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 Mar 2016 Carson Taylor
MS Lim
Whoever or wherever you are
should you look at the stars with their faint but self-assured light
know that somewhere in a far corner of earth
there's this weary old man who walks alone at night

heaving a long unrelieved sigh
for mankind's irredeemable plight
for demise of kindness and humanity
for untold sorrows of millions as nations fight

proclaiming:' Dulcis pro patria mori
the clamour roars and deafens in hateful might
never mind if civilians are sacrificed
we are on the side of right'.

How serene and content are the stars
nestled in the tender cradle of night
while we poor mortals *****
in self-destructive darkness---with no real hope of seeing the light.
Simply calling me crazy
Would be nothing short of ignorant
And so much more than lazy
‘Cause it’s deeper than that
When my demons aren’t freely
Beating up or running up
A costly fee on my mind
And give me some me time
Where my thoughts are actually mine
They’ve got a special place to sleep in the back
And just when I think I’ve out-thought them
They come immediately back
And repeatedly prove once
Again it was me I made a fool of
As what I think I've fixed is shattered
And the clouds begin to gather
And very shortly thereafter
As I think this storm could be a cool one
Lightning bolts of pain
Followed closely by a thunder
That'll drown out the sound
Of everything but the rain
That it combines with at the ground
And culminates as a hurricane
That gets it's spin from their hoola-
Hoop in my medulla
And overload my frontal lobe
Creating a reaction within
My cranium that's a
Lot like splitting a uranium atom
Feels like my brain is gaining weight
And as the load upon my shoulders
Quickly, steadily grows
Until I think my head’ll explode
And try to think of an escape
Suddenly just as fast as
It came on it passes
Like an overfed fire
That just as quickly as it catches
Burns itself into ashes
It's either burning or it's cold
No middle ground
It's either up or it's low
I call it a calming panic
But have heard doctors call it manic
Sometimes it’s dark as any blackness
Sometimes blindingly it flashes
I’ve learned to just let it go
Don't dam the river, let it flow
And ride the wave until it crashes
Ride the line between careless
And just barely careful enough
To not get bit by a shark
Let all the thoughts -
The good, the bad, and the insane,
The glue as well as that which tears me apart
The worst of it won't see the day
'Cause I might think with my head
But I live with my heart.
Some people look for reasons to live
As if they need them to live
As if without them they’d die
While either way they’re alive
Just as much and just as surely
As they’re wasting their time
Looking for a hidden meaning
That isn’t trying to hide

So many want to leave a mark
And have a star in the concrete
And work so hard to impress
Someone they’re never gonna meet

Life's just as much like a sword
As it is like a pen
Because the point's the smallest part
And isn't found 'til the end
a charmer with no intention,

you swept me off my feet.

like they always seem to do.  

but someday,

I hold fast,

to the idea that maybe,

just maybe,

you'll fly away with me too.
 Jan 2016 Carson Taylor
Like the waves in the ocean
That meet the shores and fade away
So did you, with my life
Every single day

Like the snowflakes in winter
That melt when they land
So did your trust
Each time you held my hand

Like the sand in the desert
Once here, then scattered
So were your promises
Leaving my heart shattered

Like a ghost in the darkness
One sees but is unreal
So were your words
And the things you made me feel

Like the glow of a firefly
Now gone, now bright  
So is your love
Goodbye, good night
Goodbye, good night
 Aug 2014 Carson Taylor
As the water and suds recede,
I allow the bubbles to seep into my ears
the sound like Pop Rocks candy
exploding in my brain
drumming in my ear drums.
When it is over,
I wring out the washcloth
and watch as the water does
a tornado dance down the drain--
and my tears with it.

But the bubbles will linger on my body
will cling to me like a desperation
I once felt from you.
 Jul 2014 Carson Taylor
blame it on those eyebrows arching over baby blue lies.
say anything reference
They say it’s okay in the end.
But I can think of so many times
when it wasn’t.
Or maybe that’s what death says
when he takes your hand.
”It’s okay…”
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