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  Nov 2018 L B
Butch Decatoria
I make smiles from shattered eyes
cry December's distracting frost

move my soul with hopeful sighs
and pray our devotion is not lost.

It is the eve of renewal's glee
gave sad promises to spoon the moon

but in the haste of glass we freeze
pose with strangers who fill our room

sweat bemoans my reaching hand
your eyes are vacant with his lust

he bids the hours by each command
we smoke our feelings into dust,

this boy is weak yet worships you,
who opens darker gates to breed.

Then enters light, that stirs, confused,
my tears to scream still go unseen.

i am a wish of hearts refused,
the sound of fallen poetry...
  Nov 2018 L B
Donall Dempsey

her heart was a red
fire alarm

going off
with nobody

paying it
any mind

her heart was
an evening hillside

as the sun went down

the light stealing
into the ground

her heart was a favourite
pair of cufflinks

with one link

or an earring found far
too late many many

years later

her heart was a lute
that was mute

unplayed for
many many moons

her heart
was a house

burningburningburning down
razed to the ground

the sneer of her
pyromanic lover

lost in the shadows

her heart was
the junk mail

that came in one door &
out the other

instant *******

she felt as if someone
had pressed DELETE

her heart was
a crystal ball

that could foretell
nothing....nothing at all

her heart was
a knocked over cheap cocktail

that left a nasty stain
on the carpet...on the wall

her heart was
a tiny torn pink knapsack

that held all
she had known

her heart was
the forgotten iron

branding itself into
her nice new blouse

her heart was
a poppy seen

from a passing train
there&gone again

her heart
full of the perfume

of memories that refused
to ever

...go away.
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