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Emma Jan 2016
He hides a small birthmark that has the shape of a whale on his upper thigh that he treasures. I think that's why he's always loved the ocean.

2. He is like winter: cold and distant for a while but then slowly melts away. He'll be silent for days, but don't worry...he will come back in time.

3. He'll say "I miss you" in the dead of night, in the cold of winter, in the break of dawn or in the heat of the summer. He will drop it like a bomb and it'll shatter your bones but remember he's not yours  to hold forever.

4. He will want you to hug him and he will want it so bad that he will ask you to do it. Please don't ever turn this opportunity down, you will never want to know the pain of not feeling his warmth.

5. His love will feel like a forest fire but it'll leave trails of ash when it's gone. Learn to deal with the burn as you enjoy the heat.

6. You will swim oceans for him and reach for the moon but sometimes even that will not be enough.
It may never be enough.
Emma Dec 2015
The sky, the sky
was a perfect shade
of dark blue
the sky, the sky
won't stop reminding me
of you
The sky, they sky
was a perfect shade
of you
At least we sleep under the same sky.
Emma Dec 2015
I tell you it’s dark inside 

You say turn on a light

I say it hurts my eyes

I’ve gotten use to the dark 

I can feel my way to my heart 

And lay down on its surface

I can tiptoe my way

Around hopelessness 

Slip on a few things 

But not fall

But you’re still new to it 

You still trip on my

Newly discovered fears

Still drown in my overwhelming 

Sea of sadness 

You've gotten bruises

From slipping on my silence 

You have fallen on my weariness

And I’m sorry 
I never meant for it 

To swallow you too 

Loving you makes a difference 

But you can't fix a ****
With nothing but a twig 

You can take a horse to a spring 

But you can't make it drink 

You can love me all you want 

But I have to learn 

To love myself 

Enough to turn on the light 

I will try to ease my eyes
to the light 
But fire eventually burns out
Even candles know that

I’m sorry I’m not okay 

I wish I was

If only it were 

To be well enough 

To look into your eyes 

And not feel like I’m drowning

To be able to feel 

The trace of your hands on mine

And not wish you didn’t have to

Feel the scars 

I’m sorry I’m not okay 

I really wish I was 

If only to be able to tell you
How much I love you 

Enough to not die for you

Enough to live with you
I choose you.
  Nov 2015 Emma
Megan Nixon
Poems aren't stories, but I'll tell you one anyway
This tale isn't a happy one, so be warned if you stay
I met a boy, it was about a year back
I thought he was funny, but it wasn't much more than that
I spent three months chasing a different boy, I thought he was quite the find
Little did I know that the first boy; I was always on his mind
And so came the time where I gave up on boy number two
For a while I kept to myself, I still didn't think about you
Then suddenly one day, I opened my eyes
And after that you stood out from all other guys
I made a brave move, and I dared you to play
You were up for the game, but I didn't know if you'd stay
It only took one move, our romance rolled into action
I'd sneak into your house, we craved that passion
It didn't take long for you to slip that big word
But the word "girlfriend" was the happiest thing I'd ever heard
Now listen here, this may sound silly
But you were my first, and I couldn't help but worry
Come the end August, I knew you'd have to leave
College isn't something we could take on with ease
But you wrote that letter, I believed every promise you said
I believed in them so much, I memorized them in my head
"Don't forget about me, I know I won't forget about you"
You thought I was lying, but I remember that line too
It wasn't easy, but I say we did pretty well
Little did I know we were headed for hell
College is a busy place, school takes up a lot of time
But for your girlfriend, a lot of that time was mine
I'd hear from you less, and you'd apologize when you could
So I'd just smile and forgive you like I knew that I should
I knew what I was getting into, I was prepared for the fights
He thought he was too, but not for the lonely nights
Ill bet you didn't see this next one coming, it's such a plot twist
He texted me one night, this boy that I missed
He texted me, the boy I didn't notice for a very long time
He texted me, the boy who I now labeled as mine
He texted me, the boy I dared to play a game
He texted me, the boy who said he'd always feel the same
He texted me, the boy who I'd sneak out to see
He texted me, the boy whom I loved, with that he'd agree
He texted me to tell me a relationship wasn't going to last
And suddenly, in four text messages you became a thing of the past
He texted me. No, he did not call
And because of that, my world began to fall
But wait it's not over, don't walk away
I've realized something, and it's something I'd like to say
I don't care who reads this, the audience should be unclear
Didn't you notice, I used the word 'you' in places you shouldn't hear
There's only one person who I care about reading this
And I want him to know something, my last opportunity was missed
I do not hate you, but I do hate this one part
It's the only thing I hate, it's straight from the heart
I hate that you couldn't stand up to me, I hate that you couldn't even call
But you know what else, I hate that I still don't hate you
I don't hate you at all
Emma Nov 2015
I still remember
the first day I saw you
Your curls were
not yet existent
I said, "hello"
You said, "nice shoes"
I wasn't fully prepared
For someone who'd notice
shoes but I guess
You'd be the exception
2 years went by too fast
We walked the DC streets
Your hands on my back
My eyes on your eyes
We sat down on the floor
Of a library full of stories
And read love poems
Other people had written
"I promise you
I will try harder"
You read
These words were stuck in my head
You were only 22
I was barely 17
The day you told me you loved me
But try as you might
You couldn't love me sober
When you reached out
You reached beyond me
You changed my name
Into someone else's
How was I supposed to know
Love didn't always have to hurt
I haven't heard from you in a while
But some silent nights
I still listen to your voice
Even after going so long without it
I realized nothing had really changed
You still sounded like someone
Who had never truly been mine
You were never truly mine.

Edit: Funny thing is, he wrote me the day after I published this...but I finally learned to say no.
Emma Nov 2015
Sadly, we both know
Everything begins and ends
Right where you begin and end
God only knows the number of nights
I stayed up thinking
Only of you

Right where I begin and end
Our story is written in my bones
Do you know I still dream of you?
Right where we begin and end
I sometimes see the lines blur
God only knows the nights spent thinking
Only of you
If Edgar Allan Poe can write a poem using the letters of his lover's can I.
Emma Nov 2015
You were a hell of a swimmer
But my sadness was an ocean
That took you by surprise
I wrote you messages
On sea shells
On day by the shore
"I think I'll love you forever"
"I'm sorry it happened this way"
"I miss you"
I think a part of me wished
The waters would swallow the feeling
You were a hell a swimmer
But my sadness was an ocean
And our loved drowned in it
I'm sorry it happened this way
To the boy with a whale shaped birth mark.
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