more than an extra vessel
trying to keep your heart awake
trying to keep the blood inside you
nothing more than a crimson clot
pale cloth
watching the poppies grow up, and off
I am nothing
more than leaves in autumn
before you digress
and I fall
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Apr 2014
The flame to my heart is held by a girl
but she doth burn too lowly
her fire flickers slowly
and she trembles like aspen
if only-

she knew that her smile
could birth worlds anew
and her colours in her eyes
could shatter an opal's abounding hue
the way she shatters her wrists
against a china sink
and watches the blood run away with the water

She is so beautiful
all fallow and fawn
and coffee breath and unfriendly scorn
and chapped lips that I would kiss
I would

I tell her the stars will implode in their final hour
and they will all cry out her name
but she cannot notice the star riddled skies
under dark clouds and thunderous rain
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Jun 2014
You in arcane darkness
Garnet eyes like veils
Those eyes
They see too much
They see too much

What neurologic chaos lies
beyond those eyes?
Ten thousand tongues
do seek to know
But I know
You know too much
You know too much
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Apr 2014
And now we're back here again
after 5 months
light hair and
green eyes
never really left my mind
a whole weekend spent
repairing what was lost before
what we can't get back but
we can try

And you're not James Dean
no matter how many times
you try to get me to admit it.
But at midnight
you held me like Jim Stark anyway.

I'm glad I went to see you
so I know
you can still kiss me in the same way
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Jul 2013
I'm just sad, that's all
too sad to fall
asleep at night
to take a flight
to see a dream
my sadness seems
the pinnacle of my
unmade bed
my restless head
when all is said
and all is done
perhaps I'll run
away again
back to my sleepless sorrow
until tomorrow
my old friend
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Jul 2013
Under Indigo moon
and ****** White sky
I lost myself, one night in July

The wind it did gush
and the stars they did soar
your eye was my eye
your hand was my floor

I thought about you
and I thought about me
how I felt
like a tide
in a whirlpool at sea

The colours did deepen
in that garden of mine
like my deep lucid dreams
that night in July

The months linger on
and the more they do move
I feel myself pulling out
further from you

And the whishing tongue wishes
on Indigo moon
not to drown in July
but to float back to June
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Jan 2014
One sunny morning
I'll wake up in San Francisco
my permanent home
I'll wake with a smile on my face

And one sunny morning
I'll stare into that sun
and write my poems down
with quills and rose scented paper

One sunny morning
I'll drink with the best of them
and talk philosophy with a beautiful novice
and write about his smile

One sunny morning
I'll take visits down to France
and fall in love with you again
and let you read my art

One sunny morning
I'll taste blue lakes
and feel warm winds
and never cry again

One sunny morning
I swear
I'll be a morning person
because you'll be there
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Feb 2014
She is a thick acrylic
she'll latch on to your canvas
she is the vibrant red of your beating heart
the rainstorm blue in your eyes
she will never fade away
there are millions of layers to her
that you can never strip

I am a washed out watercolour
a faint sweep of the spectrum
a drab and fleeting glance
dilute me
and it's like I was never there
the part of your pallet
that you will forget come morning
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Jan 2014
You get out and play with your paper dolls
their lissom limbs float and shake
you love the way they look at you
you think it's love but it's lustrous and fake

You cut a new doll every day
and carefully rip all their pieces away
you string them together and colour them in
and all of your dolls are flimsy and thin

Go ahead and play with your paper dolls
their paper hearts will soon unfurl
their whitened hearts will burn at will
their fleeting parchment creases and curls

And here I am with my wooden heart
rigid and rotting and swelling from the start
and growing like trees inside my carcass
while you burn your paper dolls with hands so heartless
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Dec 2013
Peace for Christmas
is what I want the most
there are plenty of glasses around here to toast
make wishes for love and light in your life
peace is what I believe Christmas defines

Forget your religion, it matters for nothing
I want to make my Christmas wish matter for something

So whether Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Sikh
Jewish, atheist, Pagan, Hindu or simply unique
let peace be the binding factor that we humans all seek
for we are all one skeleton, with the potential for peace
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Nov 2013
I never liked crazy hair
before you
and I never liked those gothic trouser chains
that you wear so well
And now I love every pimple on your face
every crack in your voice
every string you break on your old guitar
and everything in between

I hope one day you'll love the gap in my teeth
my crooked nose
my manic laugh
and the lumps in my flesh
every inch of me
the way I love you
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason May 2014
''Pourquoi êtes-vous triste?''
''Parce que vous me parlez en mots, et je vous regarde avec des sentiments...''
My favourite quote from one of my favourite French films
EP Mason Mar 2014
When I was young, younger than before
I never saw the truth hanging from the door
And now I'm older--see it face to face
And now I'm older--gotta get up clean the place

And I was greener, greener than the hill
Where flowers grew and sun shone still
Now I'm darker than the deepest sea
Just hand me down give me a place to be

And I was strong, strong in the sun
I thought I'd see when day is done
Now I'm weaker than the palest blue
Oh so weak in this need for you
There is no tortured soul I connect with more than Nick Drake. He is the soundtrack to the abysmal life.
EP Mason Feb 2014
I will become a Polly Jean
I will start throwing kerosene
and living in a dream

I'll grow my hair to twice my size
and keep journals and fantasize
(oh when oh when will I leave my town
when will I wear the gypsy crown?)

I want to get out in a vagabond cart
and transform my life into incarnate art
and fall in love twice with the same man
because he is the only person I can truly understand

Yes, I will become you, Polly Jean
I will be the next bohemian beauty queen
I will rip out my eyes and replace them with jewels
and make the world an offer
it simply cannot refuse

I'll make my bed fifty feet under the stars
and surround myself with broken people
playing on broken guitars
I will never look back again
I will spend my whole life wandering

I'll paint my face different every day
and discover new ways to take the pain away
in some papers or a needle or a pile of ashes
Polly Jean, I can't wait to see it as it crashes

Polly, I will paint you
like you are painted in my heart
Polly Jean, infinite
and never-ending art
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Jun 2014
I would say my wrists bled
like something
imperial and pure

But all I saw was dirt
and poppy stained tissues
and razor blades all over the floor
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Sep 2013
The circular confectionery tin has been there every Christmas
often replaced, often changed for a different brand
either way
every year we curse our brains and slap our wrists
for the temptation which overwhelms us
and our carefree nature, wholeheartedly encouraged by our family
''Go on, it's Christmas.''

And so, which one do we select?
of course, the one we like the most
the one with the prettiest wrapper
or the smoothest taste
the one we laugh, bewildered at others for not liking

Sneaking downstairs at night to grab a handful of our favourite flavour
to make sure nobody else can have your preference
all of your favourites are gone
so you settle for the ones you like, but would never choose originally
these are the second best chocolates
they have a mediocre wrapper and a pleasant taste
but they are nothing compared to the ones you would always choose

But now, you've had all of these as well
and you stare into the near-empty tin, rattling with the dull sound of the unwanted chocolates
for a moment you contemplate why anybody would eat those ones first
the colours are mundane and the taste is far from favourable

until somebody else walks past
and they peer into the tin
a hint of pleasant surprise sounds from their lips
''Oh, my favourite.''
And they select the 'dullest' chocolate left in the tin
because the faded purple is their favourite colour
and the sharp taste of orange lacquer is their favourite taste
and they wonder why you ate all the caramel chocolates first
because they would have left them until last

And now the tin is empty
every chocolate loved
by a different person
with a different taste
and when you think about what you truly love
you finally understand
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Dec 2013
the sky is electric blue
and powdered ombre
with the stars shining through

And every night
I watch the sky's changing hue
and I peer into myriad
and wonder if you see it too
© Erin Mason 2013
EP Mason Mar 2014
nights are best spent
melting into my bed
feeling waves crash over me
being pulled down to the depths of the sea
in the thin air
when the blankets feel like waves

and I can't see beyond this roof but-
I know there are stars above me
that knowing doesn't much frustrate me
I wish this world didn't have such a-
hold over me

I wish I could
drown in the sea
not my bed
it would be a far more honest way to die
I'd rather be ripped apart in a tide
black out under sheets
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Jan 2014
It's okay if you hate me
I'd hate me too
but even if you killed me
I'd still like you
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Aug 2015
Remember, remember
the fourth of May
when what felt like a year
only lasted a day
when the smoke and the honesty
tickled my neck
all the song in your laughter
I'll never forget

Remember embraces,
pacing the floor
'I love you too' before closing the door
knowing the world would all be put right
because we were both feeling together that night

Remember kisses at 3 in the morning
and the tightest of hugs through the loudest of yawning
feeling I'd hate to be anywhere else
than there
in the dark
just you and myself

Remember, remember
and don't forget me
when you're out in the world and there's so much to see
but remember that what you were seeing that day
was someone that said
it would all be okay
digging out old ones from my journal since I've neglected my writing duties- sorry
EP Mason Jul 2013
She's perfect
she's flawless
she radiates light
she's faultless
she's matchless
she's purified sight
unmatched beauty
and a conscience so clear
why would heaven have a place for her here?

Earth is like heaven where she will rot and dwell
*an angel like her is destined for hell.
''Beauty is a curse on the world, it stops us from seeing who the real monsters are.''

© Erin Mason 2013
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