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You are like my favorite book because every time I re-read I find something new .
                                1. You
                            only get laid
                          once.  2.  You o
                         nly  get  *******
                       ce.  3. You only get
                       eaten once. 4.  The
                        only one who sits
                         on  your face  is
                            your mother.
 Jul 2015 Emma Sims
Tate Morgan
I have a daughter Jessica
just as sweet as she can be
And every time I look at her
she is smiling back at me

She gave me all my grandchildren
with the joys that each would bring
Her face is bright as morning dew
like the first breath of the spring

A pixie of a girl for sure
who weighs but a hundred true
Yet has a heart larger than mine
or any I ever knew

Each time we stop by to visit
she suspends rules of the house
Lets me do whatever I want
the same as her loving spouse

Of my children she is the one
I have not done justice to
The truth be told it's all my fault
oh Jessie I do love you

Of late I had jessica and the kids over. In our conversations I realized I had been remise. I had neglected my daughter Jessica. Of my three children she is the only one I have never written of. Yet though I had not honored her with anything. She had given to me most of my happiest memories of late. I can't remember a time when I saw her that she didn't say "I Love You ' to me. She is the mother to Payton, Landon, and Eli my grandchildren. I am sorry. This is my fault. So Jessie I stand before you a repentant father and ask that you accept this from me as the first installment of what will likely be many more. On another point here's a cry from me that feels more like a plea. "Frieda please come home"
 Jul 2015 Emma Sims
Tate Morgan
For just over two thousand years
we've held to the thoughts of the past
Followed teaching,  and the preaching
that professed faith to all whom asked

Dare we ever question that faith
we find ourselves mired in pain
Be-seeched by those, one might suppose
to be blessed or somehow ordained

Legislating morality
has never worked and never will
you can't force folk, under a yolk
of privileged who sit top a hill

Eating from the tree of knowledge
perhaps we found our sanity
We need be fair, man's self aware
one can't deny humanity

The religious right will survive
behind glass in a museum
An oddity, commodity
for all those who want to see them
You know I have given this much thought of late. The recent Supreme court decision on gay rights has split the country asunder. As for me I have a sister who is gay I simply want for her happiness. The government has no business in our bedrooms or our private life. We seek to marry those who bring our lives meaning. Follow your own path. It is not for others to impede the road upon which choose. This is not a question of morality it is a question of rights. By what right does any man have the ability to tell another who to love? love thy brother as thyself.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
 Jul 2015 Emma Sims
Ryan P Kinney
by Ryan P. Kinney

Picks up Hammer
Swings Hammer
This one’s for every woman who didn’t love me
And for every one that ever did
This one’s for every person who has ever doubted and underestimated me
For those who ever thought my life should be a mirror of their journey
‘Cause theirs worked out SO well for them
This one’s for my Father,
My brother’s keeper,
Sins of the Father,
And inheritance of Mother’s malice
This one’s for every time I’ve had to prove I’m the GOOD son
This one’s for the bigots,
Hate-spewing monsters
For the ******* morons
This one’s for those who assume I’m gay
‘Cause that’s SUPPOSSED to matter
This one’s for those who have passed their petty judgments
Based on the surface of my face
Or my visible scars
Or my hidden ones
This one’s for those who have called me freak
For those who judge me on who I was
Not who I AM
This one’s for those who lack the ability to see in color and shades
Locked in their boring black and white senseless absolutes
There aren’t just gray areas
There are tints of every shade we a capable of perceiving
This one’s for the LITTLE people
This one’s for those who patronize my intelligence
But yet are so easily fooled into acceptance
With a pair of plastic black frames
This one’s for IRONY
This one’s for those who have let me down
Disappointed me, failed me
Failed to live to their potential
This one’s for EVERYONE
This one’s for me
For not living up to my own potential
This one’s for who I AM

And this one...
These tears...

Drops Hammer
Looks to the sky...

This one’s for my son
 Jul 2015 Emma Sims
If only..
 Jul 2015 Emma Sims
If only you could be there...
If only you could be there when I crash after a long ride of happiness.
If only you could be there when I fall out of the sky after a flight of joy.
If only you could be there when I crumble under the weight of my own problems.
If only you could be there when all the walls close in on me and for a tiny box around me.

If only you could be there to be the pillow that reduces the crash impact.
If only you could be there to be the tree that breaks my fall.
If only you could be there to form a safety structure to stop me from completely crumble apart.
If only you could be there to break the walls before they close in on me.
If only you could be there..
 Jul 2015 Emma Sims
*  *Celestial     dream    catchers  
    won't tear     the stars     asunder tonight.    
◖◗   But they   make no   such exceptions,    ◖◗
   for poets.   **⚮
If Yin lacks patience,
Yang will acquire it.
I'm not afraid to wait for you.
I never will be.

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