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 Apr 2014 ECKate
Another World
 Apr 2014 ECKate
like a fish out of water
walking backwards upstream
grand illusion of compliance
buying nothing sight unseen

respecting their essence
detached from their path
connected in spirit
repelled by all wrath

norms without ethics
morality sans love
passion ever searching
a need to rise above

heart sinking hatred
mind numbing neglect
mountain moving greed
rarely circumspect

not infrequently i ponder
how my being was unfurled
wondering deeply in my soul
if i belong to another world
 Apr 2014 ECKate
wolf mother
we were born by the gutter
we had litter in our gumption
we had message bottles fastened to us
we were lost in the sewer
we had skeleton key fingers
we had listless macabre sockets
we were offered to the tides
we had salt water tears in our orifices
we had grits bones in our teeth
we were consumed by the gutter
we were defaced in the sewer
we were sired to the tides
we were fetal in the ocean
we were atomic to the sea
 Apr 2014 ECKate
the problem with
being a poet in love,
is that you savour
& trust each word your lover has
without  question.

we are simply in love
with bare literature,
spoken from the lips of someone we hold
in higher regard
than ourselves sometimes.

when you love a poet
each word you utter,
should be a piece of artwork

each sentence,
a highly thought out structure of awe and beauty to leave us seeping
in the warmth of your voice
caressing such fine words

so when deciding that you love someone,
who writes or reads
fill their souls with beauty, memories & truth especially,
for a poet's heart breaks at ease.
 Mar 2014 ECKate
PK Wakefield
you feel closetotheskin and

between the stiff dribble
of your thighs

some mint freshly biting
like balmy when Summer; nights

****** with droll pulling of
pale light Mischievously

which was like the stretching hard
camber of your spinemoutheyessweat r  e   l      e      a   s            ed
 Mar 2014 ECKate
Screaming at the moon during cloudless nights has become
the only form of
therapy that works anymore.
I'm waiting for
the night it will invite me to curl up in its craters and whisper every
childhood fear
you brought up into conversation when I told you
my memories could be used to show how words
can be sharper than the
broken bottles
your mother lusted. Sleepless nights are sobering my head and
my voice box is starting to suffer more than
the Mona Lisa, but you never liked art that didn't hand you
its meaning with open arms and
a pat on the back. I wish time did more than rust
the only things with
something of value, but
junkyards aren't good replacements for falling stars and
forgotten chunks of metal remind me too much of
the way you loved with a steel heart and
icy touch. You claimed I could find
refuge in between your
ribs, but every
cell in your body is frozen solid and I never found comfort in the way ice sculptures morbidly melt in the presence of the sun with
crossed arms and
a closed mind. I'm sorry
my walls have grown taller than your pride, but i hoped i would be something more than a quest filled with
ships meant to sink. Consequently, maps have grown to be
sly creatures, and the
darts i'm throwing at the world all end up on your
roof without a scratch. I wanted to be more than your
fading scar, and I hope you'll look at your arms
one morning and realize they could be touching mine, and until you do, i'm just stuck here with nothing but a stomach full of
conscience and
mouth full of words i'll only scream to the sky.
 Mar 2014 ECKate
Poetry by MAN
Here are my poetry lips..go ahead take a nibble
Seductive is the tongue that speaks this riddle
Brushing your cheek..becoming hypnotized
Captured by the Devilish look in your eyes
Bite me..kiss me..turn up my flame
Inspire..Ignite me..feel me in your brain
When I'm gone my words remain
Lust transformed to sustain
Fantasy poetry more lines from my mind
Emotional energy continues to climb
Bringing me back to those lips
Bodies pressed together as I grip your hips
Succulent is the taste of your soul
Tongues clash dancing out of control
Minds blast off through time and space
Energy transformed to no gender or race
Potent..******..Chemistry we got it
To much can be way we can stop it..
Surrender to the waves of my flow
Chaotic like the ocean out of control
Feel the nature of this Beast..bring him to peace
Exotic is your Beauty causing any curse to cease
Reality..Fantasy.. we can do what we wish
Spiritual flames immerse our lips for this Poetry Kiss..
2-20-14 M.A.N lol I have big Poetry lips that need to be kissed my way of giving a poetic kiss ;) ♏
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