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When the thought of a simple call
To the bank,
Or the doctor,
Leaves you in tears.

When working up the courage to call
Your best friend you just texted,
Or the pizza place down the road,
Leaves you with acrobatic elephants in your stomach.

When getting up on time
To go to class,
Or your job interview,
Leaves you nauseous.

When you sit there ten minutes later thinking
Why does this happen every time?
Or why can't I be normal?
Leaves you feeling like a failure.

Just say "hello"
Nope, that'll leave you wanting to *****.
Smile to them
Nope, that'll leave you shaking and sweating.
Give a wave
Nope, that'll leave you on the floor rocking back and forth.

At the end of the day
When all you can think about
Is how you were so terrified you couldn't move,
Or that you just want it to end and go away,
But knowing that it'll just keep happening

When all they can say to you is:
Just do it already.
Why do you have to make things so difficult?
Get over it!
Can't you ever act normal?

As you learn to hate yourself just a bit more
Each and every day.
As you slowly fall back
Into a downward spiral of depression.
What's it worth
to be revolutionary
To speak with conviction
while your reality remains imaginary
Speak bigger
increase your vocabulary
Fascism's been tried before
success varied

How far are you willing to drive
if you are willing to carry a gun are you willing to die
Because you say All Lives Matter
but remain silent when a black man dies
And you say you love our military
unless it's a Muslim in camo
Because in your mind they're a vessel
meant to withstand your imaginary ammo

Spare me the details
of your distrust of science
I thought when we left the middle ages
we left ignorance behind us
Only when the last rig is dry
Our final coffer left bare
You realize how foolish you were
for loving the imp with the orange hair
Tick tock tick tock
There goes the clock 

Busy with ticking away
Every second of the day
Giving a sound to time
Indicating day or nighttime

Tick tock tick tock
There goes the clock

Its hands are clapping 
While time is unwrapping 
Clapping on the beat
Every second never offbeat

Tick tock tick tock
There goes the clock

It seems to go so fast
When you're having a blast
Other times not at all
Time then just seems to crawl

Tick tock tick tock
There goes the clock

Again I give a big sigh
Trying hard to deny
That another day went by
Another day to say goodbye

Tick tock tick tock
There goes the clock
I wonder about the rain
A good deal more than any sane person should

The way it falls
the inevitably of it
and then
And just like that
It's as if it never existed

What if we're all just raindrops
falling for what mistakably
seems like forever
and then
the only thing left
being the size of our splash

Memories become
molecules we happen pick up along the way

It must be hard
when you're falling
to think of anything but the ground
who cares about where you fell from
or the places you've transversed
when the only thing in front
is solid asphalt

What I'm saying is
What if we're just raindrops
inevitably falling
and if that's a fact that will never change
what good does it do
to overthink
to stress
to doubt yourself

When in the end
we're all just a splash on the pavement

— The End —