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 Aug 2014 em
 Aug 2014 em
I search through my mind
Trying to reach
My deepest thoughts.
All I can find,
Every mistake,
Chances never taken,
Things I regret.
 Aug 2014 em
What is life after all?
We walk around in circles,
Sometimes with no purpose,
And what is it for?

What do we take?
What do we keep?
What do we loose?

Nothing at all,
Or everything we want,
But what is it?
What do we want?

What is life after all?
 Aug 2014 em
 Aug 2014 em
Sweet and sour
just what you are
sweet to my eyes
sour to my heart
sweet with your lies
sour when you try

I try too hard
I make myself believe
that are not real
that were never here
that will never happen

Your presence was sweet
but sour to my emotions

Your presence was sour
so sour

Sweet and sour
so addictive

Now everything is sweet

I couldn't predict it
but now I see

This was all I ever needed
Written 3/7/14
 Jul 2014 em
 Jul 2014 em
Querer que todo termine, que todo lo malo acabe.
Que todo lo que odiaba, se fuera de una vez.
Pero y que si ella se odiaba?
¿También tendría que irse? ¿Tenía que hacerlo?
Sentía la necesidad de acabar con todo.
Con cada una de las cosas malas que la rodeaban.
Sentia la necesidad de darse la paz que merecía.
Aún sabiendo que si se daba la paz que merecía,
le quitaría la paz a los demás.
Eso la hacia sentir aun más egoísta.
De por sí lo era con sus pensamientos, mas con sus acciones.

Se sentía miserable al tener tantos pensamientos negativos, pero mas que negativos era lo que sentía, no podia controlarlos.
"Miserable y egoísta".
Pero a la misma vez se preguntaba:
"¿Qué es mas egoista, si dejarme aquí viviendo todo esto o de una vez por todas darme paz y y tranquilidad?"
"¿Esto realmente me hace egoísta?"
Pero para su desgracia, sus preguntas jamás iban a tener la respuesta que ella necesitaba.
Al final, nunca llego la respuesta...
o tal vez llego, pero ya era muy tarde.
Febrero 17, 2014.
 Jul 2014 em
Poppy Johnson
I've been trying to write what I feel
for such a long time
but the paper stays blank.
I've only just realised
that the blank paper
describes my feelings
more than words ever could.
 Jul 2014 em
The Unbeliever
 Jul 2014 em
The Unbeliever
across the gasp
open wide, taste
******* lushiously
open me, take me

lose myself, forget
just a moment, quicken, last
I want it, stretch it, me
pin me, twist me, hold me
I want you, I hate you
need, lust, desire
fire, want, heal

from behind, such a gift
strong, strong hands
grasp, grip, take
hold you deep
power, depth

again and again, again, again
spill, wet, and taste again
me on top, then you again
desperate for love
I love your ****
just for a time
I'll never ask

then its off and away
back to running from
never to, never, no
back in your box
I hate me; man
 Jul 2014 em
The Unbeliever
 Jul 2014 em
The Unbeliever
You are in your box
tucked away in thought
a present to be opened
from someone who
I don't want to know me

You didn't write, you didn't call
I have no envelope, no letter
nothing to savor your touch
I look around this home
where you drifted around
I made you ethereal
I made you fake

You never lied, never lost
where you tried so hard
did you plan for this?
you wanted to trust
I only hiss and bite

Afloat, bouncing along
protected by the bottle
corked, dry, and safe
pulled this way
and that

You kept me safe
but I broke the jar
I broke the glass
Free now
but without a laugh
I can't see land
I can't have hope

scoop me up
take me back
ignore my rage
my words of hate
I'm so scared
fear and lost

I mocked you
Gave you shame
I didn't deserve you
Taught you love
And took it
your ink
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