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Emily Sep 2014
When our lips touch I want fire and tsunamis to be jealous of our storm,
I want the waves crashing against the rocks to pause and feel our energy.
I will not settle for anything less, for it would be a disappoint to my being;
to my foundation that makes me gasp for breath in the night, longing for fire.
Emily Sep 2014
shone through the curtains like milk spilling from a bottle
the sun gave me light in the gloom morning

and she shone from that pale peach sky
whispering "you can do today"

so i got out of bed with cracking knees and crusty eyes
drank my bitter coffee pretending it tasted alright

i met my own eyes in the mirror
and said to myself "you can do today"
Emily Nov 2014
I want to be on the moon
because everything is gray
and I will feel lighter

I won't have to see you anymore
In the ugly fluorescent light
looking through me
reminding me that you don't care

My heart used to pound and shake
vibrating like the sound of your voice
But I don't hear you anymore

Only clouds will know
how I drift away
Take me to the moon! I shout
But the mud around my feet is
pulling me in

Now if you wanted to hear my voice
I would give you a tree to plant
and pretend that it is me
Whatch is grow like you
wanted me to.

Il watch from the moon.
Emily Oct 2014
open your eyes
see the pain in the eyes
of the people around you that
laugh most

they smile with dead eyes
it pains me to watch

you can't empty the pain in someones veins
without them being in danger
of bleeding out
or getting some of that pain
**** under your skin

all of the darkness in this world is never
going away
but that's okay

we've got the sky
we've got the stars
and we have each other

— The End —