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Caroline Shank
77/F/Wisconsin    Retired unit secretary. Retired bookseller Barnes and Noble My husband died from Parkinson's disease
27/F/Nairobi    Writing is my therapy. On the outside people think of me as an extrovert but in real sense, I tend to hide alot with my ...
I wrote 2301 verses here. Moved to my own website since then. Adios!
30/F    on a journey
Michael Messinger
M/Ohio    Also known as Mike Mezz. I wrote my first story when I was eight. I've always been a songwriter and recorded several of my songs. ...
71/M/Charlotte, NC    I'm a cynical romantic at war with myself.
F/out there    I’m not supposed to be here.
Mohan Sardarshahari
56/M/India    All poems are my inner voice and are protected under copyright laws.
Mrs Timetable
F/The Exclusion Zone    Wife of Carlo C. Gomez, writer here at Hello Poetry and also shot this photo. Also, I run with safety scissors and paint my face ...
F    I used to write like forever but as time as gone I only write very rarely now , once in a while I will post ...
S Olson
39/M/Virginia    Cur Non?
USA    I love many things, including writing stories, songs and poetry. ♊ All poems are original, do not copy or steal. © -cc
59/M    The beauty that befell my eyes the very day we met, is more than I could ever hope to see And now as time has ...
Whit Howland
Are you really seeing what you think you are seeing? The illusion of profundity. All Rights Reserved
22/F/texas    daughter. sister. lover. writer. fighter. poetess. lioness. woman. my debut book, "Echoes in an Empty Home," out now. <3 #FiercelyLatina
fray narte
23/F/Philippines    transition and transcend
27/F/Grey areas    "A region of chaos and moonlight, she liked it there"
F/Cleveland    "All poetry is experimental poetry."--Wallace Stevens [All poems original and owned by Sona Lachina. All Rights Reserved]
Benji James
Hello, I am Benj. I mostly write lyrics. Sometimes I attempt other forms of poetry and writing. Always like to keep those creative juices flowing. ...
Pennsylvania    "Your poetry's bad and you blame the news" (Lana Del Rey ) I am not a poet; I'm a guy who writes poetry, and there ...
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